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Moltmann, Jurgen: The Future of Creation: Collected Essays Attenborough, Alison & Jamie Kimm: Williams-Sonoma Cooking For Friends Blackbourn, David: The Conquest of Nature: Water, Landscape and the Making of Modern Germany
Morella, Joseph & Patricia Barey: Simon and Garfunkel: Old Friends - A Dual Biography Carmichael, D.G: The McMichael Canadian Collection Robinson, Diana: To Stretch a Plank: A Survey of Psychokinesis
Leithauser, Brad: Curves and Angles Donway, Walter: Touched by Its Rays Giacometti, Alberto & Michel Leiris: Alberto Giacometti
Walker, Ralph: The Fly in the Amber: Comments on the Making of Architecture Gasser, Manuel: Self-Portraits from the Fifteenth Century to the Present Day Jameson, F. Gard: Phaethon: A Story for Our Mythic Moment, Volume One
Bram, Christopher: Exiles In America Barickman, Donald: Magnolias: Authentic Southern Cuisine Watson, William (editor): The Great Japan Exhibition: Art of the Edo Period, 1600-1868
Kalman, Maira: Ooh-la-la (Max in Love) Peden, Murray: Fall of an Arrow Müller, Karsten & Rainer Knaack: 222 Opening Traps after 1. E4
Kummer, Corby: The Pleasures of Slow Food: Celebrating Authentic Traditions, Flavors, and Recipes Tilman, H.W: Triumph and Tribulation LaPlante, Eve: Seized: Temporal Lobe Epilepsy As a Medical, Historical, and Artistic Phenomenon
Graves, Robert: The Big Green Book Herbert, James D: Our Distance from God: Studies of the Divine and the Mundane in Western Art and Music Kragh, Helge; Peter C. Kjaergaard, Henry Nielsen & Kristian Hvidtfeldt Nielsen: Science of Denmark: A Thousand-Year History
Pausanias: Description of Greece, Books III-V Galassi, Jonathan: Left-handed Davidson, Alan: The Oxford Companion to Food
Tracy, Robert: Goddess: Martha Graham's Dancers Remember Ballerini, Luigi; Beppe Cavatorta, Elena Coda & Paul Vangelisti (editors): Promised Land: Italian Poetry After 1975 - A Bilingual Edition Pirandello, Luigi: Tutti i Romanzi (Two Volumes)
Walker, Robert: Rachmaninoff: His Life and Times Woodford, Peggy: Shubert: His Life and Times Butterworth, Neil: Haydn: His Life and Times
Roseberry, Eric: Shostakovich: His Life and Times Seckerson, Edward: Mahler: His Life and Times Dowley, Tim: Bach: His Life and Times
James, Burnett: Wagner and the Romantic Disaster Opperby, Preben: Leopold Stokowski Kurlantzick, Joshua: A Great Place to Have a War: America in Laos and the Birth of a Military CIA
Eberhart, Mignon G: Enemy in the House Curtiss, Ursula: The Face of the Tiger Delbanco, Andrew: College: What It Was, Is, and Should Be
Gatje, Robert F: Marcel Breuer: A Memoir Pemble, John: Shakespeare Goes to Paris: How the Bard Conquered France Erdrich, Louise: Future Home of the Living God
Powell, Lawrence Clark: Southwest Classics: The Creative Literature of the Arid Lands - Essays on the Books and Their Writers Nuttall, Thomas: The North American Sylva; or, a Description of the Forest Trees of the United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia, .. Uhlemanno, Friderico: Institutiones Linguae Samaritanae [bound with] Chrestomathia Samaritana [and] Lexicon Samaritanum
Symons, Arthur (editor): The Savoy: An Illustrated Quarterly (Volumes I, II & III) Hawthorne, Nathaniel: A Wonder Book Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: Faust
Edwards, Folke; Gunilla Grahn-Hinnfors; Torsten Hild, Ingrid Sommar & Anders Westgardh: Design from Western Sweden Flores, Angel (editor): Great Spanish Stories Minnick, Ray: Canyon Light: The Seasons of Letchworth State Park
Livingston, Sonja: Ladies Night at the Dreamland Weber, William: Neither Victor nor Vanquished: America in the War of 1812 Verstynen, Timothy & Bradley Voytek: Do Zombies Dream of Undead Sheep?: A Neuroscientific View of the Zombie Brain
van Kaam, Adrian: Formative Spirituality, Volume Four: Scientific Formation Newman, Rafael (editor): Contemporary Jewish Writing in Switzerland: An Anthology Malins, Edward & The Knight of Glin: Lost Demesnes: Irish Landscape Gardening, 1660-1845
O'Connor, David: Ancient Nubia: Egypt's Rival in Africa Moulthrop, Samuel P: Iroquois Roberts, Ann Rockefeller: The Rockefeller Family Home: Kykuit
Wille, Jurg: Benno von Achenbach Darling, David: Equations of Eternity: Speculations on Consciousness, Meaning and the Mathematical Rules That Orchestrate the Cosmos Johnston, Robert H. (intro): Hans Christensen
Chevlowe, Susan: Common Man, Mythic Vision: The Paintings of Ben Shahn Richardson, Edgar P.; Brooke Hindle & Lillian B. Miller: Charles Willson Peale and His World Lyons, Nathan (editor): Aaron Siskind Photographer
L'Engle, Madeleine with Carole F. Chase: Glimpses of Grace: Daily Thoughts and Reflections Bobrow, Joseph: Zen and Psychotherapy: Partners in Liberation Derleth, August: The Hills Stand Watch
Chambliss, Carlson R: U.S. Paper Money Guide and Handbook Bernstein, J.M: Torture and Dignity: An Essay on Moral Injury Mellissinos, Joyce Mitchell: The Stuff of Fable: Accounts of Embassies in the Eighteenth Century
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