Iongh, H.H. de (et al., editors), 2003: The harmonization of Red Lists for threatened species in Europe. Proceedings of an International Seminar in Leiden, 27 and 28 November 2002. [Meded. Nederl. Comm. Internat. Natuurbesch., 38.]

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Iongh, H.H. de (et al., editors), 2003

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The harmonization of Red Lists for threatened species in Europe. Proceedings of an International Seminar in Leiden, 27 and 28 November 2002. [Meded. Nederl. Comm. Internat. Natuurbesch., 38.] by Iongh, H.H. de (et al., editors), 2003 listed for sale on Bibliophile Bookbase. Click here for full details and on-line purchase.