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JULIAN BARNES (writing as 'Dan Kavanagh'): Duffy. A novel JULIAN BARNES (writing as 'Dan Kavanagh'): Going to the Dogs. A novel A.J.A.SYMONS: The Quest for Corvo. An Experiment in Biography. With an introduction by Julian Symons
THE GOLDEN COCKERELL PRESS: The Golden Cockerel Private Press Books Spring List 1937 FORD MADOX FORD: A Little Less Than Gods. A Romance OSCAR WILDE: contributes 'The Disciple' to an issue of the Oxford undergraduate periodical 'The Spirit Lamp'. Vol. IV, No. II. June 1893. Edited by Lord Alfred Douglas
IAN FLEMING: You Only Live Twice. A James Bond novel RONALD DUNCAN: The Complete Pacifist. With brief introductory remarks by Eric Gill, Sylvia Townsend Warner, Arthur Wragg, Ruth Fry, Canon H.R.L.Sheppard, Gerald Heard and Dr. Maude Royden JOHN PIPER: contributes a colour cover design and a monochrome title page vignette to Sir Thomas Browne's 'The Last Chapter of Urne Buriall'
BRIAN COFFEY: The Big Laugh. Poems. (INSCRIBED) JAMES FENTON: Put Thou Thy Tears Into My Bottle. Two poems. (SIGNED) GRAHAM GREENE: The Revenge. An Autobiographical Fragment
FRANCES HOROVITZ: Dream. A poem. (SIGNED) SYLVIA PLATH: Million Dollar Month. A poem JOHN CLARE: Journey from Essex. Poems for John Clare. Edited by Sandra McPherson
GREAT WAR: Ypres Après la Guerre. Historical Souvenirs. Ten postcards illustrating various views of war-shattered Ypres RUPERT BROOKE: The Old Vicarage Grantchester. With a woodcut by Noel Rooke SIMON ARMITAGE: Zoom! Poems. (SIGNED)
CHARLES ST. JOHN. J.W.Whymper: Sketches of the Wild Sports & Natural History of the Highlands. With illustrations by J.W.Whymper LESLIE STEPHEN: The Science of Ethics LESLIE STEPHEN: Hours in a Library. Complete in three volumes
GRAHAM GREENE: Brighton Rock. A novel WILLIAM GERHARDI: The Polyglots. A novel JOHN GRAY: Park. A Fantastic Story
ALYSE GREGORY: Hester Craddock. A novel. (INSCRIBED) EVELYN WAUGH: PRB. An Essay on the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood 1847-54. With a preface by Christopher Sykes and a postscript by Christopher Wood ERNST TOLLER: Masses and Man. A Fragment of the Social Revolution of the Twentieth Century. A play. Translated from the German of 'Masse Mensch' by Vera Mendel
DAVID JONES. Francis Coventry: The History of Pompey the Little; or The Adventures of a Lap-Dog. With an introduction by Arundell del Re and illustrations by David Jones D.J.ENRIGHT: The Year of the Monkey. A Farewell Edition. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) EDMUND BLAMPIED. Andrew Hall: Edward Blampied. An Illustrated Life [and] Companion Bibliography. (SIGNED)
EDMUND BLAMPIED. W.R.Titterton: Me as a Model. With illustrations by Edmund Blampied PRINCESSE BIBESCO: Le Destin de Lord Thomson of Cardington. Suivi de Smaranda par Le Brigadier-Général Lord Thomson of Cardington. With a preface by James Ramsey MacDonald FORD MADOX FORD (writing as Ford Madox Hueffer): On Heaven and Poems Written in Active Service
RUTH PITTER: On Cats. Poems. (INSCRIBED) PETER PORTER. (William Trevor, Martin Amis, Julian Barnes, Wendy Cope, Clive James &c.): Paeans for Peter Porter. A Celebration for Peter Porter on his Seventieth Birthday by Twenty of his Friends. 16 February 1999. Edited by Anthony Thwaite. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) JOHN NASH. The Earl of Cranbrook: Parnassian Molehill. An Anthology of Suffolk Verse written between 1327 and 1864. With some account of the authors and with numerous drawings by John Nash
RONALD BOTTRALL: The Turning Path. With a two-page introduction in the form of a letter by Robert Graves. (INSCRIBED) RICHARD EBERHART: A Bravery of Earth. A poem BERNARD MACLAVERTY: Secret and Other Stories. (INSCRIBED)
RANDALL JARRELL: Pictures from an Institution. A novel ALUN LEWIS: Letters from India. Edited by Gweno Lewis and Gwyn Jones. With a Note by Mrs. Alun Lewis [i.e. Gweno Lewis] and a preface by A.L.Rowse KAY BOYLE: Year Before Last. A novel
JOHN MIDDLETON MURRY: The Evolution of an Intellectual VLADIMIR NABOKOV: Nabokov. Criticism, Reminiscences, Translations and Tributes. Edited by Alfred Appel Jr., and Charles Newman GRACE PALEY: The Little Disturbances of Man. Stories
JOAN HASSALL. Sir Thomas Mallory: Lancelot and Elaine. Being the Eighth to the Twentieth Chapters of the Eighteenth Book of Sir Thomas Malory's 'Le Morte Darthur'. With engravings by Joan Hassall MANFRED FREIHERR VON RICHTHOFEN: The Red Air Fighter. [Translated from the German by T.Ellis Barker]. With a preface and explanatory notes by C.G.Grey GEORGE ORWELL: Critical Essays
HORACE ANNESLEY VACHELL: Arising Out of That. Being an Eye-Witness Account of the Life, Love, Laughter, Work and Thought of the Inhabitants of the Village of Venner, Situate on the Borders of Melshire and the Forest of Ys, During the Past Fifty Years: The Whole Compiled, Edited, Written and Arranged from Personal Observations, Verbal Accounts, Diaries and Letters. (SIGNED) VIRGINIA WOOLF: Atalanta's Garland. Being the Book of the Edinburgh University Women's Union HENRY DE MONTHERLANT: Lament for the Death of an Upper Class. Translated from the French of 'Les Célibataires' by Thomas McGreevy
RONALD DUNCAN: The Blue Fox [and] Jan at the Blue Fox. With illustrations by Michael Hanson MICHAEL AYRTON. Thomas Nashe: Summer's Last Will and Testament. A Masque for Orchestra, Chorus, and Baritone Solo, to Words Taken from the Pleasant Comedy of that Name Written in 1593 by Thomas Nashe. With music by Constance Lambert and six full-page black and white drawings and a half-title device by Michael Ayrton LAURENCE WHISTLER: The Engraved Glass of Laurence Whistler. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
LAURENCE WHISTLER: Engraved Glass 1952-1958 HENRY WILLIAMSON: The Dream of Fair Women. A Tale of Youth after the Great War. The third volume of 'The Flax of Dream' sequence HENRY WILLIAMSON: The Dream of Fair Women. With a Valediction to The Flax of Dream
HENRY WILLIAMSON: A Clear Water Stream HENRY WILLIAMSON. Hugoe Matthews: Henry Williamson. A Bibliography. (SIGNED) SAMUEL JOHNSON: The Rambler. Complete in three volumes
HILARY MANTEL: Vacant Possession. A novel RICHARD EYRE: National Service. Diary of a Decade. (SIGNED) ANDREW WATERMAN: Living Room. Poems. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
KENNETH GEE: 32 Poems. (INSCRIBED) WILFRED THESIGER: Visions of a Nomad WILFRED THESIGER: The Danakil Diary. Journeys Through Abyssinia 1930-1934
WILFRED THESIGER: Wilfred Thesiger in Africa. Edited by Christopher Morton and Philip N.Grover C.S.LEWIS: contributes a twelve-page essay to the anthology Sir Walter Scott. An Edinburgh Keepsake. Edited by Allan Frazer HOWARD HODGKIN: Howard Hodgkin: Ten Paintings 1979-85. The catalogue of a 1985 exhibition at Whitechapel Art Gallery
JOHN PIPER: A Painter's Camera. Buildings and Landscapes in Britain 1935-1985 VERNON SCANNELL: Of Love and Music. Poems. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) ADELAIDE CRAPSEY. Karen Alkalay-Gut: Alone in the Dawn. The Life of Adelaide Crapsey
FYODOR DOSTOEVSKY. Alex Christofi: Dostoevsky in Love. An Intimate Life WALTER KEMPOSWKI: Swansong 1945. A Collective Diary from Hitler's Last Birthday to VE Day. Translated from the German by Shaun Whiteside GUY CHAPMAN: Vain Glory. A Miscellany of the Great War 1914-1918, Witten by Those who Fought in it on Each Side and on All Fronts. Edited with an introduction by Guy Chapman
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