Item details: La Table du Pays de Pomeran, Selon les Principautez, les Villes le Plus Excellentes, les Bourgades & Chasteaux d'Icelle
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£ 125.00
MUNSTER, Sebastian
La Table du Pays de Pomeran, Selon les Principautez, les Villes le Plus Excellentes, les Bourgades & Chasteaux d'Icelle
Imprint: Basel, c.1560
265 x 380 mm., with small area of light browning on lower margin edge, otherwise in good condition.
A unusually decorative Sebastian Munster map of the region of Pomerania on the shores of the Baltic Sea. It extends from Rugen in the west to Hel in present day Poland. What makes this map stand out are the nine crests above the map. With French text below and on verso. Shirley (2004) T.MUN-1d 97.
Stock number:8074.