Item details: Louisiana, as Formerly Claimed by France, Now Containing Part of British America to the East & Spanish America to the West of the Mississipi. From the Best Authorities by T. Kitchin Geogr.
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$US 450.00
Louisiana, as Formerly Claimed by France, Now Containing Part of British America to the East & Spanish America to the West of the Mississipi. From the Best Authorities by T. Kitchin Geogr.
Imprint: London, 1765
180 x 230 mm., modern wash colour, in good condition.
A charming little map focused on the old French Louisiana. This was due to the Treaty of Paris which ended the French and Indian War and granted Britain control westwards up to the Mississippi River. It illustrates the spread of the native Indian tribes across the middle of the continent and the position of several European settlements. Spanish territory in Texas is identified along with just at the right edge of the map Virginia. Engraved by Thomas Kitchin it appeared in the June 1765 issue of the 'London Magazine', one of the newspapers of the day. Jolly, D.C. (Brit Per) LOND-245.
Stock number:3994.