Item details: Massacre of De Langle, Lemanon & Ten Others of the Two Crews
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£ 110.00
LA PEROUSE, Jean Francois Comte de
Massacre of De Langle, Lemanon & Ten Others of the Two Crews
Imprint: London, 1798
225 x 310 mm., in good condition.
This is a view of the massacre of twelve members of the expedition of the French Admiral and explorer, le Comte de La Pérouse at Tatuila on the island of Maouna in Samoa. It was a great loss to the expedition, Robert de Lamanon was a botanist and physician. La Perouse's second in command Paul Antoine Fleuriot also lost his life. Jean-Francois de Galoup, Comte de La Perouse led a French scientific expedition to the Pacific in 1785-88. He was one of the most noted naval commanders and navigators in France and was selected by King Louis XVI to complete Captain James Cook's exploration of the western Pacific. In a rare moment of co-operation the British Admiralty furnished scientific equipment to measure variations in magnetic north and for determining longitude. Fortunately for us La Perouse was meticulous in sending copies of his detailed logs and surveying via other ships as well as overland. His last contact was in the spring of 1788 with a British ship in Botany Bay, Australia. The expedition was never heard from again. When the French Government realised that it had been lost they decided to publish an account as in many other ways it is regarded as one the greatest French voyages of exploration. It was not until 1827 that their fate was known. Howes USIana L93; Nordenskiold Collection v. 2; Phillips 688; Sabin 38960; Shirley 'Atlases in the BL' G.LPR-1a.
Stock number:8794.