Item details: Nova Orbis Tabula, in Lucem Edita, A. F. De Wit
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£ 5500.00
DE WIT, Frederick
Nova Orbis Tabula, in Lucem Edita, A. F. De Wit
Imprint: Amsterdam, c.1670
480 x 570 mm., in fine early wash colour, remnants of mounting tape to the verso, otherwise in good condition.
‘De Wit’s map is one of the most attractive of its time’ (Shirley). Accurate dating of the publication of Frederick de Wit’s double-hemisphere world map is not possible as his atlases are undated and we have no further concrete knowledge. Shirley suggests that based on the cartographic depictions of Hudson’s Bay that this map might even pre-date his maritime world map of 1668. De Wit (1630-1706) was one of the most successful Dutch engravers and map publishers of the second half of the seventeenth century. He had already published three wall maps of the world by 1670, in twelve, four and eight sheets. This attractive double-hemisphere map is renowned for its decoration. It bears two polar projection insets top and bottom and the surrounds are filled with allegorical designs incorporating the four elements, four seasons and the signs of the zodiac. This second state bears cherubs in the cusps between the hemispheres. The map was included in the composite de Wit atlases of the period and can also be found in those of other rival Dutch publishers such as Nicolas Visscher, the heirs of Jansson. A good clean example of a classic Dutch piece of cartographic art which was much copied by later cartographers. Provenance: private English collection since 1985. Koeman (1967-70) Wit 1; Shirley (1984) 451 st. 2.
Stock number:6213.