Item details: Gallia Narbonensis Ora Marittima Recenter descripta
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£ 140.00
Gallia Narbonensis Ora Marittima Recenter descripta
Imprint: Antwerp, 1570-[1580}
Edition: First Edition
300 x 220 mm., in recent wash colour, in good condition.
A nice example of Ortelius' map of southern France with north to the right. It extends from Oranges in the north to, Narbonne in the west and Marseille in the east. This map was introduced to the Ortelius atlas in the first edition of 1570. This example is from the 1580 German text issue. According to Van den Broecke Charles de l'Ecluse (1510-63) was asked by Ortelius to produce a map of the region which turned out to be not particularly accurate. in 1595 'Adam la Planche wrote Ortelius (Hessels letter 279) that he had obtained from Pierre Pithou a manuscript map of Ile de France, attributed to Francois de la Guillotiere'. Meurer p. 128; Van den Broecke, M. 48a.
Stock number:9346.