Item details: Het Graafschap Warwick, Verdeeld in des zelfs Honderden ...
£ 70.00
MEIJER, Pieter
Het Graafschap Warwick, Verdeeld in des zelfs Honderden ...
Imprint: Amsterdam, 1765-[70]
190 x 175 mm., in very good condition.
A very rare map by Peiter Meijer published in "Algemeene Oefenschoole" which was issued in two volumes in 1763 and 1770. The work is a translation of Benjamin Martin's 'Natural History of England', 1755-63. Similarly, it describes the counties and illustrates them with a series of county maps. Like the Martin this two volume atlas forms only part of a larger thirty-one volume work. The title 'Algemeene Oefenschoole van Konsten en Weetenschappen' is translated as 'General Academy of Arts and Sciences'. Published in parts like the Martin we can deduce the maps were published between 1757 and 1770 from their presence on each map. The open acknowledgement of Emanuel Bowen as originator of the maps might indicate some form of approval from Martin for the work. It does not appear to have been a commercial success judging by its rarity. This map appears in the second volume. The engraver of the maps is Leonard Janszoon Schenck (1732-1800) whose name appears on the maps. The titles have been almost directly translated with the addition of a credit to Bowen and date of issue.Not in Chubb; Hodson (1984-97) 260; Koeman (1967-70) Supplement Meij 2 & Meij 1; Shirley (2004) Mei 1a; Tooley's Dictionary (1999-2004).
Stock number:9755.