Item details: Circuli Westphaliae quod Partem Septentrionalem in suos Status Ecclesiasticos ...
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£ 195.00
Circuli Westphaliae quod Partem Septentrionalem in suos Status Ecclesiasticos ...
Imprint: Nuremberg, 1761
570 x 500 mm., in early wash colour, good condition.
An ornate detailed map of the region of Westphalia in Germany. The map extends from Emden, Bremen and Hamburg in the north to Cologne, Bonn and Dusseldorf in the south. It takes in the Dutch towns of Maastricht, Nijmegen and Arnhem. To the east the city of Hannover is found. It is finished with an ornate title cartouche upper left. The famous German firm of cartographic publishers was founded by Johann Baptist Homann in 1702 in Nuremberg. In 1707 he published the "Neuer Atlas" whose success continued for many years. In recognition of his success Homann was elected to the Berlin Academy of Sciences. In 1715 Homann was appointed Geographer to the Emperor. Homann died in 1724 and was succeeded by his son Johann Christoph (1703-30) who died shortly after. Henceforth the firm was run by various family members under the title of Homann Heirs until the late 1770s. Homann's map are generally well engraved in a detailed style.
Stock number:7010.