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Watson, R.G.T: Tongaati An African Experiment Van Onselen, Charles: The Small Matter of a Horse: The Life of "Nongoloza" Mathebula 1867-1948 Friedman, Scott: Punchlines, Pitfalls and Powerful Programs : 10 surefire ways of adding humor to your presentations
Ashby-Sterry, J: Boudoir Ballads Thorpe, S. A: Primal Religions Worldwide: (Manualia didactica) Golomshtok, Igor; Glezer, Alexander: Unofficial Art from the Soviet Union
Picard, Abel: L'H?ritage du Bo?r - ouvrage illustr? de vingt-cinq compositions De Mas Le Roux, T. H., Groeneweg, J J ; Kritzinger, Dr M S B: De Leeuwendalers Bell of Antermony, John ; Stevenson, J L (Ed): A Journey From St Petersburg To Pekin 1719-22
Lasarev, V N: Pages from the History of Novgorodian Painting : The Double-Faced Tablets from the St Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod Fairbridge, Dorothea: Historic Farms of South Africa : The Wool, The Wheat, and The Wine of the 17th and 18th Centuries Catalogue of Books of South African Interest: Africana, Voyages and Travel, Natural History, Art - which will be sold by public auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Tuesday, 16th March 1976
Toerien, Heine ; Duby, George (eds): Ons Kuns 3 Dostoyevsky, Fyodor: The Friend of the Family Paustovsky, Konstantin: Southern Adventure continuing Story Of A Life
Black, Gavin: Suddenly, At Singapore Farnol, Jeffery: John O' The Green : A Romance (Colonial Edition) Meiring, Hannes: Boukunsskatte van Suid-Afrika
Gray, Stephen: The Assassination of Shaka by Mhlangane Dingane and Mbopa on 22 September 1828 at Dukuza By Which Act the Zulu Nation First Lost its Empire Badenhorst, Alie ; Rothmann, M E (trans): Tant Alie van Transvaal : Die Dagboek van Alie Badenhorst Christie, Agatha: The Clocks
Van der Walt, Derick: Hoopvol van Zyl, Irna; Visser, Annelize (translator): Dead in the Water Courtenay, Bryce: Power of One / Tandia
Natani?l: Natani?l Kook Scholtz, J. du P: Katrine Harries: Life and work Botha, Marielise: Herkoms van die Kaapse stoele
Strutt, Daphne H: Fashion In South Africa 1652-1900 : An illustrated history of styles and materials for men, women and children, with notes on footwear, hairdressing, accessories and jewellery Deh?rain, Henri: L'Expansion des Boers au XIXe Si?cle Guareschi, Giovanni: Don Camillo Meets Hell's Angels
Portraits of Emerging Empowerment Lyon, Elinor: Rider's Rock Gronum, M A: Die Bittereinders Junie 1901-Mei 1902
Gordin, Jeremy: Zuma: A Biography Reventlow, Chr. Ditlev: The Artists of Georg Jensen Silver Stroebel, A J: Ons Leef Mooi : Eietydse Binnenshuisveriering in die RSA
Schoeman, Emsie: Elegant Geklee Rutherfoord, Mary ; Murray, Joyce (Ed): In Mid-Victorian Cape Town : Letters From Miss Rutherfoord van der Spuy, Una: Maak Tuin Met Struike : Struike van die W?reld vir Tuine in Suider-Afrika
Palmer, Eve: Kruie Vir Huis En Tuin Reyneke, Moedi: Uit my kruietuin (Afrikaans Edition) Spengler, Oswald ; Atkinson, Charles Francis (trans): The Decline of the West (One Volume Edition)
Heydt, Johann Wolffgang ; Raven-Hart, Major R: Scenes of the Cape of Good Hope in 1741 as drawn by Johann Wolffgang Heydt Steinbeck, John: A Russian Journal Compiled by Railway Language Bureau of the South african Transport Services: Spyskaartwoordeboek: Fr.-Eng.-Afr., Eng.-Afr.-Fr., Afr.-Eng.-Fr Menu Dictionary
Patterson, Gareth: My Lion's Heart : a Life for the Lion's of Africa Anka, Darryl ; Luana Ewing [Editor]: Bashar: Blueprint for Change : A Message from Our Future Bar-Gal, Dvir: Shanghai Photographs : For the Benefit of the People
Wright, Neil: A Potter's Tale in Africa : The Life and Works of Andrew Walford Du Val, Charles: With a Show Through Southern Africa and Personal Reminiscences of the Transvaal War De Halacsy, E: Conspectus Florae Graecae
Brettell, J.H: John Mack, Mining Pioneer and Benefactor. A Short Biography White, C. [Editor]; Hales, J. [Editor];: The Personal is the Professional: Therapists Reflect on Their Families, Lives and Work Rosenthal, Eric ; Blum, Eliezer: Cape of Good Hope Triangular Stamp and its Story
Richelieu, Peter: A Soul's Journey van der Linden, J. ; Juta, H (Translator): Institutes of Holland Partridge, Colin; Davenport, Trevor George: Fortifications of Alderney: A Concise History and Guide to the Defences of Alderney from Roman Times to the Second World War
Campbell, Alice: They Hunted a Fox Fauconnier, Henri ; Sutton, Eric (trans): The Soul of Malaya McFall, J L: Trust Betrayed : The Murder of Sister Mary Aidan
Breytenbach, Breyten: Die hand vol vere: 'n bloemlesing van die poesie van Breyten Breytenbach, met twee briewe (Afrikaans Edition) Eitemal: Jaffie 'N Eselromannetjie Schott, Freda: Who Says It Has To Be Fair
Higgins, Jack: The Savage Day Louw, Anna M: Die Koms van die Komeet Warburton, P.G: Junior Boekhou - Oefeninge
Alers, C.J: Jong Jare Van Der Post, Johann: Jy, Anton Jooste! Kestell, Ds. J.D: Johanna Cloete
Mareka: Hierdie Rykdom Fagan, H.A: N Eerste Digbundel Lampen, G: N Sonderlinge Leidraad
Roelofse, J.C: Die Onsigbare Mnr. X Jordaan, Adriaan: Junior-Spion KB-2 Kruger, Cornelia: Konfetti in die Hare