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Cassini, Giovanni Maria: L'Albania e la Macedonia con porzione della Dalmazia, Servia, Vallachia Bulgaria e Romania Crépy: Le Marquisat et Electorate de Brandenbourg De Fer, Nicolas: Gouvernement General de Bretagne ou se trouye la Generalité de Nantes
De Fer, Nicolas: Les Generalitez de Bordeaux, de La Rochelle et de Limoges.. De Fer, Nicolas: Lisbonne De Fer, Nicolas: Cologne Ville Considerable Située Sur le bord Occidentale du Rhein..
De Fer, Nicolas: Les Environs de Milan De Wit, Frederick: Regni Sueciæ Tabula Generalis, divisa in Suceciæ, Gotiæ qu. Regna Finniæ, Ducatum Lapponiam, Livoniam, Nordlandiam Ingriam qu. et in omnes subiacentes provincias.. Lizars, William: Lower Saxony
Luyts, Jan: Syrien, en Diarbeek.. Mallet, Alain Manesson: Syrie Moderne Merian, Matthaus: Portugallia et Argarbia quæ olim Lusitania
Middleton: The Terms and Principles of Geography with their Astronomical Connections Munster, Sebastian: Colonia Agrippina: das ist Cöln.. Ortelius, Abraham: Palantinus Bavariae Descriptio, Erhardo Reych Tirolense Auctore. Argentoratensis Agri Descriptio
Ortelius, Abraham: Insularum Aliquot Maris Mediterranei Descriptio Roux, Joseph: [Beirut.] Ruscelli, Girolamo: Tabula Asiæ VI
Schenk, Pieter: Frankfort, een beroemde koopstad, te zien van Saxenhausen.. Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge: St Petersburg Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge: Turin. (Turino.)
Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge: Vienna (Wien.) Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge: Marseille. Ancient Marsillia Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge: Venice. Venèzia, Venèdig
Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge: Toulon. Ancient Telo Martius Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge: Lisbon (Lisboa.) Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge: Hamburg
Stockdale, John: Plan of the City of Hamburg Stockdale, John: Plan of the City of Berlin Stockdale, John: Plan of the City of Dresden
Stockdale, John: Plan of the City of Munich Strype, John: The Parish of St James's Westminster, taken from the last Survey, with corrections Thomson, John: Tobago
Tirion, Isaak: Nieuwe Kaart, van Zwitserland Wells, Edward: A New Map of Ancient Gaul or Gallia Transalpina Shewing the Divisions thereof by Augustus Cæsar.. Wyld, James: Map of Syria
Zuccagni-Orlandini, Attilio: Carta Moderna dell'Isola di Corsica Albrizzi, Giovanni Battista: Nouva Carta del Regno di Ungheria, e della Transilvania secondo l'ultime Osservazioni Fatta a Amsterdam da Isac Tirion Anon: France from the latest Authorities
Arrowsmith, John: Arabia Bellin, Jacques Nicolas: Ile D'Ormus ou de Jerun De Fer, Nicolas: Milan. Ville des plus Grandes, des plus riches, et des plus fortes d'Italie..
De Fer, Nicolas: Les Austuries et la Biscaye, Les Royaume de Navarre, d'Arragon et de Leon, et Celuy de la Vieille Castille De Fer, Nicolas: Le Plan de Paris ses Faubourgs et ses Environs De l'Isle, Guillaume: Carte d'Asie Dressée pour l'usage de Roy..
Homann, Johann Baptist: Amplissimiæ Regionis Mississipi seu Provinciæ Ludovicianæ â R.P. Ludovico Hennepin.. Homann, Johann Baptist: Landgraviatus Alsatiae tam Superioris quam Infer.. Kitchin, Thomas or Jeffreys, Thomas: A Map of Cornwall
Kitchin, Thomas or Jeffreys, Thomas: The Islands of Jersey Guernsey &c Kitchin, Thomas or Jeffreys, Thomas: A Map of Surrey Kitchin, Thomas or Jeffreys, Thomas: A Map of Kent
Kitchin, Thomas or Jeffreys, Thomas: A Map of Lancashire Kitchin, Thomas or Jeffreys, Thomas: A Map of Sussex Kitchin, Thomas or Jeffreys, Thomas: A Map of Nottingham Shire
Kitchin, Thomas or Jeffreys, Thomas: A Map of Monmouthshire Kitchin, Thomas or Jeffreys, Thomas: A Map of Hereford-Shire Kitchin, Thomas or Jeffreys, Thomas: A Map of Northampton Shire
Kitchin, Thomas or Jeffreys, Thomas: A Map of Huntingdonshire Kitchin, Thomas or Jeffreys, Thomas: A Map of Derbyshire Kitchin, Thomas or Jeffreys, Thomas: A Map of Rutlandshire
Kitchin, Thomas or Jeffreys, Thomas: A Map of Westmoreland Kitchin, Thomas or Jeffreys, Thomas: A Map of Cumberland Kitchin, Thomas or Jeffreys, Thomas: A Map of Staffordshire
Kitchin, Thomas or Jeffreys, Thomas: A Map of Buckinghamshire Kitchin, Thomas or Jeffreys, Thomas: A Map of Worcestershire Kitchin, Thomas or Jeffreys, Thomas: A Map of Suffolk
Kitchin, Thomas or Jeffreys, Thomas: A Map of Glocestershire Kitchin, Thomas or Jeffreys, Thomas: A Map of Dorsetshire Kitchin, Thomas or Jeffreys, Thomas: A Map of Warwickshire
Kitchin, Thomas or Jeffreys, Thomas: A Map of Cheshire Kitchin, Thomas or Jeffreys, Thomas: A Map of the North Riding of Yorkshire Kitchin, Thomas or Jeffreys, Thomas: A Map of the East Riding of Yorkshire
Kitchin, Thomas or Jeffreys, Thomas: A Map of the West Riding of Yorkshire Kitchin, Thomas or Jeffreys, Thomas: A Map of Somersetshire Kitchin, Thomas or Jeffreys, Thomas: A Map of Devonshire