Books by GALINDO, PedroClick here for all books by GALINDO, Pedro available for purchase on-line. Verdades Morales en que se reprehenden, y condenan los trages vanos, superfluos, y profanos; con otros vicios, y abusos que oy se usan: Mayormente los Escotados deshonestos de las mujeres / Dedicale al Muy Augusto y Venerable Sacramento del Altar, su autor, el Maestro Don Pedro Galindo, Clerigo Presbytero, natural, y morador de la Villa de Alcaçar by GALINDO, Pedro listed for sale on Bibliophile Bookbase. Click here for full details and on-line purchase. Bibliophile Bookbase lists over 5 million books, maps and prints including antiquarian books, incunabula, out of print books, used books and rare books. Bibliophile Bookbase for antiquarian books, maps and prints. |