Item details: Aegypti Recentior Descriptio/ Carthaginis Celeberrimi Sinus Typus
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£ 150.00
Aegypti Recentior Descriptio/ Carthaginis Celeberrimi Sinus Typus
Imprint: Antwerp, 1570-[79]
Edition: First Edition
325 x 230 mm., in good modern wash colour, in good condition.
This is the right side only from a double page map sheet that contained one of Asia Minor to the left. This half features a well engraved map of Egypt drawn from one published by Paolo Forlani in Venice 1566. The lower map is of the ancient city of Carthage again drawn from an Italian source which although unidentified can be dated to 1535. It was published in the first edition of Abraham Ortelius' 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum' in 1570, the first modern atlas. This example was issued in the Latin text edition of 1579. Van den Broecke 174b & c; refer Woodward 'The Maps and Prints of Paolo Forlani' 49.
Stock number:6996.