Item details: Surrey
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£ 35.00
MOULE, Thomas
Imprint: London, 1837
205 x 260 mm., in full early wash colour, in very good condition.
Thomas Moule (1784-1851) was a noted historian, mapseller and publisher. His finest work is the 'English Counties Delineated' first published in 1837 following its issue in parts from May 1830 to the spring of 1836. The publisher was George Virtue who used the same beautiful plates later in his publication of Rev. James Barclay’s 'Dictionary'. The maps are considered the most attractive of all the later English county maps. They are embellished with topographical views, coats of arms and decorative borders. They were engraved by James Bingley (1796-1869), John Crane Dower (1791?-1847) and William Schmollinger (fl.1830-37). Bingley was born in Leicester and was in London by 1820 when he married in Chelsea. He was imprisoned for debt in 1833 at which time he was in partnership with Schmollinger. Thomas Moule wrote books on heraldry and antiquities. From 1816-23 he was a bookseller in Duke Street, Grosvenor Square, London. He was then employed in the General Post Office to 'interpret illegible addresses' (BBTI) whilst also working as Chamber-Keeper in the Lord Chamberlain's Department. The last position gave him a residence at St. James's Palace where he died in 1851. After the completion of the parts issue sometime in 1836 the 'English Counties Delineated' appeared as a two-volume book in 1837 with subsequent editions in 1838 and 1839. This second state of the map of Surrey bears the imprint of Bingley below, it is rare. British Book Trade Index; Campbell (1985b); Carroll (1996) 95; Chubb (1927) 472; Worms & Baynton-Williams (2011).
Stock number:9328.