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KNUTSSON, Karl Eric & O'DEA, Pauline: Supporting the Movement for Children's Rights and Development in South Africa VAN RENSBURG, Dingie (and Other authors): Strengthening Local Government and MAKURA-PARADZA, Gaynor Gamuchirai: Single Women, Land and Livelihood Vulnerability in a Communal Area in Zimbabwe (Awlae Series)
MATLESA, Khabele; KHADIAGALA, Gilbert; SHALE, Victor: When Elephants Fight: Preventing and Resolving Election-Related Conflicts in Africa GENDER LINKS (Edited by): This Seat is Taken: Elections and the Under-representation of Women in Seven Southern African Countries, OLUKOJE, Ayodeji: Positive Leadership in Colonial and Post Colonial Africa
OBI, Cyril: Leadership in Local Communities in Historical Perspective: Pre-. Colonial and Colonial Nigeria SULE-KANO, Abdullahi: The Nigerian Youth and the Nigerian State OLUSANYA, Gabriel O: Leadership of the Organised Private Sector (OPS) in Nigeria: A Historical Perspective
FELDSTEIN, Hilary Sims & JIGGINS, Janice (Edited by): Tools for the Field: A Methodologies Handbook for Gender Analysis in Agriculture JIANCHU, Xu & MIKESELL, Stephen (Edited by): Landscapes of Diversity: Indigenous Knowledge, Sustainable Livelihoods and Resource Governance in Montane Mainland Southeast Asia - Proceedings of the III Symposium on MMSEA, 25 - 28 August 2002, Lijiang, P.R. China TRAYNOR, Catherine (Edited by): The SLUSE Model of Natural Resource Management: From Theory to Practice Through Field-based Training
RUFFEL, Denis: The Professional Caterer Series: Volumes 1 - 4 BILHEUX, R.; ESCOFFIER, A.; HERVE, D.; POURADIER, J.M: Special and Decorative Breads Basic Bread Making Techniques 46 Special Breads,Fancy Breads,Viennese Breads,Decorative Breads Presentation Pieces BILHEUX, Roland & ESCOFFIER, Alain: Doughs, Batters, and Meringues (The Professional French Pastry Series, VOL. 1)
BILHEUX, Roland & ESCOFFIER, Alain: Decorations, Borders and Letters, Marzipan, and Modern Desserts (Professional French Pastry Series, VOL. 4) SCHOEMAN, Karel: The Face of the Country: A South African Family Album 1860 - 1910 DANTE ALIGHIERI (Tranlated By Charles Lancelot SHADWELL): The Purgatory.(Purgatorio I-XXVII) An Experiment in Literal Verse Translation by Charles Lancelot Shadwell with an Introduction by Walter Pater
TURTON, Anthony; ASHTON, Peter; CLOETE, Eugene (Edited by): Transboundary Rivers, Sovereignty and Development: Hydropolitical Drivers in the Okavango River Basin HOFSTADTER, Richard: Anti-Intellectualism in American Life DOUGLAS, Alfred: Oscar Wilde and Myself
WILLIAMS, Charles: Charles Blomfield: His Life and Times VAN DER MERWE, Thys: Hendrik Cloete En Die Argitektuur Van Groot Constantis WHITELAW, Gavin: KwaGandaganda: settlement patterns in the Natal Early Iron Age
HUMPHREYS, A. J. B. & THACKERAY, Anne I: Ghaap and Gariep. Later Stone Age studies in the Northern Cape JOOSTE, L: Die Kuns Van Oorlog. 'n Inleiding Tot Militere Kuns in Suid Afrika THE RESEARCH SECTION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY OF NATAL: The Durban Housing Survey: A Study of Housing in a Multi-racial Community (Natal Regional Survey; Additional Report No. 2)
REID DALY, Ron & STIFF, Peter: Selous Scouts Top Secret War COOMBE, Ed. & SLINGSBY, Peter: Beard Shaver's Bush: Place Names in the Cape NIVEN, Cecily (Compiled by): Jock and Fitz. In Commemoratioon of the Sixtieth Anniversary of the First Publication of Jock of the Bushveld
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE: Handbook for Farmers in South Africa, VOL 1: Agriculture & Related Services, VOL 2 : Agronomy & Horticulture, VOL 3 Stock Farming & Pastures BREYTENBACH, J.H. & PLOEGER, J: Majuba Gedenkboek. Uitgegee ter herdenking van die Boere se stryd ter verkryging van hul onafhanklikheid 'n eeu Gelede CILLIE, Chris (Compiled by_: Gholfterme
BALLOT, Muller: Bettie Cilliers-Barnard Bowereldse Perspektiewe PRAH, Kwesi Prah: Between Distinction & Extinction: The Harmonisation and Standardisation of African Languages LUND, Frances & SRINIVAS, Smita: Learning from Experience: A Gendered Approach to Social Protection for Workers in the Informal Economy
CAMAY, Phiroshaw & GORDON, Anne J: The People Have Spoken SWIFT, Anthony & MAHER, Stan: Growing Pains:How Poverty and AIDS are challenging Childhood GORDON, Phiroshaw & GORDON, Anne (Edited by): Advocacy in Southern Africa: Lessons for the Future
BUCHANAN, Rob & CARTER, Jayne: Making a Difference in Africa: Advice From Experienced Grantmakers CILLIERS, Jakkie & HILDING-NORBERG, Annika (Edited by): Buiklding Stability in South Africa: Challenges for the New Millennium McLEAN, Andrew & CLEGG, Elizabeth (Edited by): Towards implementation of the Southern Africa Regional Action Programme on Light Arms and Illicit Trafficking
Diversity and quality : academic development at South African tertiary institutions : a comparative case study conducted by CASEAVLICH, George & ORKIN, Mark: Diversity and Quality : Academic Development at South African tertiary institutions : a comparative case study conducted by CASE FRIEDMAN, Stephen & HUMPHRIES, Richard (Edited by): Federalism and Its Foes, Proceedings of the Institute for Multi-Party Democracy and the Centre for Policy Studies Workshop, The Politics and Economics of Federalism: A South African Debate, held at the Breakwater Lodge, Cape Town 21-23 August 1992 AVIRGAN, Tony; BIVENS, Josh; GAMMAGE, Sarah (Editors): Good Jobs, Bad Jobs, No Jobs: Labor Markets and Informal Work in Egypt, El Salvador, India, Russia, and South Africa
VAZ, Alcidis Costa: Intermediate States, Regional Leadership and Security: India, Brazil and South Africa ROBINSON, Marguerite: The Microfinance Revolution: Sustainable Finance for the Poor LUND, Francie & NICHOLSON, Jillian (Edited by): Chains of Production, Ladders of Protection. Social Protection for Workers in the Informal Economy
DAUDET, Alphonse (Assoc. Denys REITZ): Sappho. Moeurs Parisiennes DE BEER, P.K: Agter Die Magalies WYCKOFF-BAIRD, Barbara: Growth Rings: Communities and Trees - Lessons from the Ford Foundation Community-Based Forestry Demonstration Program 2000 - 2005
SAINT, William S: Universities in Africa. Strategies for Stabilization and Revitalization MOSER, Caroline O. N: Ordinary Families, Extraordinary Lives: Assets and Poverty Reduction in Guayaquil, 1978-2004 PORTEOUS, David & HAZLEHURST, Ethel: Banking on Change. Democratising Finance in South Africa 1994-2004 and Beyond
NASH, William L. (Project Director): Toward an Angola Strategy: Prioritizing U.S.-Angola Relations HABIB, Adam & MAHARAJ, Brij (Edited by): Giving & Solidarity: Resource Flows for Poverty Alleviation in South Africa SHAW, Mark: Democracy's Disorder? Crime, Police and Citizen Responses in Transitional Societies
WYNGAARD, Ricardo; MELLET, Patric Tariq; GASTROW, Shelagh: Governing Boards in the Non-Profit Sector BALAKRISHNAN, Radhika: Why MES with Human Rights? Integrating Macro Economic Strategies with Human Rights FICK, Glenda; MEINTJES, Sheila; SIMONS, Mary (Edited by): One Woman, One Vote: The Gender Politics of South African Elections
ODIMEGWU, Clifford (Edited by): African Population Studies. Etude De La Population Africaine VOL.25 No.2 December 2011 ALEXANDER, Karin & KABOYAKGOSI, Gape (Edited by): A Fine Balance. Assessing the Quality of Governance in Botswana MUSISI, Nakanyike B. & MUWANGA, Nansozi K: Makerere University in Transition, 1993-2000: Opportunities and Challenges
GORDON, Robert J: Bushman Myth The Making of a Namibian Underclass JUDGE, Melanie; MANION, Anthony; DE WAAL, Shaun (Edited by): To Have and to Hold: The making of the same-sex marriage in South Africa VENTER, Minnie (Edited by): Prospects for Progress: Critical Choices for Southern Africa
BOSL, Anton & DIESCHO, Joseph (Edited by): Human Rights in Africa: Legal Perspectives on Their Protection and Promotion SIMS, Bryan M. & KOEP, Monica (Edited by): Unfinished Business: Democracy in Namibia MBIBA, Beacon: Urban Agriculture in Zimbabwe: Implications for Urban Management and Poverty (Making of Modern Africa)
JONGBLOED, Ben'; MAASSEN, Peter; NEAVE, Guy (Edited by): From the Eye of the Storm: Higher Education's Changing Institution VOLKMAN, Toby Alice (Edited by): Origins, Journeys and Returns: Social Justice in International Education BYRNE, John 'Budgie' & BRADBURY, Mike: Balls. My Life and Laughs in Soccer
BLAIS, Marie-Claire: A Season in the Life of Emmanuel DOVER, Cedric: Hell in the Sunshine KEITH, Elizabeth & SCOTT, E. K. Robertson: Old Korea-the Land of Morning Calm