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Sell, H. T: Studies of Famous Bible Women: Sells Bible Study Text Books
Greene, Oliver B: This is not The Devil
Rees, Paul Strombert: If God Be For Us! And Other Sermons
Van Sertima, Ivan: African Presence in Early America
Noel, Georges: Durer, Collection des Maitres
Siach, Don: Movie Book: An Illustrated History of the Cinema
Ridley, Jo Ann: Looking for Eulabee Dix: The Illustrated Biography of an American Miniaturist
Honor Books Publishing Staff: How To Be The Man of Your Wifes Dreams & Not Her Worst Nightmare
Crowhurst, Norman H: Skillfact Library: Know About Electronic Organs
Bonner, Clint: Hymn is Born
Weathersby, Ritz Preszler & Tarule, Jill Mattuck: Adult Development: Implications for Higher Education, Report Four
Warren, Larry; Stubblefield, Mike & Haynes, John H: Dodge Omni & Plymouth Horizon Automotive Repair Manual
Hopkins, B. Smith & Bailar, John C. Jr: General Chemistry for Colleges, Fifth Edition
Block, Richard J.; Durrum, Emmett L.; Zweig, Gunter: Manual of Paper Chromatography & Paper Electrophoresis
Geissler, Eugene S: Meaning of Marriage with Discussion Questions: Sex, Love, & Life-I
Holmes, Harry N: Out of the Test Tube
Gaines, P. C.; Binder, Laurence O. & Woodriff, Ray: Introduction to Modern Chemistry
Fisk, Dorothy M: Modern Alchemy
White, Robert W: Enterprise of Living: A View of Personal Growth
Hutson, Joan: Hunger for Wholeness
Kelly, Anthony: Wondering About God
Hutson, Joan: Heal My Heart O Lord
McQuade, James J: How To Give The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius to Lay Apostles
Goldsby, Richard A: Cells & Energy: Current Concepts in Biology Series
Goldstein, Lester: Cell Biology: Book of Readings
National Committee For Children & Youth: Social Dynamite: The Report of the Conference on Unemployed Out-Of-School Youth in Urban Areas
Kornberg, Arthur: Enzymatic Synthesis of DNA
Cooke, Bernard J: Christian Sacraments & Christian Personality
Schure, Alexander & New York Institute of Technology: Programmed Course in Basic Transistors
Douglas, Paul H: Ethics in Government
Lambert, M. B: Alltagliches
Mihanovich, Clements S: Current Social Problems
Force, Elizabeth S., Paul Vahanian Editor: Teaching Family Life Education: Human Relations & The Family
Curran, Charles A: Word Becomes Flesh: A Psychodynamic Approach to Homiletics & Catechetics
Liturgical Press Editors: Listen...The Lord is Speaking! The Bible in Simplified English
Ryan, Kenneth: Truest Story
Salm, C. Luke: Studies in Salvation History
Meredith, George: Shaving of Shagpat: An Arabian Entertainment & Farina
Wilhoit, G. Cleveland and Harold de Bock, Editors: Mass Communication Review Yearbook Volume 1
Whitney, D. Charles; Wartella, Ellen; Windahl Sven, Editors: Mass Communication Review Yearbook Volume 3
Gonella, Guido: World To Reconstruct: Pius XII on Peace & Reconstruction
Husslein, Joseph: Christian Social Manifesto
Husslein, Joseph; Pope Leo XIII: Social Wellsprings: Fourteen Epochal Documents by Pope Leo XIII, Vol. 1
Sheehan, John F. X: On Becoming Whole in Christ
Bernard, Solomon Martin: System 360 Cobol
Dinter, Heinz: Introduction to Computing
Fenichel, Robert R. & Weizenbaum, Joseph W: Computers & Computation
Redkey, Edwin S: Black Exodus: Black Nationalist & Back-To-Africa Movements 1890-1910
Parsegian, V. Lawrence et al: Introductin to Natural Science Part Two: The Life Sciences
Kardiner, Abram & Ovesey, Lionel: Mark of Oppression: Explorations in the Personality of the American Negro
Jack, Robert Lee: History of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Brennan, William: Abortion Holocaust: Todays Final Solution
Sister Mary of Our Lady of the Angels: Diary of Jane Keeler
Cannon, James S: Clear View: Guide to Industrial Pollution Control
Neuzil, Edward F: Physical Sciences: A Contemporary Approach
Minogue, Anna C: Loretto: Annals of the Century
Hillgarth, J. N: Conversion of Western Europe 350-750
Glaser, Daniel: Effectiveness of a Prison & Parole System
Higgins, Lois Lundell & Fitzpatrick, Edward A: Criminology & Crime Prevention
Gasquet, Francis Aidan: Old English Bible & Other Essays
Barron, Bryton & Ella: Inhumanity of Urban Renewal
Hatfield, W. Wilbur: Experience Curriculum in English: A Report of the Curriculum Commission of the National Council of Teachers of English, #5
Powers, G. Pat & Baskin, Wade: Sex Education: Issues & Directives
Carmen, Joann (Sister): Study of Race Relations: A Teaching Unit
Dillenschneider, Clement: La Paroisse Et Son Cure Dans Le Mystere de L'Englise
Montague, George: Biblical Theology of the Secular
Kerwin, Jerome G: Politics Government Catholics
Schneider, Herman & Nina : Pictures By Leonard Kessler: Science Fun For You In A Minute Or Two: Quick Science Experiments You Can Do
Nuffield Foundation: Apparatus: A Source Book of Information & Ideas: Nuffield Junior Science
Community Supervisors of the Milwaukee Province for Elementary School Teachers: Handbook in Education for School Sisters of Notre Dame
Randolph, Norma & Howe, William: Self Enhancing Education: A Program To Motivate Learners
Education U.S.A. Editors: Shape of Educatin for 1970-71, Volume 12
Brothers Earl & Theophane: Lending a Helping Hand (for Teachers of Latin
Cartier, Francis A: Phonetic Alphabet: A Workbook for Learning The Use of the Phonetic Alphabet & The Transcription of Intonation
Mueller, Hugo: Deutsch Zweites Buch