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Gunn, Edward M: Unwelcome Muse: Chinese Literature in Shanghai and Peking 1937-1945 (Studies of the East Asian Institute)
Conkelton, Sheryl; Thomas, Barbara: Never Late for Heaven
Blaser, W: Mies van der Rohe. Continuing the Chicago School of Architecture
Myers, Robin; Harris, Michael (editors): A Genius for Letters: Booksellers and Bookselling from the 16th to the 20th Century
Huang Zhongfang; Harold Wong: Kaikodo Journal: Unperturbed: The Art of Huang Zhongfang (Harold Wong)
Vassilakis, Nico: Text Loses Time
Inoue, Mitsuo: Space in Japanese Architecture
Hoffman, Walter James: The graphic art of the Eskimos: Based upon the collections in the National Museum
Bartenev, I. ; Fyodorov, B. (Cook, Kathleen Trans.): North Russian Architecture
Christeson, R.P: Old Time Fiddler's Repertory: 245 Traditional Tunes
Dunbar, Paul Laurence; Gene Andrew Jarrett; Thomas Lewis Morgan: The Complete Stories of Paul Laurence Dunbar
Barnett, Anthony: The Resting Bell
Joe Garner: Never Under the Table: a Story of British Columbia's Forests and Government Mismanagement
Ramazani, Jahan: Poetry of Mourning: The Modern Elegy from Hardy to Heaney
Picker, Fred: Fred Picker
Butler, Sharon J: Conquering Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Other Repetitive Strain Injuries
Campanini, Alessandro; Marelli, Angelo: Canzo: Ricordi Attraverso Vecchie Immagini
Boynton, Searles: The Painter Lady: Grace Carpenter Hudson
Dunbar, Elizabeth; Gajin Fujita: Zephyr: Paintings by Gajin Fujita
Badawy, Alexander: Architecture in Ancient Egypt and the Near East
Mason, Darielle; Goswamy, B. N: Intimate Worlds: Indian Paintings from the Alvin O. Bellak Collection
Davis, Robert "Fritz": Seattle Street Art volume #3: "All City"
Barr, Mary (ed): Headlands: Thinking through New Zealand Art
Pomeroy, Oren D: The Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases of the Ear
Pieroth, Doris: Seattle's Women Teachers of the Interwar Years: Shapers of a Livable City (McLellan Endowed Series)
Gormley, Antony: Critical Mass: Antony Gormley
Greenough, Paul; Tsing, Anna Lowenhaupt (Editors): Nature in the Global South: Environmental Projects in South and Southeast Asia
Droessler, Judith: Craniometry and Biological Distance: Biocultural Continuity and Change at the Late-Woodland - Mississippian Interface
Schoemperlen, Diane: Double Exposures
Geist, Otto Wm: Report of the Alaska Agricultural College and School of Mines [Covering Archaeological Investigations and Excavations) Fourth Bering Sea - St. Lawrence Island Expedition 1933
Quintavalle, Augusta Ghidiglia: Gli Ultimi Affreschi Del Parmigianino
Sloan, John; Sloan, Helen Farr: American Art Nouveau: The Poster Period of John Sloan: A Selection of Hitherto Unpublished Prints and Autobiographical Recollections by the Artist, Collected by Helen Farr Sloan
Grupp, Joachim: Shotokan Karate Kata Vol. 1
Rands, Agnes: Where the Huckleberries Grow
Julia Vinograd: Berkeley Street Cannibals Selected Poems, 1969-1976
Schrag, Karl; Johnson, Una E: Karl Schrag: A Catalogue RAisonne of the Graphic Works 1939-1970
Winchester, Mollie C: Oft-Told Tales of Lincoln
Jones, Nard: Still to the West
Noguchi, Akira: Illustrated Moss Flora of Japan, Part 3
Noguchi, Akira: Illustrated Moss Flora of Japan, Part 5
Colquhoun, Alan: Modernity and the Classical Tradition: Architectural Essays 1980-1987
Bourcier, Paul: History in the Mapping: Four Centuries of Adirondack Cartography a Catalog of Exhibition
Ingunn Lunde; Martin Paulsen (eds.) Paulsedn Martin, Andersen, Henning, Rutten Ellen, Lunde Ingunn, Roesen, Tine, Uffelmann, Dirk, Grelz, Karin, Witt, Susanna, ryazanova-Clarke, Lara, Gorham, Michaels S.; Et al: From poets to Padonki : linguistic authority and norm negotiation in modern Russian Culture
Holy, Jiri: Writers Under Siege: Czech Literature Since 1945
Gagon, Carolle; Gauthier, Ninon; Marcel Barbeau: Marcel Barbeau: Fugato
Smith, Gordon: Gordon Smith : Entanglements
Crone, Rainer; Moos, David: The Rape of Io: Paintings By Tony Scherman
Briggs, Raymond: Ethel And Ernest: A True Story
Eggers, Dave (editor): Timothy McSweeney's We Now Know Who : Issue No. 6 (with CD)
Crispo, Dick; Watson, Lisa Crawford: Carmel Art Association, Its Legends and Legacies, 1927 -- 2007
Danzker, Jo-Anne Birnie: Beloved, Pictures at an Exhibition
Bartels, Kathleen S. ; Wall, Jeff: Patrick Faigenbaum
No Author: Future Ruins: Rodrigo Valenzuela
Anderson, Patrik: Gordon Smith: Black and White
Rabuzzi, Kathryn Allen; Daly, Robert W: Literature an Medicine Volume 8: The Cultures of Medicine
Finlay, Karen: A Woman's Place : Art and the Role of Women in the Cultural Formation of Victoria, B.C., 1850s-1920s
Weibel, Peter (ed.): The Vienna Group: A Moment of Modernity 1954-1960 The Visual Works and the Actions: Friedrich Achleitner, h.c. Artmann, Konrad Bayer, Gerhard Ruhm, Oswald Wiener
No Author: Definitive AC/DC Songbook
O'neill, Mora Dianne & Stone, Caroline: Two Artists Time Forgot /Deux Artistes Oubliees Par L'histoire: Frances Jones (Bannerman) & Margaret Campbell Macpherson
McLaren, T.A: Ships of Steel: A British Columbia Shipbuilder's Story
Gallagher, John: Geisha: A Unique World of Tradition, Elegance and Art
Bufano, Beniamino; Miller, Henry: Bufano: Sculptures, Mosaics, Drawings
Decker, Frances; Fougberg, Margaret; Ronayne, Mary: Pemberton: The History of a Settlement
Todd, Jack: The Taste of Metal : A Deserter's Story
Florence Peterson; Sally Mitchell; Janet Love Morrison: Whistler Reflections
Bach, Orville E: Tracking the Spirit of Yellowstone: Recollections of 31 Years as a Seasonal Ranger
Wilayto, Phil: In Defense of Iran: Notes from a U.S. Peace Delegations' Journey Throught the Islamic Republic
Adler, Bill (ed.): The Robert F. Kennedy wit: a Sparkling Collection of RFK's Wit and Wisdom
Lindsay, Roger: Lightning ("Aircraft Illustrated" Special)
Craig, John: By the Sound of Her Whistle
Don E. Waite: The Langley Story Illustrated: An Early History of the Municipality of Langley
Woodcock, Sally (ed.): Big Pictures: Problems and Solutions for Treating Outsize Paintings
Ullmann, Monika: The Life and Art of David Marshall (The Unheralded Artists of Bc)
Henry, Alexander (Barry Gough, Editor): The Journal of Alexander Henry The Younger 1799-1814 (in 2 volumes) Vol.I -Red River and the Journey to the Missouri; Vol.II- The Saskatchewan and Columbia Rivers
Kemp, John F.; Young, Peter: Ship Stability Notes and Examples
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