Holub (Emil): EMIL HOLUB'S TRAVELS NORTH OF THE ZAMBEZI 1885-6, being a translation into English of part of the second volume of 'Von der Capstadt ins Land der Maschukulumbe, Reisen im südlichen Afrika in den Jahren 1883-7' by Christa Johns, edited by L. Holy

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Holub (Emil)

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EMIL HOLUB'S TRAVELS NORTH OF THE ZAMBEZI 1885-6, being a translation into English of part of the second volume of 'Von der Capstadt ins Land der Maschukulumbe, Reisen im südlichen Afrika in den Jahren 1883-7' by Christa Johns, edited by L. Holy by Holub (Emil) listed for sale on Bibliophile Bookbase. Click here for full details and on-line purchase.