1743 books matched your search criteria. 20 books have been returned starting at 1181.
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Imprint: Ulm, 1692-[c.1703]
65 x 80 mm., in good condition on thick paper.
In 1692 Johann Ulrich Müller (1633-1715) published a small geographical work entitled 'Geographia Totius Orbis Compendiaria'. It appears the maps were engraved by a member of the Bodenehr family. This example is from the virtually unrecorded smaller format edition without text on the page published by Gabriel Bodenehr entitled 'Atlas Minor sive Orbis Terrae'. No date is to be found on the title but c.1703 is presumed. The map depicts the Upper Nile River, central and eastern Africa. Refer to King (2003) pp. 25 & 160B1; refer Phillips (1909-) no. 512; refer Shirley (2004) T.Mull-1a no. 102.
Stock number:7882.
£ 75.00 ( approx. $US 97.60 )
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Imprint: Ulm, 1692-[c.1703]
65 x 80 mm., in good condition.
In 1692 Johann Ulrich Müller (1633-1715) published a small geographical work entitled 'Geographia Totius Orbis Compendiaria'. It appears the maps were engraved by a member of the Bodenehr family. This example is from the virtually unrecorded smaller format edition without text on the page published by Gabriel Bodenehr entitled 'Atlas Minor sive Orbis Terrae'. No date is to be found on the title but c.1703 is presumed. The map depicts the northern hemisphere to a latitude of 50 degrees north. Refer to King (2003) pp. 25 & 160B1; refer Phillips (1909-) no. 512; refer Shirley (2004) T.Mull-1a.
Stock number:8302.
£ 75.00 ( approx. $US 97.60 )
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Imprint: Ulm, 1692-[c.1703]
65 x 80 mm., in good condition on thick paper.
In 1692 Johann Ulrich Müller (1633-1715) published a small geographical work entitled 'Geographia Totius Orbis Compendiaria'. It appears the maps were engraved by a member of the Bodenehr family. This example is from the virtually unrecorded smaller format edition without text on the page published by Gabriel Bodenehr entitled 'Atlas Minor sive Orbis Terrae'. No date is to be found on the title but c.1703 is presumed. The map depicts much of present day Argentina west of La Plata. Refer to King (2003) pp. 25 & 160B1; refer Phillips (1909-) no. 512; refer Shirley (2004) T.Mull-1a no. 101.
Stock number:7883.
£ 75.00 ( approx. $US 97.60 )
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Imprint: Basle, c.1560
310 x 200 mm., in good condition.
A distinctive map of the region from Moscow to the Black Sea and Caspian Sea taking in the Caucasus and Armenia. From Sebastian Munster's 'Cosmographia Universalis'. Munster was a renowned hebraist and geographer. The 'Cosmographia' was first published in 1544 just four years after his first publication of Ptolemy's 'Geographia'. It was a large compendium of topographical information which was consistently expanded during its lifetime. Later publication of the 'Cosmographia' was by his step-son Heinrich Petri. Burmeister; Oehme 'Introduction to the Facsimile of the 1550 Edition of Munster's Cosmographia'; Karrow, R.W. (16 c.) 58/182; Shirley Atlases in the BL T.Mun 1a.
Stock number:5399.
£ 125.00 ( approx. $US 162.67 )
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Imprint: Basle, c.1550
260 x 335 mm., in modern wash colour, good condition.
A fine view of Berne, Switzerland, from Sebastian Munster's "Cosmographia Universalis". Munster was a renowned hebraist and geographer. The "Cosmographia" was first published in 1544 just four years after his first publication of Ptolemy's "Geographia". It was a large compendium of topographical information which was consistently expanded during its lifetime. Later publication of the "Cosmographia" was by his step-son Heinrich Petri. Burmeister; Oehme "Introduction to the Facsimile of the 1550 Edition of Munster's Cosmographia"; Shirley Atlases in the BL T.Mun 1a.
Stock number:5199.
£ 175.00 ( approx. $US 227.74 )
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Imprint: Basle, c.1595
180 x 380 mm., in fine condition.
A fine view of Zurich, Switzerland, from Sebastian Munster's Cosmographia Universalis. Munster was a renowned hebraist and geographer. The Cosmographia was first published in 1544 just four years after his first publication of Ptolemy's Geographia. It was a large compendium of topographical information which was consistently expanded during its lifetime. Later publication of the Cosmographia was by his step-son Heinrich Petri. Burmeister; Oehme Introduction to the Facsimile of the 1550 Edition of Munster's Cosmographia; Shirley Atlases in the BL T.Mun 1a.
Stock number:4735.
£ 225.00 ( approx. $US 292.82 )
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Imprint: Basle, 1555
250 x 340 mm., with recent wash colour, good condition.
The early map of Germany by Munster orientated to the south. Munster was a renowned hebraist and geographer. The "Cosmographia" was first published in 1544 just four years after his first publication of Ptolemy's "Geographia". It was a large compendium of topographical information which was consistently expanded during its lifetime. Later publication of the "Cosmographia" was by his step-son Heinrich Petri. Burmeister; Karrow 58/106; Oehme "Introduction to the Facsimile of the 1550 Edition of Munster's Cosmographia"; Shirley Atlases in the BL T.Mun 1a.
Stock number:4397.
£ 150.00 ( approx. $US 195.21 )
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Imprint: London, c.1560
255 x 380 mm., light brown spots in lower margin, otherwise in good condition.
Woodblock view of the medieval city and surrounding countryside. The foreground features local going about their daily chores by the roadside. Two German crests flank the title. The engraver's initials "W.S." and date 1547 appear on a stone in the foreground. French text on verso.
Stock number:8801.
£ 95.00 ( approx. $US 123.63 )
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Imprint: Basle, c.1550
230 x 300 mm., in fine modern wash colour.
A fine view of Soluthurn, in north west Switzerland, from Sebastian Munster's Cosmographia Universalis. The crest of the town is displayed above this birds-eye view of the walled town. Munster was a renowned hebraist and geographer. The Cosmographia was first published in 1544 just four years after his first publication of Ptolemy's Geographia. It was a large compendium of topographical information which was consistently expanded during its lifetime. Later publication of the Cosmographia was by his step-son Heinrich Petri. Burmeister; Oehme Introduction to the Facsimile of the 1550 Edition of Munster's Cosmographia; Shirley Atlases in the BL T.Mun 1a.
Stock number:4741.
£ 195.00 ( approx. $US 253.77 )
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Imprint: Basle, c.1560
220 x 360 mm., in fine recent wash colour, in good condition.
A lovely early woodblock birds-eye view of Geneva on the shore of Lac Leman, Switzerland. With German text below and on the verso. With a letterpress title above view 'Beyde Stett Genff Grosz und Klein ...'. Fauser, A. 4507.
Stock number:5102.
£ 175.00 ( approx. $US 227.74 )
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Imprint: Basle, c.1560
175 x 160 mm., with text below, in good condition.
An untitled map on a full sheet with text showing the River Nile from the delta southward including part of the Red Sea. The map comes from editions of Sebastian Munster's 'Cosmographia'.
Stock number:4866.
£ 95.00 ( approx. $US 123.63 )
Imprint: Basel, c.1550
210 x 140 mm., set on a leaf of text, in good condition.
Sebastian Munster's map of the Low Countries first issued in the 'Cosmographia' of 1550. French text. Karrow, R.W. (1993) 58/155.
Stock number:9676.
£ 125.00 ( approx. $US 162.67 )
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Imprint: Basle, c.1550
300 x 380 mm., in good condition.
A fine early plan of the ancient city of Rome with French text. Munster was a renowned hebraist and geographer. The 'Cosmographia' was first published in 1544 just four years after his first publication of Ptolemy's 'Geographia'. It was a large compendium of topographical information which was consistently expanded during its lifetime. Later publication of the 'Cosmographia' was by his step-son Heinrich Petri. Burmeister; Oehme 'Introduction to the Facsimile of the 1550 Edition of Munster's Cosmographia'; Shirley Atlases in the BL T.Mun 1a.
Stock number:5390.
£ 120.00 ( approx. $US 156.17 )
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Imprint: Basel, c.1560
265 x 380 mm., with small area of light browning on lower margin edge, otherwise in good condition.
A unusually decorative Sebastian Munster map of the region of Pomerania on the shores of the Baltic Sea. It extends from Rugen in the west to Hel in present day Poland. What makes this map stand out are the nine crests above the map. With French text below and on verso. Shirley (2004) T.MUN-1d 97.
Stock number:8074.
£ 125.00 ( approx. $US 162.67 )
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Imprint: Basle, 1544-[55]
250 x 340 mm., a very fine dark impression.
A fine detailed map of western Switzerland and neighbouring regions from the 1555 French edition of Munster's 'Cosmographie'. Blumer no. 27; Karrow 58/121 not citing this issue; Weisz pp. 57-64.
Stock number:4399.
£ 265.00 ( approx. $US 344.87 )
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Imprint: Basle, c.1552
Binding: Hardback
120 x 100 mm., image only, on a folio page of text.
A fine head and shoulders portrait of Sebastian Munster set within a folio text page from his 'Cosmography'. It depicts him at 60 years with laudatory text nearby. The verso includes an image of an earthquake or 'tremblementz' at Basle.
Stock number:3999.
£ 125.00 ( approx. $US 162.67 )
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Imprint: Basel, c.1540
25 x 34 cms., with some very minor foxing, otherwise in fine condition
This map of Persia was first published in Ptolemy's "Geographia" in 1540. Karrow, R.W. (16 c.) 58/93.
Stock number:4158.
£ 195.00 ( approx. $US 253.77 )
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Imprint: Basle, c.1551
270 x 345 mm. small wormhole left and right margins clear of the image, otherwise fine.
An attractive map of Ptolemaic Pakistan and Afghanistan first published in Munster's edition of Ptolemy's 'Geographia' in 1540. It was also included in editions of his 'Cosmographia', this example being from a Latin edition. Karrow, R.W. (16 c.) 58/97b; Nordenskiold II,287.
Stock number:4486.
£ 225.00 ( approx. $US 292.82 )
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Imprint: Basle, c.1540
300 x 400 mm., in good condition.
Munster was a renowned hebraist and geographer. The "Cosmographia" was first published in 1544 just four years after his first publication of Ptolemy's "Geographia". It was a large compendium of topographical information which was consistently expanded during its lifetime. Later publication of the "Cosmographia" was by his step-son Heinrich Petri. This map focuses on the Caucasus and modern day Russia. It displays the Crimean Peninsula lower left and the Caspian Sea lower right. With Latin text and a fine detailed woodcut border illustration. Karrow 58.90.
Stock number:4572.
£ 175.00 ( approx. $US 227.74 )
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Imprint: Basle, c.1550
270 x 345 mm., in good condition.
An attractive map of Ptolemaic Pakistan and Afghanistan first published in Munster's edition of Ptolemy's 'Geographia' in 1540. It was also included in editions of his 'Cosmographia', this example being from a Latin edition. Karrow, R.W. (16 c.) 58/97b; Nordenskiold II,287.
Stock number:8199.
£ 250.00 ( approx. $US 325.35 )
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