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ROY, J: The History of Canada. For the Use of Schools and Families ROYAL COMMISSION: Royal Commission on the Police 1960. Interim Report Presented to Parliament by Command of Her Majesty November 1960 ROYER-COLLARD, F.B: Skeleton Clocks
RUBENS, Bernice: I Sent a Letter to My Love. (SIGNED) RUCELLAI, Giovanni: La Coltivazione di Luigi Alamanni e L'Api RUNCIMAN, David: Pluralism and the personality of the state
RUSHTON, John: A History of Ryedale. North Yorkshire RUSKIN, John: Sesame and Lilies. Two Lectures by ..... RUSKIN, John. TURNER, J. M. W: The Harbours of England. Engraved by Thomas Lupton from Original Drawings made Expressively for the Work by J. M. W. Turner. With Illustrative Text by Ruskin
RUSSELL, Andy: The Rockies. (SIGNED) RUSSELL, Iain P: Hunt and be Damned RUSSELL, Maurice: Told To Burmese Children
RUST, Brian & FORBES, Sandy: British Dance Bands on Record 1911 to 1945 RUSTAVELI, Shota: The Knight in the Panther's Skin. Translated from the Georgian by Venera Urushadze RUTHVEN, Malise: Freya Stark in Southern Arabia
RYAN, John: The Bells of Rye RYAN, John: Signed Drawing of Captain Pugwash. Mounted and Framed SACKVILLE-WEST, Vita: Saint Joan of Arc. WITH SIGNED LETTER FROM AUTHOR
SADLER, Michael E: Report on Secondary and Higher Education in Essex. By.. SAFRIAN, Hans: Eichmann's Men SALETORE, B.A: Mediaeval Jainism With special reference to the Vijayanagara Empire
SALT, Major A. E. W: The Borough and Honour of Weobley SALTER, S. James A: Dental Pathology and Surgery SAMPSON, Carole: The First Mate Guide to Birmingham and the surrounding waterways including the BCN, Birmingham & Fazeley Canal, Grand Union Canal, Rivers Avon & Severn, Gloucester & Sharpness Canal, Staffordshire & Worcestershire Canal and the Worcester & Birmingham Canal
SAMPSON, Carole: The First Mate Guide to the Four Counties and Cheshire Rings plus the Caldon, Llangollen, Montgomery and Upper Peak Forest Canals, the River Weaver, the Runcorn Arm, the Shropshire Union Canal to Ellesmere Port, and the Trent & Mersey Canal from Fradley SAMPSON, Carole: The First Mate Guide to The Grand Union Canal plus the Regents Canal and the Lee & Stort Navigations SAMPSON, Carole: The First Mate Guide to The Non Tidal River Thames plus The River Wey, and The Basingstoke, Kennet & Avon and South Oxford Canals
SAMPSON, Carole: The First Mate Guide to The Trent & Mersey Canal SAMUEL, Raphael: Island Stories. Unravelling Britain. Theatre of Memory, Volume II SANDERS. E.K: Fenelon. His Friends and His Enemies 1651-1715
SANDERS, E.K: S. Francois de Sales. 1567-1622 SANDERSON, Edgar/EDWARDS, Neville P: The Fight for the Flag in South Africa/The Story of China. A History of the War from the Boer Ultimatum to the Advance of Lord Roberts; with one hundred illustrations and maps/With a Description of the Events Relating to the Present Struggle; with over seventy illustrations and maps (SANGORSKI & SUTCLIFFE. Fine Binding.) AUSTEN-LEIGH, R. A: The Master Printers Annual & Typographical Year Book 1953. Edited by R. A. Austen-Leigh
SANSOM, Clive: In the Midst of Death. Poems. FIRST EDITION SAPPER'S SON. (MCNEILE, Michael): Uncle James Pays a Visit SARGEAUNT, B. E: The Royal Monmouthshire Militia. Being a Detailed Description of the Regiment from the Year 1660 to the Time of its Transfer to the Special Reserve. (SIGNED PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR)
SARKAR, Benoy Kumar: Creative India from Mohenjo Daro to the age of Ramakrsna-Vivekananda SASSE, H.-C: Theodor Fontane. An Introduction to the Novels and Novellen SASSOON, Siegfried: Sassoon's Long Journey. An illustrated selection from The Complete Memoirs of George Sherston edited by Paul Fussell
SASTRI, pandit S, M. Natesa: The Dravidian Nights. Entertainments Being a Translation of Madanakamarajankadai SATYAJIT, Rey: A.I.R. Miscellany SAUNDERCOCK, Victor G: Harbour Vessels. (SIGNED)
SAVONA, Ernesto. U: Responding to Money Laundering. International Perspectives. Edited by.. (SAYERS, Peig) MACMAHON, Bryan (Trans.): Peig. The Autobiography of Peig Sayers of the Great Blasket Island SCALIA, Martino Beltrani: Il Sistema Penitenziario D'Inghilterra e D'Irlanda
SCARFE, Norman: The Way it Was. Erasmus the Wise and his Friends. The spread of true learning in Europe. Series Editor: Brian Chaplin (SCARY). HATWOOD, Mark David: SCARY. 7 Days and 7 Nights. An Official Biography of "The Scary Guy". (SIGNED BY SCARY) A Wake-Up Call to Change the Mindset of the World SCHAFER, Stephen: The Political Criminal. The Problem of Morality and Crime
SCHERER, Peter: 50 Years of British Grand Prix Racing SCHLEGELMILCH, Rainer W: Ferrari Formula 1. Text: Hartmut Lehbrink SCHRASSERT, Johan: Consultatien, Advysen ende Avertissementen; Waer in verscheyde gevellewn...
SCHRODER, John: Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts by Rupert Brooke Edward Marsh & Christopher Hassall.. Collected, compiled and annotated by ........... With a frontispiece by Joan Hassall SCOTT, Harold, C.B. edited by: Belgian Prisons and Reformatory Institutions in 1936. Being a Report on the Visit of English Prison Officials to Belgium. September and October, 1936. By.... Chairman, H.M. Prison Commissioners For England and Wales. Printed at H.M. Prison, Maidstone for Private Circulation [SCOTT, Michael]: Tom Cringle's Log
SCOTT, Robert & GORDON, Jay: Lessek's Key. The Eldarn Sequence Book Two SCOTT, Sir Walter: Bridal of Triermain, Harold the Dauntless, Field of Waterloo and Other Poems. POCKET EDITION IN FULL LEATHER SCOTT, Walter: The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott. With Memoir and Critical Dissertation. In Two Volumes. HANDSOMELY BOUND IN HALF MAROON MOROCCO
SCOULOUDI, Dolly: Dancing Rhymes and Others SEAMAN, Gerald R: History of Russian Music. Volume 1 from its Origins to Dargomyzhsky SEARLE, Townley: A Bibliography of Sir William Schwenck Gilbert. With Bibliographical Adventures in the Gilbert & Sullivan Operas by..... And an Introduction by R. E. Swartwout,M.A
SEAWARD, Sir Edward: Narrative of His Shipwreck and consequent discovery of certain islands in the Caribbean Sea: with a detail of many extraordinary and highly interesting events in his life, from the year 1733 to 1749, as written in his own diary. Edited by Miss Jane Porter. The Black Heritage Library Collection SEDDON, Toby: A History of Drugs. Drugs and freedom in the liberal age SEEGER, Elizabeth: The Five Sons of King Pandu. The Story of the Mahabharata. Adapted from the English Translation of Kisari Mohan Ganguli. With Illustrations by Gordon Laite
SEEGER, Elizabeth: The Five Sons of King Pandu. The Story of Mahabharata. Adapted from the English Translation of Kisari Mohan Ganguli by Elizabeth Seeger and Illustrated by Gordon Laite SEGNER, Dominicus: Opus Dei Admirabile. Tribus Maximis apud Theologos celeberrimis accensendum. Seu Suprema Dignitatis, ac Potestatis Plenitudo S. Petro, ac Successoribus a Christo Domino concessa, et Studio Dominici Segneri Antiatis V.I.D. Explicata SELIMOVIC, Mesa. ANDRIC, Ivo. (BERBER, Mersad): Mersad Berber
SENA, John F: A Bibliography of Melancholy. 1660-1800 SENIOR, William. ('Redspinner,' Editor of 'The Field'): Pike and Perch. By.... With chapters by 'John Bickerdyke' and W.H. Pope. Cookery by Alexander Innes Shand. Fur, Feather and Fin Series Edited by Alfred E.T. Watson SERRAILLIER, Ian: Poems and Pictures
SERVENTY, Vincent: In Praise of Australian Trees SETON, Ernest Thompson: Billy and Other Stories from Wild Animal Ways. Being the Personal Histories of Billy; Atalapha; The Wild Geese of Wyndgoul; Jinny SETON, Ernest Thompson: Foam Razorback. His Life and Adventures and Other Stories from Wild Animal Ways. Being the Personal Histories of Foam: The Razor-Backed Hog Coaly-Bay: The Outlaw Horse Way-Atcha: The Coon Raccoon of Kilder Creek
SEVA, Prof. Antonio (Director): The European Handbook of Psychiatry and Mental Health SHAH, Idries: The Subtleties of the Ininitable Mulla Nasrudin; The Exploits of the Incomparable Mulla Nasrudin. Two Volumes in One SHAHAR, David: Stories From Jerusalem. Translated by Dalya Bilu and others
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