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Pomeroy, Sarah B.;Burstein, Stanley M.;Donlan, Walter;Roberts, Jennifer Tolbert;Burstein, Stanley Mayer: A Brief History of Ancient Greece: Politics Cosiety and Culture ial, and Cultural History
Kebric, Robert B: Greek People
Duruy,Victor: The World of the Greeks
Gebhard, Elizabeth R: The Theatre at Isthmia
Rodenwaldt, Gerhart: The Acropolis
Chamoux, Francois: Greek Art: The Pallas Library of Art
Norwich, John Julius: Love in the Ancient World
Green, Peter: The Parthenon
Meletzis, Spyros & Papadakis, Helene: Acropolis and Museum
Wilson, Benjamin Franklin: The Parthenon at Athens, Greece and at Nashville, Tennessee
Elderkin, G.W. (George Wicker): Problems in Periclean Buildings
Hopper, R.J: The Acropolis
Frel, Jiri: Greek Architecture
Towne-Markus, Elana: Masterpieces of the J. Paul Getty Museum: Antiquities
Carpenter, Rhys: Greek Sculpture: a Critical Review
Hamilton,Edith: The Greek Way
Porter, David H: Only Connect : Three Studies in Greek Tragedy
Throckmorton, Peter: Shipwrecks and archaeology : the unharvested sea
Andronikos, Manolis (Andronicos]: Thessalonike Museum : A New Guide to the Archaeological Treasures
Schefold, Karl: Art of Classical Greece
Richter, Gisela M.A: A Handbook of Greek Art
Miller, Helen Hill: Bridge to Asia :The Greeks in the Eastern Mediterranean
Humble, Richard: Warfare in the Ancient World
Baldry, H.C: The Greek Tragic Theatre (Ancient Culture & Society series)
Zafiropoulos, Simoni (editor): Greece in Poetry : With Paintings, Drawings, Photographs, and Other Works of Art
Curtis, Gregory: Disarmed: The Story of the Venus de Milo
Bowra,C. M. (Cecil Maurice): The Greek Experience
Casson,Stanley: Macedonia,Thrace and Illyria : Their Relations to Greece from the earliest Times Doen to the Time Pf Philip,Son of Amyntas
Taplin, Oliver: Greek Tragedy in Action
Young, Douglas: Chasing an Ancient Greek : Discursive Reminiscences of an European Journey
Carpenter, Rhys: Beyond the Pillars of Heracles: the Classical World Seen Through the Eyes of Its Discoverers [Great Explorers Series]
Benson, J.L [Jack Leonard]: Ancient Leros
Canfora, Luciano: The Vanished Library : A Wonder of the Ancient World
Dickinson, G Lowes: The Greek View of Life
Zemer, Avshalom [ed]: Dionysus and His Companions
Anronicos, Manolis: National Museum
Cardinal Road: Weller, Evelyn L. [Louise]
Wycherley,R.E: How the Greeks Built Cities
Eyles, Desmond: Pottery in the Ancient World
Archilochos, Sappho: The Soldier and the Lady: Poems of Archilochos and Sappho
Glover, T.R. [Terrot Reaveley]: Greek Byways
Robertson, D.S.(Donald Struan): A Handbook of Greek and Roman Architecture
Kelle, Brad E: Ancient Israel at War 853-586 BC
Renfrew, Colin: Archaeology & Language, The Puzzle of Indo-European Origins
MacQueen, J.G: The Hittites and Their Contemporaries in Asia Minor
Losh, Chris: Jakie wino masz w kieliszku? Rozpoznawanie i degustowanie win - Chris Losh [KSIÄLtKA]
Homer: A Odissea de Homero [Joao De Barros]
Rosander, Lars: Sommarskymnings svalka : en oscarisk episod ur kapten Gustaf Malcolms efterla?mnade handlingar
Hansen,Thorkild: Kunglig sookapten : Jens Munk, mannen som pa Kristian IV:s order for snart 350 ar sedan seglade i Hudson Bay pa spaning efter Nordvaastpassagen
Ehrlich, Eugene: Veni, Vidi, Vici: Conquer Your Enemies, Impress Your Friends with Everyday Latin
Ratt, Solomon: Woods Cree Stories
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American School of Classical Studies Athens: The Athenian Agora : A Guide to the Excavations and Museum
American School of Classical Studies Athens: The Athenian Agora : A Guide to the Excavations
Livingstone, R.W: The Legacy of Greece: Essays
Grant, Michael: The Classical Greeks
Hurwit, Jeffrey M: The Art and Culture of Early Greece, 1100-480 B.C
Gulick, Charles Burton: Modern Traits in Old Greek Life
Alkim, U Bahadir: Anatolia I :(From the Beginnings to the End of the 2nd. Millennium BC) Archaeologica Mundi Series
Ley, Graham: A Short Introduction to the Ancient Greek Theater
Wise, Jennifer: Dionysus Writes: The Invention of Theatre in Ancient Greece
Webster, T.B.L. [Thomas Bertram Lonsdale]: Greek theatre production
Haigh, A.E. & Pickard-Cambridge, A.W: The Attic theater : a description of the stage and theater of the Athenians, and of the dramatic performances at Athens
Harsh, Philip W: Handbook of Classical Drama
Renfrew, Colin: Before Civilization : The Radio-Carbon Revolution and Prehistoric Europe
Robertson, D.S.(Donald Struan): Greek and Roman Architecture
Oman, C.W.C. [Charles William Chadwick]: A History of Greece from the Earliest Times to the Death of Alexander the Great
Starr, Chester G: A History of the Ancient World
Gardner, Ernest Arthur: A Handbook of Greek Sculpture
White, Mary E [ed]: Studies in Honour of Gilbert Norwood [Phoenix - Journal of the Classiclal Association of Canada Supplementary Volume I]
Somerset, FitzRoy Richard [4th. Baron Raglan]: Jocasta's crime : an anthropological study
Lehmann,Johannes: The Hittites : People of a Thousand Gods
Devambez, Pierre: Greek Sculpture
Glover, T.G [Terrot Reaveley]: The Challenge of the Greek and Other Essays
Boting Lin: Hua niao hua fa 1. 2. 3 = Birds and Flowers 1-2-3
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