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CRAWLEY, Jane (Edited by): Sotheby's Guide Antiques and Their Prices Worldwide. 1986 Edition Volume 1
McHOY, Peter (Compiled by): The World Guide to Model Trains. The Guide to International Railways and Ready to Run Models
IMMELMAN, R.F.M. & QUINN, G.D.(Edited by): The Preservation and Restoration of Historic Buildings in South Africa
CLARK, Emma: The Art of the Islamic Garden
WEHLTE, Kurt: The Materials and Techniques of Painting. With a Supplement on Color Theory
HENSE, Joh. Christ. Aug: Kurzgefasstes Fremdworterbuch Oder Handbuch Zum Verstehen Und Vermeiden Der in Unserer Sprache, Mehr Oder Minder Gebrauchlichen Fremden Ausdrucke....
KRUG, Wilhelm Traugott: Handbuch Der Philosophie Und Der Philosophischen Literatur. Zweiter Band
MOUTON, Carl: Kern Auserlesener Briefe, Welche Von Mitgliedern Der Franzoischen Academie..... / L'Elite Des Plus Belles Lettres De Messieurs De l'Academie Francoises.....
JOHNSON, Peter: The Phillips Guide to Tomorrow's Antiques
THURBER, James: The Years with Ross
DOMMISSE, Hermien: Long Journey of the Heart: A Memoir
WILSON, Boris: A Timre of Innocence
HUGHES, Geoffrey: Swearing. A Social History of Foul Language, Oaths and Profanity in English
POUSHKIN (PUSHKIN), Alexander (Translated T. KEANE): The Prose Tales of Alexander Poushkin
SPARKS, Allister: The Mind of South Africa. The Story of the Rise and Fall of Apartheid
ANOUILH, Jean: Thieves' Carnival
TINTINGER, Lesley Ann (Introduction by): Cries Without Tears. An Anthology of Writings from Rehabilitating Offenders
MARTINS, Harper: Nongalazi of the Bemba
KRISHNA, Daya: Political Development A Critical Perspective
MEINTJES, Malcolm (Edited by): The Trout and the Kingfisher. Selected Articles on South African Trout Fishing 1875-1975
JONES, E.H: The Road to En-Dor, Being an Account of How Two Prisoners of War at Yozgad in Turkey Won Their Way to Freedom
HUXLEY, Aldous: The Gioconda Smile
MANNICHE, Peter: Living Democracy in Denmark
CUMMINGS, Charles S: Everyday Ballistics
BOULT, Adrian Cedric & EMERY, Walter: The St. Matthew Passion. Its Preparation and Performance
PHILIP, George: Union of South Africa
SZASZ, Bela: Volunteers for the Gallows: Anatomy of a Show Trial
BOYD, Mary: The Veld. Bardic Poem South African Eisteddfod 1921
LAWN, John R. (Ferrocarril): The Landing of Van Riebeeck. Bardic Poem South African Eisteddfod 1922
SPIES, Werner: Andy Warhol: Cars
SINCLAIR, Jan: A Rhodesian Twelve Months of Flowers
MANGUEL, Alberto & GUADALUPI, Gianni: The Dictionary of Imaginary Places
RILEY, Dick & McALLISTER, Pam (Edited by): The Bedside, Bathtub & Armchair Companion to Agatha Christie
THUBRON, Colin: The Silk Road China. Beyond the Celestial Kingdom
BECKETT, Gillian: The Secret Life of Plants
KRAMER, Jack (Researched and Written by); EDINGER, Philip (Edited by): How to Grow African Violets
NEWMAN, Kenneth: Birds of Southern Africa. 1: KRUGER NATIONAL PARK
HOLY, Ladislav: Masks and Figures from Eastern and Southern Africa
HUXLEY, Anthony (Edited by): The MacMillan World Guide to House Plants
SAUSSURE, F. De (Edited Tullio De MAURO): Cours De Linguistique Generale. Edition Critique
GOODENOUGH, Simon (Foreword By CHANDLER, David ): War Maps. Great Land, Sea and Air Battles of World War II
NUNES, Jose Joaquim: Compendio De Gramatica Historica Portuguesa
BAUDOT, Marcel; BERNARD, Henri; BRUGMANS, Hendrik; FOOT, Michael R.D.; JACOBSEN, Hans-Adolf (Edited by): The Histotrical Encyclopedia of World War II
BEST, Alan C G & De BLIJ, Harm J: African Survey
MAUNDER, Samuel: The Treasury of Natural History, or a Popular Dictionary of Animated Nature.....To Which are Added a Syllabus of Practical Taxidermy
D'ORMESSON, Jean: Histoire Du Juif Errant
GLEASON, H.A: An Introduction to Descriptive Linguistics
GRAHAM, Helen & LABANYI, Jo: Spanish Cultural Studies: An Introduction. The Struggle for Modernity
BENTA, Dona: Comer Bem. 1001 Receitas De Bons Pratos
JONG, Erica: At the Edge of the Body
FROSTICK, Michael: Aston Martin and Lagonda
CRESSOT, Marcel & JAMES, Laurence: Le Style et Ses Techniques
MALMBERG, Bertil: Les Nouvelles Tendances De La Linguistique
BREDEMEIER, Harry C. & STEPHERNSON, Richard M: The Analysis of Social Systems
SYLVESTER, David (Edited by): Henry Moore Sculpture and Drawings VOLUME I: 1921-1948
PARROT, Andrew: Sumer
HUBERT, Gerard: Gothic France
HUBERT, Gerard: France Renaissance
UHLER, Fred: France Romane
STEVENSON, Violet (Edited by): A Modern Herbal. How to Grow, Cook and Use Herbs
FOSTER, Maureen: The Flower Arranger's Encyclopedia of Preserving and Drying
LLOYD, Elizabeth Jane: Enchanted Circles
BLACK, Penny: Cards and Collages
PERRY, Frances: The Water Garden
FOSTER, Maureen: Preserved Flowers. Practical Methods and Creative Uses
OWEN, Gordon: Growing Classic Bonsai
NEWDICK, Jane: The Magic of Herbs
SARTRE, Jean-Paul: Les Mots
COROMINAS, Joan: Breve Diccionario Etimologico De La Lengus Castellana
ROMAN DE BERA, P: Diccionario Castellano Vasco
GARCIA De DIEGO, Vicente: Etimologas Espanolas
TICKELL, Richard Eustace (Compiled by): Thomas Tickell and the Eighteenth Century Poets (1685-1740), Containing Numerous Letters and Poems Hitherto Unpublished
RICARD, Matthieu: The Mystery of Animal Migration
BENTINE, Michael: Templar
KAESTNER, Dorothy: Designs for Needlepoint and Latch Hook Rugs