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Breen, Patrick. (Edited by Frederick J. Teggart): Diary Of Patrick Breen. One Of The Donner Party. Vol. 1. No. 6 Unted States Gypsum Company. Time Book For Plasterers Come To Nevada City California. Treasure Chest Of The West
Eureka Humboldt County California The Wonderful Cave Of The Winds And Williams Canon. Manitou Springs, Colorado Alvord, Adeline M: Practical Research Work In Photoplay Writing. One Of A Series Of Lectures Especially Prepared For Student-Members Of The Palmer Plan
Millinery Without Sewing. Snow White Millinery Cement Kelly's Ranch. A Guest Ranch In The Olympics. True To The Traditions Of Pioneer Hospitality Program Of Exercises. 4th of July, 1904. Alhambra Theatre
Hewitson, Theodore: George Cruikshank. An Appreciation Ferris, W. (Curator): The Museum Art, Historical and Scientific Association Map of Oregon With Condensed Information About Its Resources, Industries, Commerce, Products, Climate Etc
Hecht, Ben: Samuel Hirshfeld, M.D., Funeral Address Delivered by His Friend Ben Hecht, December 15, 1946 Smith, Waddell F: The Story of the Pony Express Nilsson, Christine: Original Carte-de-Visite photograph: Christine Nilsson
Booth, Philip: Letter from a Distant Land Los Angeles, the Metropolis of Sunny Southern Californi9a "As I Saw It": A Descriptive vVew Book in Color...The Land of Winter Sunshine, Fruits and Flowers Newton, Harry J: Yellow Gold of Cripple Creek: Romances and Anecdotes of the Mines, Mining Men and Mining Fortunes
Webster, F.A. (photos by): Souvenir Album Fire and Earthquake Views of San Francisco Handbook of Santa Fe and Guide to Taos and the Indian Country of the Rio Grande (Terence): Publi Terentii Afri Comoediae ad Optimorum Exemplarium Fidem Recensiitae Accesserunt Variae Lectiones, Quae in Libris MSS. & Eruditorum Commentaris Notau digniores Occurrunt
Jordan, David S. (Starr) and Charles H. Gilbert: Synopsis of the Fishes of North America bound with many other pamphlets and off-prints by Jordan) Souter, William Norwood M.D,: The Refractive and Motor Mechanism of the Eye with 148 Illustrations Nelligan, John J: Speeches and Writings
Rossner, Judith: Looking for Mr. Goodbar Day, Dianne: Fire and Fog Berger, Thomas: Killing Time: A Novel
McCort, Frank: Angela's Ashes: A Memoir Hoban, Russell: Riddley Walker: A Novel Lockley, Fred: To Oregon by Ox-Team in '47: The Story of the Coming of the Hunt Family to the Oregon Country and the Experiences of G.W. Hunt in the Gold Diggings of California in 1849
Stanford, Ann: The White Bird Shepherd, Jean: The Ferrari in the Bedroom Lewis, Janet and DeLoss McGraw: Janet and Deloss: Poems and Pictures
Bee-Keepers' Supplies Jan. 1, 1912 Along the Union Pacific Colorado Springs and Manitou: Pikes Peak Region
Senator Culbert L. Olson for Governor of California: Lifelong Democrat, Progressive, Trustworthy Reilly, J.J. (John James): Original Stereocard Photograph: "No. 127. San Francisco looking southeast from California Street" Reilly, J.J. (John James): Original Stereocard Photograph: Palace Hotel, San Francisco, Cal."
Reilly, J.J. (John James): Original Stereocard Photograph: "No. 123. Golden Gate from Telegraph Hill, San Francisco, Cal;." Reilly, J.J. (John James): Original Stereocard Photograph: "No. 103. San Francisco from California and Taylor Sts., Cal" Fillmore, Millard: Messge of the President of the United States Communicating in Answer to a Resolution of the Senate, the Corresponjdence in Relation to the Possesory Rights of the British Hudson's Bay Company in Oregon, February 4, 1851
(Cushing, Caleb): Territory of Oregon...January 4, 1839...Mr. Cushing from the Committee on Foreignj Affairs to which he Subject had been referred, Submitted the Following Report: The Committee on Foreign Affairs, to Chich were Referred a Message from the President of the United States anda Resolution of the House, in Relation to Territory of the United States Beyond the Rocky Mountains... Eskelin Karolina and Joshua Tillgren: Halsa Och Sjukdom, Den Moderna Lakarboken: Hur Man Haller Sig Frisk, Hur Man Behandlar Sjukdomar Wadsworth, Mary A: Shakespeare and Prayer
Meeker, Ezra: Seventy Years of Progress in Washington Report of the Committee to Whom was Refered a Resolution of the House of Representatives of the 19th of December Last, kDirecting an Inquiry into the Situation of the Settlements on the Pacific Ocean and the Expediency of Occupying the Columbia River ; Accompanied with a Bill to Authorize the Occupation of the Columbia River &tc Benton, Thomas Hart: Speech of Mr. Benton of Missouri on the Oregon Question Delivered in the Senate of the United States May 22, 25, & 28, 1846
Return of the Regularly Enlisted, Organized and Uniformed Active Militia of the United States Park, James: The Cyanide Process of Gold Extraction: A Text Book for the Use of Mining Students, Metallurgists and Cyanide Operators Fuentes, Carlos: Christopher Unborn, Translated from the Spanish by Alfred MacAdam and the Author
Polk, James: Executive Proceedings, Correspondence and Documents Relating to Oregon from Which the Injunction of Secrecy Has Been Removed, Wednesday June 10, 1846 Bodilly, Commander R.B., R.N: The Voyage of Captain Thomas James for the Discovery of the North-West Passage, 1631 O'Neill, Eugene: The Plays of Eugene O'Neill...Wilderness Edition
Barth, John: Sabatical: A Romance Gardner, John: Vloemk The Box Painter Michener, James A: Japanese Prints from the Early Masters to the Modern...with Notes on the Prints by Richard Lane
Charyn, Jerome: The Seventh Babe: A Novel Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Presents Ben-Hur, By General Lew Wallace...A Short History of This Mighty Production with Many Scenes from the Photodrama and with Portraits of the Characters Regulations for Standard Motor Vehicle Operations, American Expeditionary Forces, October 1918
Donald S. Klopfer: An Appreciation Davis, Dick (translator): Let Them Be Changed: Poems from the Persian Stegner, Mary (editor); Wallace Stegner (Introduction by); Philip Roth (Short story by): Prize Stories 1960: The O. Henry Awards
Pitman, Marie J. (Margery Deane): European Breezes Addison, Julia deWolf: Classic Myths in Art Illustrated Tibbits, Mrs. Walter: The Voice of the Orient with Portraits and Nineteen Illustrations
Funny Jokes and Funny Stories: A Collection of Present Day Jokes Collected from the Leading Humorous Journals...With Illustrations Trask, Edna Betts: Southern California Gardening Moran, Thomas: Home-Thoughts from Afar: Letters of Thomas Moran to Mary Nimmo Moran
Sedaris, David (edited and introduced by): Children Playing before a Statue of Hercules Rader, Dotson: Blood Dues Trumbo, Daltonj, edited with an introduction by Robert Kirsch, foreword by Cleo Trumbo: Night of the Aurochs
Clarke, Arthur C. and Stephen Baxter: Sunstorm: A Time Odyssey 2 Clark, F.E: The Children and the Church and the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor as a Means of Bringing Them Together DeVries, Peter: Consenting Adults, or the Duchess Will be Furious
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