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SAXTON, Christopher - WILLDEY, George: Sussex, Surry and Kent by C. S. Corrected & Amended with many Additions by Phil: Lea GREAM, Thomas: A Topographical Map for the County of Sussex MUTLOW, Henry: Sketch of Part of the West of England
ANDREWS, John & DURY, Andrew: A Topographical Map of Hertford-shire from an Actual Survey: in which is Expressed all the Roads, Lanes, Churches, Noblemen, and Gentlemen's Seats, and everything remarkable in the County BOWEN, Thomas & Emanuel: Bowles’s New Medium English Atlas; or, Complete Set of Maps of the Counties of England and Wales DIGHTON, Robert: Geography Bewitched! or, a droll Caricature Map of Ireland
HERRERA Y TORDESILLAS, Antonio de: Descripcion de las Yndias del Norte 2 BELLIN, Jacques Nicolas: Environs de Leogane et du Port au Prince dans l'Isle de St. Domingue SPEED, John: Spaine Newly Described with Many Adictions, both in the Attires of the People & the Setuations of their Cheifest Cityes by John Speed 1626
MOLL, Herman: A Set of Fifty New and Correct Maps of England and Wales .. PTOLEMY, Claudius - FRIES, Laurent: Europae Tabula prima Continet Insulam Albion, sive Britanniam & Hyberniam CORBRIDGE, James: An Actual Survey of the County of Norfolk, to will be added an Actual Survey of ye County of Suffolk
MALLET, Alain Manesson: Isles de Salomon SCHENK, Pieter: Parys, een Stadt in Vrankryk DE VAUGONDY, Didier Robert: Le Royaume d'Angleterre ..
SENEX, John: A Map of Old & New Castile From the Observations of Rodrigo Mendes Silva and others DE BRUYN, Cornelis: Cairo SAXTON, Christopher - HOLE, William: Salopiae Comitatus quem Cornauii ..
HEYWOOD, John: The Travelling Atlas of England and Wales with all the Railways and Coach Roads .. WAGHENAER, Lucas Jansz: Chartae orarum marinarum partim Normandiae, partim Britanniae, et insularu circa eas sitarum .. LESCARBOT, Marc: Figure et description de la terre reconue ... par les Francois en la Floride
KEULEN, Johannes van: Pas-Kaart van t' Oosterste Deel vande Middellantsche Zee Vervattende de Zee-Kusten van Caramania, Cyprus, Soria en Aegiptia GUSSEFELD, Franz Ludwig: Sevilla Regnum in suos Archiepiscopatos Episcopatos et Praefecturas Divisum .. D'APRES DE MANNEVILLETTE, Jean Baptiste P. D: Carte de la Cote Orientale du Golfe de Bengale
GORDON, William: An Accurate Map of the County of Huntingdon, Actually Survey'd after a New method, in the Years 1730 & 1731 BOWEN, Emanuel & KITCHIN, Thomas: An Accurate Map of Radnorshire ANSON, Baron George: Karte von der Sud-See oder dem Stillen Meere von der Mittellinie bis zu 39 1/2 Grad nordl Breite
LA PEROUSE, Jean Francois Comte de: Chart of Discoveries made in 1787 in the seas of China and Tartary GUTHRIE, William: A New System of Modern Geography SANSON, Nicolas: Champaigne et Brie
KITCHIN, Thomas: A Chart of the English Channel with the adjacent Coasts of England and France ROBERTS, David: Map to Illustrate The Sketches of David Roberts, Esq: R. A. in Egypt and Nubia MERIAN, Matthaus: Abbildung der Statt und Vostung Sovazchi, so von den Venetianern Erobert und Demolirt Werden 1657
PARKER, Henry Perlee: A View of the Town of Sheffield from the South East BELLIN, Jacques Nicolas: Atlas Portatif pour servir a l'intelligence de L'Histoire Philosophique et Politique MULLER, Johann Ulrich - BODENEHR, Gabriel: Egyptus
SAXTON, Christopher - WEB, William: The County Palatine of Durisme exactly drawne 1642 ARMSTRONG, Andrew: The County Palatine of Durham Survey'd by Capt Armstrong and Engraved by Thomas Jefferys Geographer to His Majesty MDCCLXVIII HARDING, James Duffield: (Italian landscape)
ELLIS, George: Ellis's New and Correct Atlas of England and Wales being an Entire New Set of County Maps MULLER, Johann Ulrich - BODENEHR, Gabriel: (Egypt & Nubia) MULLER, Johann Ulrich: (Egypt)
MULLER, Johann Ulrich: (Egypt & Nubia) MULLER, Johann Ulrich: Egyptus ORTELIUS, Abraham - VRIENTS, Jan Baptiste: Angliae et Hiberniae Accurata Descriptio, Veteribus et Recentioribus ..
MORDEN, Robert: South Wales SAXTON, Christopher - WILLDEY, George: Yorkshire HOFFMAN, Johann: Hannonia
MONTECALERIO, Joannes a: Provincia Tolosana Cum confiniis MERIAN, Matthaus: Dero zu Hungarn und Bohaim Kongl: May: Herrn Be: Leopoldi ... Linzug zu dem nacher Frankfurt auss geschriebenen .. SANTINI, Paolo: Partie Septentrionale de la Couronne de Castille
VAUGONDY, Robert de: Partie Septentrionale de la Couronne de Castille BUFFON, George Louis Leclerc: Carte des Declinaisons et Inclinaisons de L'Aiguille Aimantee .. ARROWSMITH, John: The River Niger Shewing the Course of the Expedition under Captain Trotter in 1841
BELLIN, Jacques Nicolas: Carte Reduite des Costes De France et D'Espagne RUSCELLI, Girolamo: Tabula Asiae I NEELE, Samuel John: Map of China
FABRI, Pietro: Nizza LASOR A VAREA, Alphonsus: Isole Hebride, et Orcade SPEED, John: Tartaria
McKENNEY, Thomas L. and James HALL: History of the Indian Tribes of North America BEEVERALL, James: Les Delices de la Grand Bretagne et L’Irlande CARY, John: Cary's Survey of the High Roads from London to Hampton Court, Bagshot ..
ORTELIUS, Abraham: Britannicarum Insularum Vetus Descriptio ELLIS, Joseph: A Modern Map of the Island of Jersey ACKERMANN, Rudolph: Richmond as seen from above the Bridge
CALVER, E. Killwick: Entrance to the River Tyne RAMBLE, Reuben: Reuben Ramble’s Travels in the Western Counties of England BERRY, William: A Mapp of All the World in two Hemispheres in which are exactly Described all the Parts of the Earth and Seas. Described by Sanson, corrected and amended by William Berry
MERCATOR, Gerard: Irlandiae regnum SANSON, Nicolas: Duche et Gouvernement de Normandie WESSEL, C. - SKANKE, H: Kort over Siaelland og Moen
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