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Chapter Two Books
Scott, Shaw C: Stories from the Karkloof Hills
Mackenzie, Rob: David Livingstone the Truth Behind the Legend
Hewson, Leslie A: They Seek a City: Methodism in Grahamstown
Gray, Richard: The Two Nations Aspects of the Development of Race Relations in the Rhodesias and Nyasaland
Raper, Peter E: New Dictionary of South African Place Names
Mhlagazanhlansi: My Friend Kumalo
Gallico, Paul: The Snow Goose Illustrated Edition
Hanlon, Joseph; Manjengwa, Jeanette; Smart, Teresa: Zimbabwe Takes Back Its Land
Harris, Captain Sir William Cornwallis: Wild Sports of Southern Africa
Collins, Wm. M: Free Statia Reminiscences of a Lifetime in the Orange Free State
Chase, John Centlivres: The Natal Papers
Balfour, Alice Blanche: Twelve Hundred Miles in a Waggon
Arbousset, Rev T and Daumas, Rev F: Narrative of an Exploratory Tour to the North-East of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, By the Revs. T. Arbousset and F. Dumas, of the Paris Missionary Society
Gillespie, Stirling: Celluloid Safari Filming Big Game from Cape to Cairo
Coudenhove, Hans: My African Neighbours Man Bird and Beast in Nyasaland
Martin, David and Johnson, Phyllis: The Struggle for Zimbabwe the Chimurenga War
Koss, Stephen: Pro-Boers: The Anatomy of an Anti-War Movement
Pritchard, J. Lawrence: Sir George Cayley the Inventor of the Aeroplane
Nixon, John: The Complete Story of the Transvaal from The "Great Trek" to the Convention of London
Wassermann, Johann; Kearney, Brian (editors): A Warrior's Gateway: Durban and the Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902
Lawrence, T E: Seven Pillars of Wisdom
Miller, Yvonne; Maude-Stone, Babrbara: Dear Old Durban
Bulpin, T V: Islands in a Forgotten Sea
Jansen, Chris; Small, Adam: Oos Wes Tuis Bes Distrik Ses
Martin, Lt-Gen H J & Orpen, Col Neil D: South Africa at War Military and Industrial Organization and Operations in Connection with the Conduct of the War, 1939-1945
Millais, J G: A Breath from the Veldt
Roosevelt, Theodore: African Game Trails
Robinson, John (Ed): George Linton or, the First Years of an English Colony
Leyland, J: Adventures in the far interior of South Africa
Scobie, Alastair: Adventurer's Paradise
Herman Charles Bosman: Best of Bosman
Louw, Juliet Marais: Wagon-tracks and Orchards: Early Days in Sandton
Dekker, Nicholas: Maqoma's Last War or the Sabotage of the Troopship HMS Birkenhead
Pienaar, Kristo: The South African What Flower is That?
Du Chaillu, Paul B: Explorations & Adventures in Equatorial Africa with Accounts of the Manners and Customs of the People and of the Chase of the Gorilla, Crocodile, Leopard, Elephant, Hippopotamus and Other Animals
Wolhuter, H: Memories of a Game Ranger
Willock, Colin (ed): The Enormous Zoo a Profile of Two National Parks
Lyell, D D: Nyasaland for the Hunter and Settler
Ahmed Kathrada; Tim Couzens: A Simple Freedom: The Strong Mind of Robben Island Prisoner, No. 468/64
Pearse, Malcolm L: A Camera in Quathlamba
Owens, Mark & Delia: Cry of the Kalahari
Percival, A Blaney: A Game Ranger's Note Book
Baraitser, Michael; Obholzer, Anton: Cape Country Furniture: A Pictorial Survey of Regional Styles, Materials, and Techniques in the Cape Province of South Africa
Nortje, Piet: 32 Battallion - The Inside Story of South Africa's Elite Fighting Unit
Poland, Marguerite: The Abundant Herds
van Reenen, Rykie: Emily Hobhouse Boer War Letters
"Jack The Sniper": "A Peep Over the Barleycorn" in the Firing Line with the P.W.O. 2nd West Yorkshire Regiment, Through the Relief of Ladysmith
Lakeman, Sir Stephen: What I Saw in Kaffir-Land (The Kaffir War of 1850-53)
Capt W. E. Montague: CAMPAIGNING IN SOUTH AFRICA: Reminiscences of an Officer in 1879 (Zulu War)
Bancroft, James W: Zulu War VCs Victoria Crosses of the Anglo-Zulu War 1879
Truesdale, David & Young, John: Victoria's Harvest the Irish Soldier in the Zulu War of 1879
Knight, Ian: With His Face to the Foe the Life and Death of Louis Napoleon, the Prince Imperial Zululand 1879
Lunderstedt, Steve: From Belmont to Bloemfontein. The Western Campaign of the Anglo-Boer War February 1899 to April 1900 + Magersfontein Monuments
Winston Churchill the greatest figure of our time an eightieth year tribute
Wallace, Edgar: Unofficial Dispatches of the Anglo-Boer War
Gale, W D: One Man's Vision
Guggisberg, C A W: Simba the life of the Lion
Ayliff, Rev John: The Journal of "Harry Hastings" Albany Settler
Dugmore, Rev. Henry Hare: Reminiscences of an Albany Settler
Currey, R N: Letters and Other Writings of a Natal Sheriff Thomas Phipson 1815-76
Wallis, J.P.R: Thomas Baines of King's Lynn Explorer and Artist 1820-1875
The War Museum Of The Boer Republics: The Anglo-Boer War in 100 Objects
Uys, Ian S: Victoria Crosses of the Anglo-Boer War
Grinell-Milne, Duncan: Baden-Powell at Mafeking
Burton, A W: Sparks from the Border Anvil
Denfield, Joseph: Pioneer Port the Illustrated History of East London
Hunt, John: The Ascent of Everest
Barnard, Anne Lindsay: The letters of Lady Anne Barnard to Henry Dundas, from the Cape and elsewhere, 1793-1803, together with her Journal of a tour into the interior, and certain other letters
Mohr, Eduard: To the Victoria Falls of the Zambesi
Bolsman, Eric: Winston Churchill the Making of a Hero in the South African War
Lock, Ron & Quantrill, Peter (Comp): The 1879 Zulu War through the Eyes of the Illustrated London News
Greaves, Adrian: Crossing the Buffalo The Zulu War of 1879
Schoeman, Karel: Early Slavery at the Cape of Good Hope 1652-1717
Baxter, Peter: Rhodesia Last Outpost of the British Empire 1890 - 1980
Boggie, Jeannie M: First Steps in Civilising Rhodesia Being a True Account of the Earliest White Settlers - Men, Women and Children - in Southern and Northern Rhodesia
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