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PHLEPS, Hermann: Deutsche Fachwerkbauten BONATZ, Paul & LEONHARDT, Fritz: Brucken PINDER, Wilhelm: Deutsche Wasserburgen
SMITH, John (Editor): Somerset-Oos Somerset East 150. 1825-1975 MITCHELL, F.J: Practical Lettering and Layout HOPKINS, H.C: Maar Een Soos Hy: Die Lewe Van Kommandant C.A. Van Niekerk
ELLIS, John Eimeo (Supplementary Chapter By Henry ALLON): Life of William Ellis, Missionary to the South Seas and Madagascar STRONG, John H: Foundations of Fabric Structure BLACK, Betty & BISHOP, Casey: The Sisterhood
PARSONS, Oscar A.; BUTTERS, Nelson; NATHAN, Peter E. (Edited by): Neiropsychology of Alcoholism: Implications for Diagnosis and Treatment LEWIS, C.S: The Discarded Image: An Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Literasture SHARP, R.R: En Prospection Au Katanga Il y a Cinquante Ans
SMALL, Adam: Die Eerste Steen? VAN DER POST, Jan J: Gaub Vlugteling Van Die Duine VAN DER POST, Jan J: Witman in Die Duine
VAN WYK LOUW, N.P: Rondom Eie Werk NEETHLING-POHL, Anna: Dankbaar Die Uwe LEVI, Riso: Billiards in Lighter Vein
MERARI, Ariel & ELAD, Shlomi: The International Dimension of Palestinian Terrorism Staatsarchiv der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg (Hrsg.): Die Judischen Opfer Des Nationalsozialismus in Hamburg NIENABER-LUITINGH, M. (Editwed by): Ter Wille Van Die Edel Spel. 'n Bundel Ter Geleentheid Van Elizabeth Eybers Se Sestigste Verjaardag
MALHERBE, D.F. Du T: Karroo Blommetjies. Afrikaanse Gedigte ROSENKRANZ, Herbert: Verfolgung Und Selbstbehauptung. Die Juden in Osterreich 1938-1945 HOMER (Translated By J.P.J. VAN RENSBURG): Homerus: Die Ilias, Uit Die Oorspronklike Grieks Vertaal
FINER, Herman: Dulles Over Suez. The Theory and Practice of His Diplomacy BREUER, Isaac: Der Neue Kusari. Ein Weg Zum Judentum SWARSENSKY, Manfred: Das Judische Jahr. Judische Religion Gestern Und Heute
SKEAD, C.J: Zoo-Historical Gazetteer COETZEE, J. Albert: Nasie-Wording in Suidafrika. 'n Sielkundige Sleutel Vir Die Politiese Probleem in Suidafrika ROTHMAN, M.E. ("M.E.R."): Deie Gewers
LOUW, A.F: Lotgevalle Van Die Voortrekkers in Natal Na Bloedrivier 1838-1843 DU PLESSIS, I.D: Gevreesde Vriend SUDARSKY, Mendel; KATZENELLENBOGEN, Uriah; KISSIN, J.; LEIKOWICZ, Ch. (Edited by): Lite (Lithuania)
VORSTER, B.J. (Edited By O. GEYSER): Select Speeches MITRE, Bartolome (Translated William PILLING): The Emancipation of South America ASTON, W.G. (Translated by): Nihongi. Chronicles of Japan from the Earliest Times to A D 697
La Campagne Antisemite En Pologne ELOESSER, Arthur: Vom Ghetto Nach Europa. Das Judentum Im Geistigen Leben Des 19 Jahrhunderts BOHM, Louis: Lieder Eines Fahrenden Chossid
JAFFE, L. (Translated By Sylvia SATTEN): I Sang My Song of Zion SOMBART, Werner: Les Juifs et La Vie Economique APPELHANS, B: Die Getranke Der Gegenwart
WARNING, J.F: Sudwest. Liebe Auf Den Ersten Blick MITCHELL, Gladys: LOate, Late in the Evening BUTLER, Josephine: Personal Reminiscences of a Great Crusade
DE SAUSSURE, Ferdinand: Cours De Linguistique Generale STEIN, Rudolf: Das Alte Buren. Die Heimat Bremische Marschbauern, Wesserschiffer Und Werkleute, Das Gronlandfahrerdorf Fruherer Zeit SMITH, W. Ramsay: In Southern Seas: Wanderings of a Naturalist
GREY OF FALLODEN, Viscount: The League of Nations THE ROUND TABLE: Turkey: a Past and a Future THE ROUND TABLE: The New German Empire: A Study of German War Aims from German Sources
SLADEN, Douglas: Germany's Secret Lie: The Official German Justification of the War. Exposed and Criticised CORBETT, Julian: The League of Peace and a Free Sea Anon: A List of Neutral Ships Sunk By the Germans from August 8th 1914 to April 26th 1917
ANDERNACHT, Dietrich & STERLING, Eleonore (Kommission Zur Erforschung Der Geschichte Der Frankfurter Juden): Dokumente Zur Gescichte Der Frankfurter Juden 1933-1945 HASKELL, Arnold, L: Waltzing Matilda. A Background to Australia BECON, Thomas: Prayers and Other Pieces
JEWEL, John: The Works of John Jewel, Bishop of Salisbury, the Second Portion: Containing the Reply to Harding's Answer......... TYNDALE, William: Expositions and Notes on Sundry Portions of the Holy Scriptures, Together with the Practice of the Prelates CHAYTOR, H.J: From Script to Print: An Introduction to Medieval Vernacular Literature
CHUKOVSKY, Kornei: Chekhov the Man HOUGHTON, Walter E: The Art of Newman's 'Apologia' KENNEDY, Margaret: The Mechanized Muse
FARJEON, Eleanor: Magic Casements WILLIAMS, Charles: The Region of the Summer Stars KENNEDY, Charles Rann (DEMOSTHENES): Translation of Select Speeches of Demosthenes, with Notes
SMITH, Ian: The Great Betrayal. The Memoirs MAY, Max B: Isaac Mayer Wise. The Founder of American Judaism WALTER, H: Moses Mendelssohn Critic and Philosopher
GRANOVSKY, Abraham: Land Policy in Palestine BOHM, Alfred: Die Zionistische Bewegung Bis Zum Ende Des Weltkrieges GORDON, Samuel: In Years of Transition
SCHMIDT, Ephraim: Geschiedenis Van De Joden in Antwerpen STEIN, Irmgard: Judische Baudenkmaler in Hamburg FREIMARK, Peter (Edited by): Juden in Preussen - Juden in Hamburg