Item details: Contrafactur der Statt Zurich Anno 1595
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£ 225.00
MUNSTER, Sebastian
Contrafactur der Statt Zurich Anno 1595
Imprint: Basle, c.1595
180 x 380 mm., in fine condition.
A fine view of Zurich, Switzerland, from Sebastian Munster's Cosmographia Universalis. Munster was a renowned hebraist and geographer. The Cosmographia was first published in 1544 just four years after his first publication of Ptolemy's Geographia. It was a large compendium of topographical information which was consistently expanded during its lifetime. Later publication of the Cosmographia was by his step-son Heinrich Petri. Burmeister; Oehme Introduction to the Facsimile of the 1550 Edition of Munster's Cosmographia; Shirley Atlases in the BL T.Mun 1a.
Stock number:4735.