Item details: Bavariae olim Vindeliciae, Delineationis Compendium ex Tabula Philippi Apiani Math.
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£ 350.00
Bavariae olim Vindeliciae, Delineationis Compendium ex Tabula Philippi Apiani Math.
Imprint: Antwerp., 1573-80
380 x 490 mm., in full modern wash colour.
Abraham Ortelius' map of Bavaria, Germany, is derived from the large scale of Peter Apian, 1561. First published in the "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" in the first Additamentum, 1573. This example bears German text to the verso and comes from the 1580 edition which can be determined from the pagination. Van den Broecke, M. 110.
Stock number:4227.