Buy this book on-line Capitani, Pietro : Erudizione e scetticismo in Fran?ois de la Mothe le VayerOlschki, 2009 ISBN 9788822259295
cm. 17 x 24, xvi-252 pp. Pansophia - Testi e studi sulla modernit? Fran?ois de la Mothe le Vayer (1583 o 1588-1672), comunemente ritenuto un esponente di rilievo del cosiddetto libertinage ?rudit, fu un filosofo scettico e asser? la radicale in-conclusivit? della ragione umana. Fece professione di fideismo cristiano, e non vi sono argomenti risolutivi per affermare che si trattasse di simulazione. Il suo pirronismo storico non tese a sottovalutare la storia, ma piuttosto ad equipararla agli altri saperi, in quanto giungono anch?essi a conclusioni contrapposte. Fran?ois de la Mothe le Vayer (1583 or 1588-1672) was a French libertin ?rudit and a sceptical philosopher, who asserted the radical inconclusiveness of human reason. In religion he professed himself a Christian fideist, and we have no sound argument to regard him as a dissembler. La Mothe?s historical Pyrrhonism doesn?t induce him to undervalue history: on the contrary, he puts it on the same level as other sciences in that they too come to opposite conclusions. 494 gr. xvi-252 p.. Libro. Book Condition: nuovo. Binding: Rilegato Click here for full details of this book, to ask a question or to buy it on-line. Bibliophile Bookbase probably offers multiple copies of Capitani, Pietro : Erudizione e scetticismo in Fran?ois de la Mothe le Vayer. Click here to select from a complete list of available copies of this book. Bibliophile Bookbase lists over 5 million books, maps and prints including rare books, first editions, used books, out of print books and livres illustrées. Bibliophile Bookbase for antiquarian books, maps and prints. |