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Sterne, Laurence: The Works of Laurence Sterne. Complete in Eight Volumes. Volume VIII
Gooding, Mel: David Mach - Fuel for the Fire
One of the Crowd: Toilers in London
Knight, Charles: Knight's Cyclopaedia of London; a Universal Repository of Authentic Facts Relating to the History, Antiquities, Progress, and Present Condition, of the Mighty Metropolis of the British Empire
Harper, Charles G: A Londoner's Own London
Hall, Mr. And Mrs. S C: The Book of the Thames From its Rise to Its Fall
Sherratt and Hughes: Type Faces: A Selection of Types Used for Bookwork
Brayley, E W and Britton, John: A Topographical and Historical Description of the County of Essex: Containing an Account of Its Towns, Castles, Antiquities, Churches, Monuments, Public Edifices, Picturesque Scenery, the Residences of the Nobility, Gentry, &c
Sadleir, Michael: Trollope: a Commentary
Acland, Hugh Dyke; Finden, Edward: Illustrations of the Vaudois, in a Series of Views. Accompanied with Descriptions
Bernard Quaritch: Catalogue of Manuscripts, Chiefly Illuminated, and Remarkable as Examples of Antiquity, Calligraphy and Ornamentation, Including Also Valuable Texts; Etc. Catalogue No. 369
Ward, Leslie & Others: The Book of the Bench, with Thirty-Nine Reproductions in Colour from Paintings By ''Spy'' and Other Cartoonists
Archer, John Wykeham: Vestiges of Old London, A Series of Etchings from Original Drawings, Illustrative of the Monuments and Architecture of London, in the First, Fourth, Twelfth, and Six Succeeding Centuries, with Descriptions and Historical Notes
Owaki, Takeo; Tominaga, Makita: Africana: Catalogue of Books Relating to Africa in the Tenri Central Library
Pickering & Chatto: Tracts and Pamphlets, Chiefly Historical and topographical: A Catalogue, with Prices Affixed, of a Very Large Collection of Tracts and Pamphlets Arranged Chronologically Under Their Various Subject Headings
Robert Bent: London Catalogue of Books, with Their Sizes, Prices, and Publisher. Containing the Books Published in London, and Those Altered in Size or Price, Since the Year 1814 to December 1834
Mendelssohn, Sydney: Mendelssohn's South African Bibliography. Being the Catalogue Raisonné of the Mendelssohn Library of Works Relating to South Africa, Including the Full Titles of the Books, with Synoptical, Biographical, Critical, and Bibliographical Notes. 2 Volumes
Annual List of Africana Added to the Mendelssohn Collection/Jaarlikse Lys Van Africana By Die Mendelssohn-Versameling Gevoeg Nos. 1-9
Gomme, Sir Laurence: London
Watson, George (ed.): The Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature: Volume V Supplement: AD 600-1900
Ekama, C: Fondation Teyler. Catalogue De La Bibliothčque, Tome I. Sciences Exactes et Naturelles
Wheatley, Henry B; Cunningham, Peter: London Past and Present: Its History, Associations, and Traditions. Based Upon the Handbook of London By the Late Peter Cunningham
Lowe, Robert W: A Bibliographical Account of English Theatrical Literature, from Earliest Times to the Present Day
Pickering & Chatto: An Illustrated Catalogue of Old and Rare Books for Sale, with Prices Affixed
Millais, John Everett: Millais's Illustrations: a Collection of Drawings on Wood
Gumuchian & Cie: Catalogue de Reliures du XVe au XIXe Sičcle, en Vente a La Librairie Gumuchian & Cie. Fine Bindings
Jayne, Sears: Library Catalogues of the English Renaissance
Fredeman, William E: Pre-Raphaelitism. A Bibliocritical Study
Taubert, Sigfred: Bibliopola: Pictures and Texts About the Book Trade
Chubb, Thomas; Sprent, F P (intro.): The Printed Maps in the Atlases of Great Britain and Ireland. A Bibliography, 1579-1870
Waddleton, Norman: A Chronology of Books with Coloured Illustrations or Decorations Mainly Relief or Planar Colour Printed. Mainly of the Nineteenth Century
Gronau, Hans Dietrich; Fischel, Oskar: Georg Gronau. 15 Februar 1868 - 26 Dezember 1937. Verzeichnis Seiner Schriften
Grego, Joseph (intro.): Cruikshank's Water Colours
Von Wenckstern, Friedrich: A Bibliography of the Japanese Empire, Being a Classified List of All Books, Essays and Maps in European Languages Relating to Dai Nihon (Great Japan), Published in Eurpe, America and in the East from 1859-93
Suyematsu, Baron: The Risen Sun
Roscoe, Thomas: The Tourist in Switzerland and Italy. The Landscape Annual for 1830
Ritchie, Leitch: Wanderings By the Loire, with Twenty-One Engravings from Drawings By J M W Turner RA
Trusler, Rev. Dr: Hogarth Moralized; A Complete Edition of All the Most Capital and Admired Works of William Hogarth, Accompanied with Concise and Comprehensive Explanations of Their Moral Tendency
Wilson, Colin St John: The Other Tradition of Modern Architecture. The Uncompleted Project
Menin, Sarah and Kite, Stephen: An Architecture of Invitation. Colin St John Wilson
Snodin, Michael: Karl Friedrich Schinkel: A Universal Man
Burelli, Augusto Romano: Le Epifanie Di Proteo. La Saga Nordica Del Classicismo in Schinkel e Semper
Latham, Ian; Jackson, Nicola: Building Ideas: MJP Architects, Essays and Speculations By Richard MacCormac
Randle, John & Rosalind: Matrix 2: A Review for Printers & Bibliophiles
Mead, Christopher: Space for the Continuous Present in the Residential Architecture of Bart Prince
Calthorpe, Peter; Fulton, William: The Regional City: Planning for the End of Sprawl
Blowers, Andrew; Hamnett, Chris, and Sarre, Philip (eds.): The Future of Cities
Smith, Kathryn E (ed.): Frank Lloyd Wright 1941-1959 A Selection of Buildings and Projects
Hildebrand, Hans: The Industrial Arts of Scandinavia in the Pagan Time
Worsaae, J J A: The Industrial Arts of Denmark, from the Earliest Times to the Danish Conquest of England Parts 1 & 2
Dannatt, Trevor (ed.): Architects' Year Book 10
Moholy-Nagy, Laszlo: Painting Photography Film
Mantz, Ruth Elvish; Murry, John Middleton: The Critical Bibliography of Katherine Mansfield
Twombly, Robert (ed.): Louis Sullivan: The Public Papers
Archer, Thomas: Pictures and Royal Portraits, Illustrative of English and Scottish History, from the Introduction of Christianity to the Present Time. 2 Volumes
Amberg, Anna-Lisa: Saarinen's Interior Design. Saarinen Sisustustaide 1896-1923
Gebhard, David (intro.): The Work of Purcell and Elmslie, Architects
Hoffmann, Donald: The Architecture of John Wellborn Root
Westerby, Herbert: The Complete Organ Recitalist. British and American. Historical, Educational and Descriptive
Tschichold, Jan: Hu Cheng-Yen: a Chinese Wood-Engraver and Picture-Printer. Chinese Color Prints from the Ten Bamboo Hall
Locker-Lampson, Frederick (ed.): Lyra Elegantiarum: A Collection of Some of the Best Social and Occasional Verse By Deceased English Authors
Fine, Ruth E: GEMINI G.E.L. Art and Collaboration
Alberti, Leon Battista; Krüger, Mário Júlio Texeira: Da Arte Edificatória
Van Der Ryn, Sim and Calthorpe, Peter: Sustainable Communities: A New Design Synthesis for Cities, Suburbs and Towns
Wood, Jon: Close Encounters: The Sculptor's Studio in the Age of the Camera
Videla, Albino Diéguez: Gutiérrez Gońi - the Praxis Ccollection
Fairbrother, Trevor: Tom Wesselmann
Cuevas, José Luis: Marzo Mes De Jose Luis Cuevas
Kertész, André: André Kertész: A Portrait at 90 - Signed Copy
De Meredieu, Florence: Archives Loewy: Exceptionnel Ensembles De Projets Originaux: Dessins, Aquarelles, Calques, Esquisses
Ambasz, Emilio; Ishibashi, Hiroshi: Emilio Ambasz: Architectural, Industrial, Graphic, Exhibit Design
Tasende, José M: Jose Luis Cuevas: Letters
Kubota, Keiko (ed.): Edward Suzuki: Architect - Rikuyasha Creative Now. 003
Pepper, Terence: Photographs By Norman Parkinson: Fifty Years of Portraits and Fashion
Billcliffe, Roger: Architectural Sketches & Flower Drawings By Charles Rennie Mackintosh
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