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Fortuna Books Books

McLEOD Fiona (William Sharp): The Silence of Amor; Where the Forest Murmurs JOHNSON E. Pauline Aka Tekahionwake: Flint and Feather, Collected Verse KELLY Greg: Gun in the hills; a sportsmans adventures, mostly in New Zealand
HALL J. W: Trial of William Joyce; Notable British Trials Series WHITE Gilbert: The Natural History of Selborne; with Observations on Various Parts of Nature; and The Naturalists Calendar DRUID. The, Aka Henry Hall Dixon: Saddle and Sirloin, or English Farm and Sporting Worthies "The Druid " Sporting Library Red Leather Edition
FISCHER Bobby: My 60 memorable games. Selected and fully annotated by Bobby Fischer. With introductions to the games by Larry Evans MANSFIELD Katherine: The Garden Party and other Stories KINGLAKE A W: Eothen
HEYNEMAN Julie Helen: Desert Cactus, the Portrait of a Sculptor (Arthur Putnam) IDRIESS Ion L: Gold-dust and Ashes, the Romantic Story of the New Guinea Goldfields COPLEY Esther Hewlett/Copley: The Lads of the Factory; with Friendly Hints on Their Duties and Dangers
DAVIS Howard Charles: The Waxworks Spies KLUKOFF Philip J: In Night's Chirp, Poems BROWN Carter: Sweetheart This is Homicide
POSPISIL Bohumil: Wandering on the Islands of Wonder (signed By author) SUDDABY Donald: The Star Raiders RICKMAN Phil: The Wine of Angels, a Ghost Story
GREENE Graham: The Little Train JOHNSON Lawrence H: Winged Sabers: The Air Cavalry in Vietnam: 1965-1973 FRASER John Foster: Round the World on a Wheel
Edited By G. A. HENTY: Yule Logs, Longmans Colonial Library Christmas Volume 1898 HARVEY David Illustrated By Pauline Baynes: Dragon Smoke and Magic Song HILL Billy: Boss of Britain's Underworld
BUTLER Joan Pseudonym Robert William Alexander: Gilt Edged BALLARD J G: Concrete Island CARTER Angela: The Sadeian Woman and the Ideology of Pornography
BEAUVOIR Simone De: The Marquis De Sade - an Essay By Simone De Beauvoir with Selections from His Writings Chosen By Paul Dinnage Consociazione Turistica Italiana: Attraverso L' Italia Illustrazione Delle Refioni Italiane Volume Non ROMA Parte Prima & Secondo ( 2 Vols ) LYELL Charles Translates DANTE: The Canzoniere of Dante Alighieri, including the poems of the Vita Nuova and Convito; Italian and English. Translated by Charles Lyell
TODD Barbara Euphan: Worzel Gummidge and Saucy Nancy BRIGGS Raymond: The Strange House MACFADDEN Bernarr: Manhood and Marriage
MOGGACH Deborah: Tulip Fever (Uncorrected Proof Copy) SMITH Wilbur: The Leopard Hunts In Darkness HAICH Elisabeth: Initiation
MACCULLOCH D. N. J: The Chororgraphy of Suffolk (presentation copy) FIELD F. J: An Armorial for Cumberland. (heraldry) PLANCHE J. R: The Pursuivant of Arms; or, Heraldry Founded Upon Facts
EVANS George Ewart: The Horse in the Furrow HULME Keri: The Bone People CASELBERG John: Lines, Scenes and Passages from Verse Dramas with a Valedictory Sequence for Colin McCahon
WILSON Colin: Religion and the Rebel WILSON Colin: Order of Assassins, the psychology of Murder WILSON Colin: The God of the Labyrinth
HASTINGS Michael: The Castle of Vengeance HECKEL & WOLF: Horolezecka Zastaveni CHRISTIE Agatha: Appointment with Death (facsimile edition)
SERRAILLIER Ian: The Monster Horse WAUGH Evelyn: Unconditional Surrender MCQUARRIE Peter: Strategic Atolls: Tuvalu and the Second World War
BATES H. E. ( Flying Officer X ): The Stories of Flying Officer 'X' LEE Arthur Gould: Open Cockpit: A pilot of the Royal Flying Corps LANGFORD Gary: The Family (first work)
JACKSON David: Temperate and Subtropical Fruit Production (for New Zealand climate) MARTIN John E: The House, New Zealand's House of Representatives 1854-2004 BALLARD J G: The Voices of Time and Other Stories
BRENT-DYER Elinor M: Adrienne and the Chalet School HOSKEN Evelyn: Turn Back the Clock COOPER, BLOOM & ROTH: The Biochemical Basis of Neuropharmacology
WHITCOMBE & TOMBS: Whitcombe's Everyday Cookery for Every Housewife with Pressure Cooking OLESKER Harry: Now, Will You Try For Murder? WODEHOUSE P G: Very Good, Jeeves
ADAMS Arthur Henry: Tussock Land: A Romance of New Zealand and the Commonwealth TRAILL Catharine Parr: Lost in the Backwoods - A Tale of the Canadian Forest HENTY G A: The Young Buglers, A Tale of the Peninsula War
PILKINGTON: Cathedral and Figured Rolled Glass ELLIS E S: The Hunt of the White Elephant GILMORE D. H: The Tale of Gregory Grasshopper
CARROLL Lewis: Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass Department of Maori Studies: Te Maori - Te Hokinga Mai, the Return Home Resource Kit 1986/87 DEERE Brendon: Military Wings, Nine RNZAF Aircraft
anon: War Birds, Diary of an Unknown Aviator CHEIRO Louis Hamon: Cheiro's Guide to the Hand BRUCE Mary Grant: Mates at Billabong
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