Item details: Vue prise a Malacca
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£ 400.00
LAPLACE, Cyrille
Vue prise a Malacca
Imprint: Paris, 1835
220 x 305 mm., an uncoloured aquatint on India paper, with minor water stain upper left corner away from the image, otherwise in good condition.
This view of Malacca is from Laplace’s second voyage of circumnavigation which consolidated French interests in the Pacific entitled 'Voyage Autour du Monde … La Favorite'. Dunmore states ‘the importance of the expeditions of the Venus, the Artemise and the Heroine in laying the foundations for the subsequent sharing-out of Oceania should never be overlooked ...’ Dunmore ‘French Exploration of the Pacific’ pp. 317-40; Judd & Lind ‘Voyages to Hawaii before 1860’ 105; Sabin 38983.
Stock number:2809.