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Stillman, W. J: Article: Two European Schools of Design - 1. South Kensington 2. the School of Antwerp This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Wood, William: Article: Scottish Banking This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Jackson, George Runell: Article: a North Northumbrian Village This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Atkinson, Edward: Article: an Easy Lesson in Money & Banking This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Perry, T. S: Article: Julian Schmidt: a German Critic This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Shaler, N. S: Article: the Moon This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Jarves, James Jackson: Article: Pescaglia, the Home of a Mad Artist This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Shanly, Charles Dawson: Article: Coney Island This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Young, Alexander: Article: Birds of ILL Omen This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Preston, Harriet Waters: Article: Theodore Aubanel - a Modern Provencal Poet This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
H. B. K: Article: a Wedding in Muskoka - an Incident of Life in the Canada Backwoods This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Perry, T. S: Article: Berthold Auerbach This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
A. F: Article: Some Great Contemporary Musicians - from a Young Lady's Letters Home, Berlin 21, 1869 This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Stoddard, Charles Warren: Article: Behind the Scenes This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Fiske, John: Article: Athenian & American Life This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Holmes, Oliver Wendell: Article: Professor Jeffries Wyman This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Nadal, E. S: Article: Contrasts between English Scenery & Our Own This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Fawcett, Edgar: Article: Mr. Aldrichs Poetry This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Atkinson, Edward: Article: the Righteousness of Money-Making This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
James, H. Jr: Article: Eugene Pickering This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Owen, Robert Dale: Article: Some Results from My Spiritual Studies - a Chapter of Autobiography This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Shaler, N. S: Article: Martha's Vineyard This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Eggleston, George Cary: Article: a Rebels Recollections - Parts 2 through 7 (Part 1 is Missing) This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Owen, Robert Dale: Article: How I Came to Study Spiritual Phenomena This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Andrews, Sidney: Article: Israel Bethel Church - "It is a Low and Dingy Building, Rusty Green As to Shutters and Rusty of the Capitol, Below the New Level of the Streets, and in an Out-Of-The-Way Neighborhood" This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Thompson, Marie L: Article: the Death of Cominie Quitman - "Madam's Bedroom At Lilithstown Was a Wide, Square, Shady Room, Eith Old-Fashioned Curtains...." This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Peirce, Zina Fay: Article: Externals of Washington - "I Suppose That No American, How Poor and Insignificant Soever, Can Go to the City of Washington Without Feeling a Sense of Ownership In, and a Desire to be Proud Of, the Political Metropolis of His Country..........." This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Parkman, Francis: Article: a Great Deed of Arms - "For Twenty Years, with Little Respite, Canada Had Writhed under the Scourge of Iroquois War. During a Great Part of This Dark Period--About the Middle of the Seventeenth Century--The Entire French Population Did Not Exceed This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
James, Henry Jr: Article: Roman Neighborhoods - "I Made a Note after My First Stroll At Albano to the Effect That I Had Been Talking of the Picturesque all My Life, but That Now for a Change I Beheld It. I Had Been Looking all Winter Across the Campagna....." This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Jennings, L. J: Article: Benjamin Disraeli This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Gordon, Clarence: Article: Mr. Deforest's Novels (John W. Deforest) This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Grosvenor, W. M: Article: the Railroads & the Farms This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Owen, Robert Dale: Article: Interesting People Whom I Met in London - a Chapter of Autobiography This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
House, E. H: Article: Little Fountain of Sakanoshita This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Walker, Francis A: Article: Our Population in 1900 - Chase Was an American Politician and Jurist in the Civil War Era Who Served As U. S. Senator from Ohio This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Shanly, Charles Dawson: Article: Some Objections to the Sea - "The Notion That People Must be Happy Because They Have Put off to Sea in a Boat, is a Very Puerile One, And, if Closely Considered, Will be Found No More Capable Than a Sieve Containing Water. Let Us Take a Sail-Boat This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Lalor, J. J: Article: the Germans in the West - "The First Emigration to the United States of Persons of German Birth - That Is, in Any Considerable Numbers -- Took Place Immediately after the Thirty Years' War, and Was a Proximate Consequence of That Struggle....." This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Woolson, Constance Fenimore: Article: Solomon - Ohio Coal Country This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Parton, James: Article: Thomas Jefferson's Last Years - "After His Retirement from the Presidency in 1809, Jefferson Lived Seventeen Years....." This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Aldrich, T. B: Article: Mademoiselle Olympe Zabriski - "A Piece of Club Gossip" This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Owen, Robert Dale: Article: My Experience of Community Life - "A Chapter of Autobiography" This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Parton, James: Article: President Jefferson's Chief Measures This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Pierce, George W: Article: Two Weeks' Sport on the Coulonge River This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Hoppin, William J: Article: a Glimpse of Contemporary Art in Europe This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Owen, Robert Dale: Article: the Social Experiment At New Harmony This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
James, Henry: Article: Modern Diabolism - (Commonly Called "Modern Spiritualism") This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Parton, James: Article: the Art of Being President, Gathered from the Experience of Thomas Jefferson This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Atlantic Monthly editors: Article: Politics - "The Report of the Erie Investigating Committee to the Legislature of New York Has Not Attracted Much Public Attention...." This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
James, Henry, Jr: Article: a Roman Holiday This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Shaler, N. S: Article: the Summers Journey of a Naturalist - II. from the Delaware to the Potomac III. from the Potomac to the James This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Parton, James: Article: the Presidential Election of 1800 - II. from the Delaware to the Potomac III. from the Potomac to the James This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Owen, Robert Dale: Article: Educating a Wife - a Chapter of Autobiography This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Deforest, John W: Article: Honest John Vane - Parts I-V This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Adler, Felex: Article: a Prophet of the People (Hinduism & India) This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Twain, Mark: Article: the Facts Concerning the Recent Carnival of Crime in Connecticut This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth: Article: Literary Aspects of the Romantic School - Excerpt: "Ludwig Tieck, the Literary Chieftain of the German Romantic School, Was with Due Allowance for the Natural Differences between a Romanticist and a Classicist, a Kind of Goethe in Miniature...... This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Rollins, Rachel: Article: after the Battle of the Wilderness - Letters from a Hospital - from Mabel Lawrence This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Spencer, Edward: Article: Medical Fashions This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Butterworth, Hezekiah: Article: the Madness of George III This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Hale, Charles: Article: the Khedive & His Court - Ismail Pacha This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Scudder, H. E: Article: the Siege of Boston This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Flagg, Wilson: Article: Rural Architecture This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Adams, Charles Francis Jr: Article: the State & the Railroads This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Jones, Erasmus W: Article: the Welsh in America This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Perry, T. S: Article: Victor Cherbuliez - "Prominent Writer of French Novels..." This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Aldrich, Thomas Bailey: Article: the Legend of Aba-Coell This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Adams, Charles Francis Jr: Article: the Railroad Death-Rate This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Twain, Mark: Article: a Literary Nightmare This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Preston, Harriet W: Article: Jacques Jasmin's Franconette This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
De Kay, Charles A: Article: Manmatha This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart: Article: Confessions of St. Augustine This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Adams, Charles Francis, Jr: Article: the Revere Catastrophe - "The History of Railroad Deveopment in New England...." This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Monti, Luigi: Article: the Mafiusi (Mafiosi - Mafia) of Sicily This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Magruder, Allan B: Article: Lincoln's Plans of Reconstruction - `"A Bit of Secret History" This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Hopkins, S. F: Article: in the Quantick State This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item