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DELACOUR J & HARRISON J C: The Pheasants of the World
BAX D: Hollandse en Vlaamse Schilderkunst in Zuid Afrika
CULLEN A & DOWNEY S: Saving the Game
EMMONS W H: Gold Deposits of the World - with a Section on Prospecting
SCHWARZ E H L: Causal Geology
HARRIS H E: Some Birds of the Canary Islands and South Africa
MORRIS L: Sea Foods of Southern Africa
SIENAERT-VAN REENEN M: Die Franse Bydrae tot Africana Literatuur 1622-1902
HOUSE OF COMMONS: Papers Presented to Parliament in Explanation of the Measures Adopted by HM Govt. for Giving Effect to the Act for the Abolition of Slavery throughout the British Colonies, Part II - Jamaica, Barbadoes, Britsh Guiana and Mauritius
DE JONGH P S: Die Lewe van Erasmut Smit
HOFMEYR J H ed: Het Zuid Afrikaansch Tijdschrift, Nuwe Reeks Delen X-X1
STEYN J C: Trouwe Afrikaners
WEIDENSAUL S: Snakes of the World
HOLT P M: A Modern History of the Sudan
HENDERSON K D D: Sudan Republic
GLEASON J: Leaf and Bone - African Praise-Poems
SCHULZE R E: Hydrology and Water Resources of the Drakensberg
WREN M: Wrens of Southern Africa
GORDON S: A Talent for Tomorrow
SOUTH AFRICAN FORESTRY ASSOCIATION: Journal of the S A Forestry Association No 3, 1939
POYNTON R J: Notes on Exotic Forest Trees in South Africa
MOORHOUSE G: The Fearful Void
KLEMPNER P: The Free State Gold Mines
SAVORY P: Tales from Africa
HATTLE J: Wayward Winds
CODD L E et al: Flora of Southern Africa Vol 13
VOLK O H: Graeser des Farmgebietes von Suedwestafrika
PILLMAN N: African Portrait - the Life and Sculpture of Sister Joe Vorster
GROGAN T & BARROW B: Vanishing Cape Town
BRICKELL N & SHIRLEY R M: Ducks, Geese and Swans of Africa and its Outlying Islands
FORBES D: The Heart of Ethiopia
STRANGWAYS-BOOTH J: A Cricket in the Thorn Tree
ROSE W: Reptiles and Amphibians of Southern Africa
ISEMONGER R M: Snakes and Snake Catching in Southern Africa
ISEMONGER R M: Snakes of Africa
FITZSIMONS V F M: Snakes of Southern Africa
FITZSIMONS V F M: Field Guide to the Snakes of Southern Africa
MACDONALD J D: Birds of Australia - a Summary of information
CLANCEY P A: Gamebirds of Southern Africa
CALBURN S: Voels van Suidelike Afrika
SOLOMON V E: The South African Shipping Question
TREE SOCIETY OF S A: Trees and Shrubs of the Witwatersrand
STEPHENS J J: Fuelling the Empire
KROENLEIN J G: Wortschatz der Khoi-Khoin
MISZEWSKI M: The Quality of Life
KLARIE A & SNYMAN L: Free from the Sea
WYNNE-JONES A: The Sport of Shooting in Southern Africa
ALLARD, CAROLI 1648-1709: MAP OF AFRICA: Novissima et Perfectissima Africae Descriptio ex Formis Caroli Allard; Ph Tideman del; G V Gouven sculp
TYSON H: Editors Under Fire
BIGALKE R: What Animal is it ?
SHARON M & GINSBERG C J: Jedidiah's Vision
RUSSELL A: Big Men, Little People - Encounters in Africa
RUARK R ( Robert ): Uhuru
NEUMANN N: Avifauna Africana
KOTZE D J: Letters of the American Missionaries
LAWRENCE R F: The Biology of the Cryptic Fauna of Forests
WALTER E V: Terror and Resistance - a Study of Political Violence
BORNMAN H ed: Nelspruit 75 in 80
WARD ROWLAND: Rowland Ward's Records of Big Game - Africa & Asia, XXth Ed
BRUTON E: Diamonds
MARLOTH R: Das Kapland
MARAIS J: Snakes and Snake Bite in Southern Africa
WILKS T: For the Love of Natal - the Life and Times of the Natal Mercury 1852-1977
SONO T: Japan and Africa
TRACEY P: The Lost Valley
SEMPLE E C: Influences of Geographic Environment
COETZEE A: Die Afrikaanse Volkskultuur
DE MIST J A: The Memorandum of Commissary J A de Mist
PICKER M, GRIFFITHS C & WEAVING A: Field Guide to Insects of South Africa
BEUKES G J & LATEGAN F V: Skrywers en Rigtings
GROGAN T: Settler Country
SCHALLER G B: The Serengeti Lion
MOUNTAIN CLUB OF SA: The Journal of the Mountain Club of South Africa 1933, No 36
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