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Imprint: Antwerp, 1570-[87]
Edition: First Edition
34 x 46 cms., in early wash colour. With a small colour smudge in the lower left margin, otherwise a superb example.
Abraham Ortelius' fine map of Austria published in the first edition of his extremely important atlas the 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum', 1570. This example is with French text and comes from the 1587 edition. This is an example of the second state according to Van den Broecke. Koeman, C. (Atlantes) Ort 1A-1D, 27; Van den Broecke, M. #105.
Stock number:4070.
£ 350.00 ( approx. $US 455.49 )
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Imprint: Antwerp, 1573-[79]
380 x 490 mm., with fine recent wash colour, with Latin text on the verso, in good condition.
Very attractive and detailed map of this wealthy region of southern Germany from Abraham Ortelius' 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum'. The map is derived from Philipp Apian's large scale map of the region published in 1561. Van den Broecke, M. 110; Karrow 8/2; Meurer pp. 106-7.
Stock number:3030.
£ 275.00 ( approx. $US 357.88 )
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Imprint: Antwerp., 1573-80
380 x 490 mm., in full modern wash colour.
Abraham Ortelius' map of Bavaria, Germany, is derived from the large scale of Peter Apian, 1561. First published in the "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" in the first Additamentum, 1573. This example bears German text to the verso and comes from the 1580 edition which can be determined from the pagination. Van den Broecke, M. 110.
Stock number:4227.
£ 350.00 ( approx. $US 455.49 )
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Imprint: Antwerp, 1590-[1602]
310 x 230 mm., early wash colour, in good condition.
The map centres on the region to the south of Hamburg, Germany, which can be seen at the top of the map. The city of Hannover is seen to the left of centre. It is derived from the work of Gerard Mercator published in 1581 and was published in Abraham Ortelius' 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum', the first modern atlas, from 1590. This example with Spanish text to the verso was published in 1602 although it bears an incorrect pagination of '58' according to Van der Broecke. Karrow 1/167; Van der Broecke 99a.
Stock number:5584.
£ 125.00 ( approx. $US 162.67 )
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Imprint: Antwerp, 1590
730 x 490 mm., recent wash colour, printed on two sheets, joined, top half centrefold split repaired, otherwise in good condition.
This is one of the rarer of Abraham Ortelius' various maps of the British Isles. The most unusual feature of it is the size, it is in fact a two sheet map which makes for a dramatic map. It displays the ancient tribes of the Islands and names from the Roman occupation. It was produced to accompany the 'Parergon' Ortelius' historical atlas published alongside the 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum'. The modern outline of the British Islands is largely drawn from that of Gerard Mercator's great wall map of 1564 and improved by that of Christopher Saxton in 1579. The map is finished with four ornate cartouche, many large ships at sea and a fierce sea battle upper left. The engraving is believed to be the work of Jan Wierix. The map appeared in just three editions of the atlas in 1590, 1591 and 1592. From 1595 it was replaced with a single sheet reduction. Van den Broecke therefore estimates that just 400 examples were printed. An uncommon map. Provenance: private collection of Rodney Shirley. Shirley, R.W. (BI to 1650) 160; Van den Broecke, M. 190.
Stock number:7672.
£ 2650.00 ( approx. $US 3448.71 )
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Imprint: Antwerp, 1573-[1602]
335 x 485 mm., recent wash colour, with some foxing to the margins, otherwise in good condition.
This Abraham Ortelius plate contains three maps. To the left is a large map derived from the cartography of Wolfgang Lazius which displays the Drau River region centred on Villach between Austria to the north and Slovenia. Upper right is a large scaled map of the Istria Peninsula derived from that of Petro Coppo's in 1569. Below this is a map of the region around Zara and Sebenico derived from one by Paulo Forlani. It was first published in 1573, this being from the Spanish edition of 1602. Van den Broecke 143.
Stock number:9341.
£ 215.00 ( approx. $US 279.80 )
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Imprint: Antwerp, 1595-[1602]
370 x 500 mm., in attractive modern wash colour, lower centrefold split repaired in the margin, otherwise in good condition.
A copper engraved map of the regions of Le Mans and Brittany in France published by Abraham Ortelius in his 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum', the first uniform world atlas to be published. This map first appeared in the edition of 1595, this example with Spanish text to the verso appeared in the 1602 edition. The cartography of the map of Le Mans is derived from the relatively unknown map by Mace Olgier and Mattheus Ogerius in 1539. The most influential map on that of Brittany was Gerard Mercator's published in 1585. This is an example of the first state. Van der Broecke 37.
Stock number:8309.
£ 165.00 ( approx. $US 214.73 )
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Imprint: Antwerp, 1584-[1603]
365 x 470 mm., in recent wash colour, with Latin text, small mark in Japan otherwise in good condition.
'THE FOUNDATION OF EUROPEAN CARTOGRAPHY OF CHINA ... The first European Atlas map of China and the first to properly apply the name China to the region as a whole' (Barron in Chang). It was first published in the 'Additamentum' by Abraham Ortelius in 1584, a supplement to his famous atlas 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum'. The map is orientated with the west at the top with the Great Wall easily identified. For the first time the fifteen Provinces of China are depicted. Formosa is clearly identified however the town of Macao is incorrectly placed on the eastern shore of the mouth of the Pearl River. Both the Yellow River and the Yangtze are illustrated for the first time and there are five large internal lakes. Upper right is the 'Destertum Dovisival' or the Gobi desert. A portion of western Japan is illustrated with Honshu dissected as are the Philippine Islands, part of Borneo and South East Asia.The map is decorated with four images of the famous wheeled sail carts and several Tartar 'yurt' encampments in the north. The text on the verso identifies 240 towns. It was by far the most accurate one of China and was widely used by cartographers. The Latin text on verso draws on the letters of the Jesuit Bernadino Escalante as published in Seville in 1577 and includes four transcriptions of Chinese characters. The cartography itself is drawn by Ludovicus Georgius, also called Luis Jorge de Barbuda (fl.1575-99). This is an example of the second state with the Philippines named. Chang (2003) pp. 9 & 157, pl. 11; Karrow (1993) 1/152 p. 18; Nebenzahl (2004) 4.6; Van den Broecke, Ortelius Atlas Maps, 164.
Stock number:8939.
£ 5500.00 ( approx. $US 7157.70 )
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Imprint: Amsterdam, 1573-[1612]
325 x 245 mm., in full recent wash colour and in good condition.
A single page map of Bavaria, Germany published by Abraham Ortelius in the 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum'. It extends from Lake Bodensee in the south to Augsburg in the east and Freiburg in the west. Van den Broecke 114b; Karrow 1/88.
Stock number:8205.
£ 110.00 ( approx. $US 143.15 )
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Imprint: Antwerp, 1573-[80]
355 x 500 mm., in full early wash colour, one or two light foxmarks otherwise in very good condition.
A good example of the FIRST STATE of a classic map of the island of Cyprus in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. It was published by Abraham Ortelius in the 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum' for the first time in 1573. It is drawn directly from the written account of the French naturalist Pierre Belon of 1553 and cartographically from Jacomo Franco's map published in Venice c.1570, just prior to this map. Franco's map improved the general outline of the island and provided more place names than any other before it. It is unfortunately very rare surviving in only three known examples. This Ortelius map is the earliest derivative of it and is engraved by Jan van Deutecum on a larger scale. It is augmented with three sailing ships, a fine sea monster and three ornate cartouches. One of these encloses an inset map of the island of Lemnos. Ortelius' map had a great influence on the future cartography of Cyprus being copied on numerous occasions by later map mapkers. Van der Broeke 149; Maps of Cyprus 25.1; Stylianou, no. 66; Zacharakis no. 1451;
Stock number:7027.
£ 1650.00 ( approx. $US 2147.31 )
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Imprint: Antwerp, 1570-[c.79]
Edition: First Edition
360 x 480 mm., in modern wash colour. Small centrefold split lower margin, repaired, not affecting the image, otherwise in good condition.
This fine map of the majority of Northern Italy centred on the Republic of Milan was published in the first edition of Abraham Ortelius' Theatrum Orbis Terrarum' in 1570, the first modern atlas. It is derived from the work of Giovan Giorgio Settala, a native of Milan. His only surviving map is of the Duchy of Milan and only two examples survive; the Biblioteca Istituto Geograficao Militare Italiano, Florence and the British Library. This example was issued in the Latin text edition most probably of 1579 with the pagination 61 to the verso although van den Broecke does not record it. It is derived from a map by Johannes Septala's. Karrow p. 478-9; Meurer p. 237; Van den Broecke, M. #125, this pagination of '61' not listed.
Stock number:5106.
£ 440.00 ( approx. $US 572.62 )
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Imprint: Antwerp, 1570-[79]
Edition: First Edition
360 x 480 mm., in modern wash colour. With very minor water stain to portion of side margins not effecting the image, otherwise in good condition.
This fine map of the majority of Northern Italy centred on the Republic of Milan was published in the first edition of Abraham Ortelius' Theatrum Orbis Terrarum' in 1570, the first modern atlas. It is derived from the work of Giovan Giorgio Settala, a native of Milan. His only surviving map is of the Duchy of Milan and only two examples survive; the Biblioteca Istituto Geograficao Militare Italiano, Florence and the British Library. This example was issued in the Latin text edition of 1579 with the pagination 61 to the verso although van den Broecke does not record it. It is derived from a map by Johannes Septala's. Karrow p. 478-9; Meurer p. 237; Van den Broecke, M. no. 125.
Stock number:4704.
£ 550.00 ( approx. $US 715.77 )
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Imprint: Antwerp, 1570-[1580}
Edition: First Edition
300 x 220 mm., in recent wash colour, in good condition.
A nice example of Ortelius' map of southern France with north to the right. It extends from Oranges in the north to, Narbonne in the west and Marseille in the east. This map was introduced to the Ortelius atlas in the first edition of 1570. This example is from the 1580 German text issue. According to Van den Broecke Charles de l'Ecluse (1510-63) was asked by Ortelius to produce a map of the region which turned out to be not particularly accurate. in 1595 'Adam la Planche wrote Ortelius (Hessels letter 279) that he had obtained from Pierre Pithou a manuscript map of Ile de France, attributed to Francois de la Guillotiere'. Meurer p. 128; Van den Broecke, M. 48a.
Stock number:9346.
£ 140.00 ( approx. $US 182.20 )
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Imprint: Antwerp, 1570-[80]
Edition: First Edition
345 x 460 mm., lovely recent wash colour.
First published in the first edition of 1570 of Ortelius' "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum", the first modern atlas. This example is from the German edition of 1580. The map is drawn from the work of Aegidius Tscudi who was born in Glarus, Switzerland, in 1505. From 1524 he travelled extensively in the Alps and wrote a manuscript book with map of his travels. He intended to publish them but became involved in local politics instead. The map was printed separately in 1538 and no example survives. It is only known by a later re-print from the same block in 1560 which in itself survives in just one known example. Blumer pp. 47-9; Van den Broecke, M. 115; Karrow 78/1; Weisz p. 82.
Stock number:4916.
£ 375.00 ( approx. $US 488.02 )
Imprint: Antwerp, Jan Baptist Vrients, 1606-[12]
440 x 575 mm., early wash colour, light toning along the centrefold, trimmed as usual with minimal loss to vertical margins,otherwise in good condition.
A good example of an extremely decorative map of Ireland orientated with north to the right. The seas are filled with ships and monsters. In 1605 Jan Baptist Vrients, the publisher of Abraham Ortelius’ ‘Theatrum Orbis Terrarum’, commissioned the production of two special maps for the proposed English edition issued the following year. One of these is this fine ornate map of the whole of Ireland derived from the Baptista Boazio two-sheet, separately published map of 1599, which survives in only three known examples. The first state bore a dedication to James I, proclaiming him King of Great Britain, France and Ireland. For the next edition in Italian text of 1608 this presented a problem. The Catholic powers did not accept James, King of a Protestant country, as King of France and Ireland in particular. Clearly, he had not given himself enough time to re-engrave the plate so a paste over was printed to cover and alter the offending words.The correction was made to the plate for the 1609 editions in Latin and Spanish. The reference upper right is now to St. Patrick and translates as ‘Saint Patrick was sent by Pope Celestinus from France to Ireland in the year 433 to convert the Irish to the Christian faith, whose body now rests in the diocese of Dunen, also called Down, together with those of Saints Columba and Brigida’. According to Bonar-Law the combination of the second state of the plate and Latin text indicates a date of issue of 1612.Provenance: private English collection acquired 1996. Andrews (2007) ‘Colonial Cartography in a European Setting: The Case of Tudor Ireland’, in ‘The History of Cartography’ volume 3 part 2 pp. 1675-76; Bonar-Law (1997) pp. 6-9; Bonar-Law, Andrew & Charlotte (2013) pp. 16-17; Marcel van den Broecke, Ortelius Atlas Maps no.23, state 2; Kelly ‘Maps of the British Isles, England and Wales, and Ireland’, in ‘Mappae Antiquae Liber Amicorum Günter Schilder’ pp. 233-7; Jonathan Potter, Collecting Antique Maps, p. 96.
Stock number:9988.
£ 5500.00 ( approx. $US 7157.70 )
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Imprint: Antwerp, 1598-[1612]
340 x 460 mm., in recent wash colour, small old repaired lower centrefold split well within the margin, small brown mark on extreme left margin, otherwise in good condition.
A nice example of Ortelius' map of the region around Paris in the first state before the removal of the date lower left. This map is a late addition to the Ortelius atlas being first introduced in 1598. According to Van den Broecke in 1595 'Adam la Planche wrote Ortelius (Hessels letter 279) that he had obtained from Pierre Pithou a manuscript map of Ile de France, attributed to Francois de la Guillotiere'. Meurer p. 161; Van den Broecke, M. 41.
Stock number:9338.
£ 240.00 ( approx. $US 312.34 )
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Imprint: Antwerp, 1570-[89]
340 x 235 mm., in full early wash colour, in good condition.
An attractive map depicting the region of Limousin in south western France, with the city of Lymoges (Limoges) near the centre of the map. This map was drawn from that by Jean Fayen (1530-1616) published in the 'Theatre Francois' by Maurice Bougereau in 1594. It was first published in the 1598 French edition of Abraham Ortelius' 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum', the first modern atlas of the world. This example is removed from its accompanying map of Blois and lacks any text to the verso. As such it is difficult to determine the edition but from the paper size we may deduce it was an earlier one. Van den Broecke, M. 43; Meurer pp. 132-3.
Stock number:8846.
£ 125.00 ( approx. $US 162.67 )
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Imprint: Antwerp, 1590-[1608]
340 x 500 mm., in fine recent wash colour, good condition,
This map of the wealthy region of Lorraine is drawn from two maps by Gerard Mercator which were published in 1585. The Ortelius was first published in the 'Theatrum' in 1590, this example with Italian text to the verso was issued in 1608. Meurer p. 37; Van den Broecke, M. #50.1.
Stock number:5620.
£ 225.00 ( approx. $US 292.82 )
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Imprint: Antwerp, 1579-[80]
370 x 500 mm., in fine wash colour.
This is the only map of Luxembourg in the famous Abraham Ortelius "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum". It first appeared in the 1579 edition and this example comes from the German edition published the following year. The map was originally drawn by Jacques Surhon for which he received 500 Livres in payment from Charles V in 1551. It was however never published. Van den Broecke, M. 60.1; Van der Vekene 102A.
Stock number:4685.
£ 395.00 ( approx. $US 514.05 )
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Imprint: Antwerp, 1579-[88]
370 x 500 mm., with recent wash colour, in good condition.
This is the only map of Luxembourg in the famous Abraham Ortelius "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum". It first appeared in the 1579 edition and this example with Spanish text to the verso is from the 1588 edition. The map was originally drawn by Jacques Surhon for which he received 500 Livres in payment from Charles V in 1551. It was however never published. Van den Broecke, M. 60.2; Van der Vekene 102B.
Stock number:4686.
£ 350.00 ( approx. $US 455.49 )
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