Item details: Black Sea Balaklava Bay
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£ 195.00
Black Sea Balaklava Bay
Imprint: London, 18 December 1854
680 x 510 mm., with pasted on extension lower right, in good condition.
Balaclava in the Ukraine is immortalised in history by the Battle named after it during the Crimean War. It is famous for the disastrous 'Charge of the Light Brigade' in which 250 men and 400 horses were lost. It formed part of the campaign on behalf of the Anglo-French-Turkish forces to capture Sevastapol, then Russia's main naval base on the Black Sea. A final military charge on 25 October 1854 came from the misinterpreted orders of Lord Raglan. The Brigade were sent up a valley strongly defended by the Russians on three sides. The event is remembered most famously in the poem 'The Charge of the Light Brigade' by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. The fabulously detailed chart depicts the area just 8 weeks after the battle and marks the town in some detail and the British Burial Ground.
Stock number:5373.