Item details: Siciliae Regnum
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£ 675.00
Siciliae Regnum
Imprint: Amsterdam, 1589-[1609]
340 x 480 mm., in good modern colour, fine condition on strong paper.
This fine map of Sicily by Gerard Mercator was first issued in the second part of Mercator's 'Atlas Sive Cosmographiae' entitled 'Italiae, Sclavoniae et Graeciae' published in Duisberg, 1589. After the acquisition of Mercator's stock in 1604 by Jodocus Hondius the production of the atlas moved to Amsterdam. This edition is with French text on the verso. Koeman II ME 13A no. 66; Van der Krogt, P. (Atlantes) 7510:1A.1.
Stock number:4181.