Item details: Lemovicum Totius et Confinium Provinciarum Quantum ad Diocesim Lemovicensem Spectant Novissima et Fidissima Descriptio
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£ 125.00
Lemovicum Totius et Confinium Provinciarum Quantum ad Diocesim Lemovicensem Spectant Novissima et Fidissima Descriptio
Imprint: Antwerp, 1570-[89]
340 x 235 mm., in full early wash colour, in good condition.
An attractive map depicting the region of Limousin in south western France, with the city of Lymoges (Limoges) near the centre of the map. This map was drawn from that by Jean Fayen (1530-1616) published in the 'Theatre Francois' by Maurice Bougereau in 1594. It was first published in the 1598 French edition of Abraham Ortelius' 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum', the first modern atlas of the world. This example is removed from its accompanying map of Blois and lacks any text to the verso. As such it is difficult to determine the edition but from the paper size we may deduce it was an earlier one. Van den Broecke, M. 43; Meurer pp. 132-3.
Stock number:8846.