Hathaway, Michael, ed.; Charles Bukowski: Chiron Review, Vol. VIII, #4/Winter, 1989. [Charles Bukowski:

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Hathaway, Michael, ed.; Charles Bukowski

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Chiron Review, Vol. VIII, #4/Winter, 1989. [Charles Bukowski: "I Got Your Amnesty!" and "Fair Enough"] by Hathaway, Michael, ed.; Charles Bukowski listed for sale on Bibliophile Bookbase. Click here for full details and on-line purchase.

Chiron Review, Vol. IX, #1. Spring, 1990. [Charles Bukowski: "Henry Miller and Burroughs" and "My Turn"] by Hathaway, Michael, ed.; Charles Bukowski listed for sale on Bibliophile Bookbase. Click here for full details and on-line purchase.