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HULDERMANN, Bernhard: Albert Ballin ADLON, Hedda: Hotel Adlon. Das Haus in Dem Welt Zu Gast War FISCHER, Albert: Gewebezuchtung. Handbuch Der Biologie Der Gewebezellen in Vitro
KIESLINGER, Franz: Die Mittelalterlische Plastik in Osterreich. Ein Umreis Ihrer Geschichte COLVIN, Ian: Colonel Henri's Story RILKE, Rainer Maria: Auguste Rodin
WHEELER, Monroe & REWALD, John: Modern Drawings OZENFANT: Foundations of Modern Art (AUCTION CATALOGUE): Gemalde Des 19-Jahrhunderts Aus Der Sammlung Eines Rheinischen Grossindustriellen
HAUSENSTEIN, Wilhelm: Mar Unold, Maler Und Zeichner BILBO, Jack: Toulouse-Lautrec and Steinlen PFEIFER, Richard Arwed: Der Geisteskranke Und Sein Werk. Eine Studie Uber Schizophrene Kunst
PUTZGER, F.W. (Edited BALDAMUS, Alfred; SCHWABE, Ernst & KOCH, Julius): Historischer Schul-Atlas SEEMAN, E.A: E.A. Seeman's Farbige Gemaldewiedergaben. Systematische Verzeichnis Von 3000 Originalgetreuen Kunstblatternnach Den Beruhmsten Gemalden Aller Lander Und Zeiten FUCHS, Albert (Edited Otto MOCKEL): Taxe Der Streich-Instrumente. Anleitung Zur Einschatzung Der Geigen, Violen, Violoncelli, Kontrabasse Usw. Nach Herkunft Und Wert
FARGA, Franz: Geigen Und Geiger DILKE, C.W. & WILKINSON, Spenser: Imperial Defence MALLOY, William M. (Compiled by): Treaties, Conventions, International Acts, Protocols and Agreements Between the United States of America and Other Powers 1776 - 1909, (AND) Same, Supplement 1913
LIEBERMAN, Saul (Editor): Alexander Marz Jubilee Volume on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday CHILD, Graham: Behaviour of Large Animals During the Formation of Lake Kariba TRITTON, Joseph: Baptist Missionary Society. Rise and Progress of the Work on the Congo River
MACLEAR, G.F: The Conversion Of the West. The Slavs SERGEANT, Lewis: Greece SCIDMORE, Eliza Ruhamah: Java the Garden of the East
HALL, Leland: Timbuctoo CONWAY, Moncure D: Republican Superstitions as Illustrated in the Political History of America ANDREE, Richard & PESCHEL, Oscar: Physikalisch-Statistischer Atlas Des Deutschen Reichs
NORTH, Christopher R: The Suffering Servant in Deutero-Isaiah An Historical and Critical Study PRESTON, Ronald H: Theology and Change. Essays in Memory of Alan Richardson KORFF, M: The Accession of Nicholas I, Compiled By Special Command of the Emperor Alexander II
HAMILTON, Kenneth: The System and the Gospel. a Critique of Paul Tillich TILLICH, Paul: Systematic Theology MEILINK-ROELOFSZ, M.A.P.; VAN OPSTALL, M.E. & SCHUTTE, G.J. (Editors): Dutch Authors on Asian History
CRAWFORD, Francis Marion: The Rulers of the South. Sicily, Calabria, Malta HOLDICH, Thomas H: Boundaries in Europe and the Near East ADAMOW, E (edited by): Die Europaischen Machte Und Die Turkei Des Weltkrieges
ETTLINGER, Leopold: Antonio and Piero Pollaiuolo. Completet Edition with a Critical Catalogue KLATZOW, Peter: Composers in South Africa Today PUDNEY, John: The Seven Skies
DE STAEL, Madame (Intro. Margaret CROSLAND): Ten Years Exile DANDLIKER, Karl: A Short History of Switzerland PRICHARD, James Cowles & LATHAM, R.G: The Eastern Origin of the Celtic Nations Proved By a Comparison of Their Dialects with Sanskrit, Greek, Latin and Teutonic Languages, Forming a Supplement to Researches Into the Physical History of Mankind
CLARK, J.D: The Stone Age Cultures of Northern Rhodesia, with Particular Reference to the Cultural and Climatic Succession in the Upper Zambezi Valley and Its Tributaries MONTAGUE, C.E: Action and Other Stories WHITFIELD, Arthur "Sikereri": I'd Do it Again
ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT VENEZIA GIULIA: The Allied Government Military Government Gazette Vol. 1: 15 September 1945 - 15 September 1946 (AND) 1 October 1946 - 11 July 1947 SAVILLE, W.J.V: In Unknown New Guinea. A Record of Twenty Five Years of Personal Observation & Experience Among the Interesting People of an Almost Unknown Part of This Vast Island, & a Description of Their Manners & Customs, Occupations in Peace & Methods of Warfare... DOBSON, Edward (Revised E. Wyndham TARN): The Student's Guide to the Practice of Measuring and Valuing Artificer's Works
EDEN, Charles H: The West Indies ARNOLD, Edward Lester: On the Indian Hills, or Coffee Planting in Southern India McCAUSLAND, Dominick: Sermons in Stones, or Scripture Confirmed By Geology
COLLET, Leon W: The Structure of the Alps TOPINARD, Paul: Anthropology BARING-GOULD, S: Cornish Characters and Strange Events
HURSTFIELD, J: The Control; of Raw Materials HILL, R: The Mathematical Theory of Plasticity TOWNSHEND, R.B: Last Memories of a Tenderfoot
HARDIE, Martin & ALLEN, Warner: Our Italian Front ROBERTS, Morley: On the Old Trail. Through British Columbia After Forty Years ROBERTS, Morley, Illustrated by A.D. McCormick: The Western Avernus or Toil and Travel in Further North America
JONES, F. Wood: Arboreal Man BAGNOLD, Enid: National Velvet MOUCHOTTE, Rene: The Machotte Diaries 1940-1943
SEGERBACK, L.B.V: The Orchids of Nigeria MURGER, Henri: La Boheme MARK, Edwina: The Glass Playpen
AISTROP, Jack & MOORE, Reginald (Edited by): Bugle Blast. An Anthology from the Services HAARHOFF, T.J: Vergil in the Experience of South Africa ROSSITER, Leonard: The Tale of Magali
SCOTT, WARWICK: Naked Canvas DEL CASTILLO, Michel: The Death of Tristan CROSS, Robert: A Portion for Foxes
COTTERELL, Geoffrey: The Starnge Enchantment SEBESTYEN, Gyorgy: The Doors are Closing VALICHA, Kishore: The Moving Image. A Study of Indian Cinema