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Joseph Bouchette: Plan of York Harbour Coronelli; Tillemon; Nolin: Archipelague du Mexique ou Sont les Isles de Cuba, Espagnole, Jamaique, etc avec les Isles Lucayes, et les Isles Caribes. . James Wyld: Spain & Portugal Reduced from The Large Map in Four Sheets
James Wyld: Chorographic Map of the Kingdom of Portugal Divided into its Grand Provinces Canadian Hydrographic Service: Toronto Harbour and Approaches Pufendorf: Delineatio Geometrica Arcis et Civitatis Marienburgiensis in Borussia
Pufendorf: Tchnographia Oppidi et Castri Marieburgi Ogilby, Bowen: The Arms of Horsham Ogilby, Bowen: Tunbridge
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Ogilby, Bowen: Arms of Whitchurch; Arms of Shaftsbury Bellin: Karte Von Neu England Neu Yorck und Pensilvanien J.M. Bell: Map of Northern Parts of the Districts of Algoma and Nipissing Province of Ontario
Vandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume: Partie du Mexique No. 47 Vandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume: Decouvertes Boreales No. 8 Vandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume: Partie de L'Amerique Russe No. 14
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J. Rapkin: Russia in Europe R.H. Chapman, B.R. MacKay, F.S. Falconer, S.C. McLean: Nanaimo Sheet Vancouver Island British Columbia Humphrey Lhuyd, Mercator, Hondius: Cambriae Typus Auctore Humfredo Lhuydo
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