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Osho: Hidden Mysteries
Fay, Biri: Ancient Egyptian Jewelry: Aus der Sammlung des Vereins zur Forderung des Agyptischen Museums in Berlin-Charlottenburg e. V. / Altagyptischer Goldschmuck
Vivian, Tim (ed.): Becoming Fire: Through the Year With the Desert Fathers and Mothers
Pol Bury
Fisher, Vardis; Opal Laurel Holmes: Gold Rushes and Mining Camps of the Early American West
Little, Lewis E: The Theory of Elementary Waves: A New Explanation of Fundamental Physics
Isaacs, John O: Aeroplane Affair: An Aeronautical Autobiography
Leymarie, Jean: Balthus
Skoogfors, Leif: The Most Natural Thing in the World
Tucker, Paul H: Double Take: From Monet to Lichtenstein (28 Masterworks from the Paul Allen Family Collection Exclusively at Experience Music Project, Seattle, Washington, April to September 2006)
Goodrich, Lloyd et. al: A Selection of American Art The Skowhegan School 1946-1976
Philip Grausman: Sculpture and Drawings
Eskimo Graphic Art / Les Arts graphiques Esquimaux 1969
Durham, Michael S: Powerful Days: The Civil Rights Photography of Charles Moore
Postell, Alice: Where did the Reindeer Come from? Alaska Experience, the First Fifty Years
Garver, Thomas H: Joseph Raffael: The California Years, 1969-1978
Mednedev, Igor: Images of a Vanishing World: The Paintings of Igor Medvedev
Breuer, Karin: An American Focus: The Anderson Graphic Arts Collection
Storz, Frank (editor): The Western Paintings of Frank C. McCarthy
Keay, Carolyn: William Blake: Selected Engravings
Anobile, Richard J. (editor): John Ford's Stagecoach Starring John Wayne
Jones, D.S: Methods in Electromagnetic Wave Propagation: Volume II: Radiating Waves (Oxford Engineering Science Series, 8)
Swingle, Calvin F: Complete Examination Questions and Answers for Marine and Stationary Engineers
Bowles, Paul: Things Gone and Things Still Here
Von Franz, Marie-Louise; Jung, Emma: The Grail Legend
Robertson, Robin: After the End of Time: Revelation and the Growth of Consciousness
Ryuichi, Abe: The Weaving of Mantra: Kukai and the Construction of Esoteric Buddhist Discourse
Sinnett, A.P: Esoteric Buddhism
Cleary, J. C. (translated and edited by): A Tune Beyond the Clouds: Zen Teachings from Old China
Aebi, Ormond; Harry Aebi: Art and Adventure of Beekeeping, The
Rimbaud, Arthur; Paul Claudel (preface): Oeuvres De Arthur Rimbaud : vers et proses; Revues sur les manuscrits originaux et les premières éditions mises en ordre et annotées par Paterne Berrichon. Poémes Retrouvés
Aurobindo, Sri: Life Divine, The: Book One and Book Two
Anglesey, Zoe (ed.): Ixok Amar-Go: Central American Women's Poetry for Peace/Poesia De Mujeres Centroamericanas Por LA Paz (English, Spanish, Mayan and Gullah Edition)
Zenji, Eihei Dogen: Shobogenzo Zuimonki: Sayings of Eihei Dogen Zenji
Cayce, Edgar: Dreams in the Life of Prayer
Malory, Thomas, Sir ; Graves, Robert (intro.): Le Morte D'Arthur King Arthur and the Legends of the Round Table A Rendition In Modern Idiom by Keith Baines With An Introduction by Robert Graves
Shakespeare, William: Love Poems and Sonnets of William Shakespeare
Muller, Joseph-Emile: Toulouse Lautrec
Wainwright, Mark: The Natural History of Costa Rican Mammals
Spangler, David: Towards a Planetary Vision
Masaaki, Hiromura: Space Graphysm
Burden, Ernest: Living Barns: How to Find and Restore a Barn of Your Own
Arceneaux, Marc: Atomic Age: Art and Design of the Fifties
Duncan, David Douglas: The Private World of Pablo Picasso: The Intimate Photographic Profile of the World's Greatest Artist
Fiell, Charlotte; Fiell, Peter: Modern Chairs
Frostic, Gwen: These Things are Ours
McCullers, Carson: The Ballad of the Sad Cafe
Casadio, Mariuccia: Missoni (Made in Italy)
Shephard, Esther: The Cowherd and the Sky Maiden: A retelling, in verse (decorated with rhyme and assonance), of an ancient Chinese legend; with an after-piece, explaining the background of the Legend
Gronk: Gronk Grand Hotel
Zug, Charles G: Turners & Burners: The Folk Potters of North Carolina
Mackie, Vivien, Joe Armstrong: Just Play Naturally; An Account of Her Cello Study with Pablo Casals in the 1950's and Her Discovery of the Resonance Between His Teaching and the Principles of the Alexander Technique
Hare, W. Loftus: Watts:1817 - 1904; (Masterpieces in Colour series) Illustrated with Eight Reproductions in Colour
Goya y Lucientes, Francisco De: La Tauromaquia. Colección de las diferentes suertes y actitudes del Arte de Lidiar los Toros
Campbell, Henry C: Early Days on the Great Lakes: The Art of William Armstrong
Carver, Raymond: A New Path to the Waterfall: Poems
Wordsworth, William: Poems, Lyrics & Sonnets
Liu, Da: T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Meditation
Bensusan, S. L: Rubens; (Masterpieces in Colour series) Illustrated with Eight Reproductions in Colour
Hind, C. Lewis: Romney; (Masterpieces in Colour series) Illustrated with Eight Reproductions in Colour
Leisy, James F: The Folk Song Abecedary: A Living Tradition of Songs, from Ballads to Blues to Bluegrass
James, Henry; Joseph Bottkol (intro.): Aspern Papers, The; The Europeans
Griffiths, Bryn: Survivors, the
Reich, Hanns: The World From Above
Norman, Geraldine: Biedermeier Painting, 1815-48: Reality Observed in Genre, Portrait and Landscape
Eiler, Terrill E.; Wootten, Richard; Louis Zona; and Barbara Bays: David L. Hostetler: The Carver
Dantzic, Cynthia Maris: 100 New York Painters
Sophocles; Adapter-Gita Wolf; Adapter-Sirish Rao;: Sophocles' Antigone
Arneson, Robert; Daniel Rosenfeld; Signe Mayfield;: Big Idea: The Maquettes of Robert Arneson
Adams, Ansel; James Alinder; Anita Ventura Mozley: Ansel Adams: 1902 - 1984 Untitled 37
Weston, Edward; Nancy Newhall: The Daybooks of Edward Weston (Vol. 1, Mexico
Schmutzler, Robert; Ellen Grand (ed.): Art Nouveau
Sorlie, Kip; Richard Schinkel: Building for Birds
Kafka, Franz; Muir, Edwin (intro.): Great Wall of China, The: Stories and Reflections
Munsterberg, Hugo: History of Women Artists: Every Art Form: Pottery, Weaving, Painting, Graphics, Sculpture, Photography, from Prehistoric Times to the Present