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US Government Surveys: Puerto Rico from the United States Government Surveys 1899-1907 Johannes Van Keulen: Pas kaart van t Eyland S. Juan de Porto Rico met d Eylanden daar Beooften Door Vooght Geometra T Amsterdam By Johannes Van Keveen Boek en Zee Kaart verkoper aande Niewe Brugh Inde Gekroonde Lootsman Dominic Serres: Historical Views of ye last Glorious Expedition ... against the Havannah. [The Capture of Havana / Reduction of Havana.] Nine of Thirteen Prints.
Andrew C. Gow: Napoleon retreat from Moscow Thomas Webster: Punch Robert Dodd: To the Officers and Seamen of his Majesty's Frigate La Nymphe, this View of their Boarding and taking Possession of the French Frigate La Cleopatre, in Fifty Minutes from the Commencement of the Action, Is with Admiration of their Gallant Conduct, and due
Alphons Dullaart: Holland-America Line Barber Badger: The Naval Temple: Containing a Complete History of the Battles Fought by the Navy of the United States. From Its Establishment in 1794, to the Present Time; Including the Wars with France, and with Tripoli, the Late War with Great Britain, and with Algiers. With Elegant Engravings, Representing Battles, &c Giovanni Cassini: Nuova Raccolta delle Megliori Vedute Antiche, e Moderne di Roma Disegnate ed Incise da Giovanni Cassini
J.H. Pope: Illustrated Historical Atlas of the County of Halton Ont. Compiled and drawn from official plans and special surveys by J.H. Pope, Esq Ebenezer Sibly: A New and Complete Illustration of the Occult Sciences: or the Art of Foretelling future Events and Contingencies, by the Aspects, Positions, and Influences, of the Heavenly Bodies. Founded on Natural Philosophy, Scripture, Reason and Mathematics. In Four Parts … Part I. An Enquiry into, and Defence of Astrology … Part II. Examples for acquiring a Practical Knowledge of Astrology … Part III. Meteorological Astrology defined and explained … Part IV. The Distinction between Astrology and Diabolical Practice of Exorcism Pierre Vander Aa: La Pologne, Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de Messrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, etc. Augmentees de Nouveau
Henry Popple: The Grand Fishing Bank Emanuel Bowen: A New & Accurate Map of Persia, with the adjacent Countries Mercator: Asiae V Tab
Seutter, Matthaus: Africae magna pars ad illustrationem Historiae Ecclesiasticae imprimis.... Lotter, Tobias Conrad: Daniae Regnum Cum Ducatu Holsatiae et Slesvici, Nec Non Insulae Danicae, Et Iutia Cum Parte Scaniae Lotter, Tobias Conrad: Germania Secundum Observationes Tychonis de Brahe, Kepleri, Snellij, Zeileri..
Homann Heirs: Italia in suos Status divisa et ex prototypo del'Isliano desumta Elementis insuper Geographiae Lotter, Tobias Conrad: Nova Mappa Geographica Sueciae Ac Gothiae Regna ut et Finlandiae Ducatum Ac Lapponiam.. Seutter, Matthaus: In Recto Decus Tabula Novissima Accuratissima Regnorum Angliae Scotiae Hiberniae
Coronelli: Corso delli Fiumi Drino, e Boiana nella Dalmatia descrito Johanne Baptista Homann: Magnae Britanniae Pars Meridionalis in qua Regnum Angliae Tam in Septem Antiqua Anglo-Saxonum Regna F. de Wit: Accurata Scaniae, Blekingiae, et Hallandiae Descriptio
F. de Wit: Circulus Saxoniae Inferioris in quo sunt Ducatus Holsatiae, Meklenburgi... Piranesi: Tav. XVIII. / Frammento di uno Scudo caduto da Trofei di Ottaviano Augusto: ora esistente nel Corile delle Mendicanti a Torre de'Conti Piranesi: L'istesso Sepolcro delineato nella Tav. V. ora veduto dalla parte della Lapide segnata, col numero 1, nella quale falsamente fu scritto che il Sepolcro apparteneva agli Orazi, e a Curiazi, 2 Chiesa detta la Madonna della Stella
Piranesi: Sustruzioni di Clodio nella sua Villa sul monte Albano, or posseduta dall' Eccma Casa Barberini G. B. Piranesi: Foro antico Romano circondato da portici, con logge, alcune delle quali si uniscono al Palazzo Imperiale ed altre alle Carceri Questo Foro dappertutto e attorniato di magnifiche scale presso alle quali ui stano Cavalli, e Fontane che servono di ornamento Jules Arnout: Dome De La Cathedrale De St. Paul Londres / The Dome of St. Paul's London
Flandin: Vue Generale De Kazbin (Perse) Flandin: Eglise Armenienne A Ispahan Flandin: Un Caravanserail Sur la Route d'Ispahan a Chiraz
Flandin: Vue De Boroudgerd C. Schussele: Sheridan's Ride Henry Alken: British Sports. / The National Sports of Great Britain. / By Henry Alken. / With Descriptions in English and French. / Chasse et amusemens [sic] nationaux de la Grande-Bretagne. / Par H. Alken. / Avec des Descriptions en Anglais et en Français
Jacob Monk: New Map of that Portion of North America, Exhibiting the United States and Territories, the Canadas, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Mexico, also, Central America and the West India Islands. Compiled from the Most Recent Surveys, and Authentic Sources Bellin: Nouvelle Carte Du Royaume De Bengale. / Nieuwe Kaart van Het Koninkryk Bengale N. de Fer: Plan des Fontaines de la Ville et des faubourgs de Paris
Nicholas Visscher: Generalis Lotharingiae Ducatus Tabula.. Tobias Conrad Lotter: Novissima et Accuratissima Helvetiae, Rhaetiae, Valesiae, et Partis Sabaudiae Tabula Janssonius, Joannes: Nova Picardiae Tabula
Nicholas Visscher: Champaigne et Brie etc Janssonius, Joannes: Lionnois, Forest, Beaviolois et Masconnois Ed Bartram: Swept Rock Georgian Bay
Sam. Howitt: Decoy Elephants Catching A Male. / Des Elephants Dresses, Attrapant un Male William Eton: A Survey of the Turkish Empire. In Which are Considered, I. Its Government, Finances, Military and Naval Force, Religion, History, Arts, Sciences, Manners, Commerce, and Population. II. The State of the Provinces, Including the ancient Government of the Crim Tatars, The Subjection of the Greeks, Their Efforts Toward Emancipation, And the Interest of Other Nations, Particularly of Great Britain, in their Success. III. The Causes of the Decline of Turkey, And those which tend to the Prolongation of its Existence, With a Development of the Political System of the late Empress of Russia. IV. The British Commerce with Turkey, The Necessity of abolishing the Levant Company, And the Danger of our Quarantine Regulations. With Many Other Important Particulars John Stuart Mill: Principles of Political Economy with Their Applications to Social Philosophy. By John Stuart Mill. / People s Edition
Lamb, W. Kaye. Dominion Archivist: Sixteenth Century Maps Relating to Canada: A Check-List and Bibliography Robert Gillet: The Pleasures of Reason: Or, the Hundred Thoughts of a Sensible Young Lady. / By R. Gillet, Lecturer on Philosophy and F.F.R.S. / Les Plaisirs de la raison: ou les cent pensées d une fille sensible William Thomas Stead: Borderland: A Psychical Quarterly / Borderland: A Quarterly Review and Index / 1894 – 1897 / October 1894 and Volumes 2-4
Frans Masereel: Die Passion Eines Menschen 25 Holzschnitte V. Frans Masereel / Bei Kurt Wolff Muenchen Joseph Woods: The Newfoundland Almanac, For the Year of Our Lord 1858, (Being the Latter Part of the Twenty-First and the Beginning of the Twenty-Second Year of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria) Containing Astronomical, Statistical, Commercial, Local, and General Information, Derived from the Most Authentic Sources / Compiled, Printed and Published by Joseph Woods Joseph William Trutch: Statutes of the Province of British Columbia Passed in the Session Held in the Thirty-Eighth Year of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, Being the Fourth Session of the First Parliament of British Columbia, Begun and Holden at Victoria on the 1st March, and Ending on the 22nd April, 1875
John Ash; Charles Good: Annual Report of the Minister of Mines for the Year Ending 31st December, 1874, Being an Account of Mining Operations for Gold, Coal, and Silver in the Province of British Columbia John Mawe: The Linnaean System of Conchology, Describing The Orders, Genera, and Species of Shells, Arranged into Divisions and Families: With a View to Facilitate the Student s Attainment of the Science. By John Mawe Author of Travels in Brazil; Treatise on Diamonds and Precious Stones; Familiar Lessons on Mineralogy and Geology; &c. &c. &c Reginald Heber: Narrative of a Journey through the Upper Provinces of India, from Calcutta to Bombay, 1824-1825, (With Notes Upon Ceylon,) an Account of a Journey to Madras and the Southern Provinces, 1826, and Letters Written in India, by the Late Right Rev. Reginald Heber, D.D. Lord Bishop of Calcutta
J.G. Millais: Newfoundland and Its Untrodden Ways by J.G. Millais, F.Z.S. / Author of “A Breath from the Veldt,” “British Deer and Their Horns” “The Wild-Fowler in Scotland,” “The Natural History of the British Surface-Feeding Ducks,” “The Mammals of Great Britain and Ireland,” Etc. / With Illustrations by the Author and from Photographs James Barclay; B.B. Woodward: A Complete and Universal Dictionary of the English Language; Comprehending the Explanation, Pronunciation, Origin and Synonymes of Each Word; an Epitome of History, Biography, and the Useful Sciences. / Newly Revised by B.B. Woodward Sandford Fleming: Report of Progress on the Explorations and Surveys up to January, 1874
Alfred Lord Tennyson; Gustave Dore: Idylls of the King by Alfred Lord Tennyson D.C.L., P.L. / Illustrated by Gustave Doré / With an Introduction by Henry C. Walsh, A.M. / Altemus’ Edition Samuel Taylor Coleridge; Gustave Dore: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner in Seven Parts by Samuel Taylor Coleridge / With Illustrations by Gustave Doré / Edited by Henry C. Walsh, A. M. / Altemus’ Edition Petermann, Augustus: British Guayana
Coronelli: Isola Di Terra Nuova Thomas Salmon: A Map of the Brittish Plantations on the Continent of America Pierre Van der Aa: La Chine
Arnoldus F. a Langren [Arnoldi Floris van Langren]; J.H. Linschoten: Delineatio Orarum maritamarum, Terrae vulgo indigetatae Terra do Natal, jtem Sofalae, Mozambicae, & Melindae, Insulaeq, Sancti Laurentii, Insularum Maldinicarum, Seylon insulae, & Promontorii Comorini, ad Indiam sici una cum Insulis, Scopulis; Puluinis, Vadius, veris Ventorum tractibus, & genuino singulorum locorum sico, ad exactissimas Ichnographicas Indicarum tabulas recognita atq emendata. / Affbeeldinghe der custen des landrs genaempt Terra do Natal, jtem van alle de custen.. Janssonius: Lutetia, vulgari nomine Paris, urbs Galliae maxima, Sequana navigabili flumine irrigatur, nobili gente, mercators frequetia universitate excellenti, stupendi operis templo B. Maria, Palatio Regio aliis que praestantissimis aedificiis, tribunali equissimorum Judicum, & pulcherrimis epitaphiis, florentissima / Paris pour vray est la maiso royalle.. Philippe: Carte de l'Ancien et du Nouveau Monde Suivant une projection nouvelle
Philippe: Chorographie de L'Empire de la Chine Ramsay: Caroline Meridionale avec les Parties adjacentes pour servir a L'intelligence des Mouvemens des Armees Americaines et Britanniques J.B.L.J. Rousseau: Carte d\'une Portion du Scham (la Syrie), du Djezire (la Mesopotamie) et de l\'Iraq-Arabi (la Babylonie). Contenant les Trois Paschaliks de Hhaleb, Reha ou Orfa et Baghdad. Dressee de 1811 a 1818, Par J.B.L.J. Rousseau, Consul general de France a Baghdad, Chevalier de l\'Ordre Royal de la Legion d\'Honneur, des Ordres du Soleil de Perse et du St. Sepulcre de Jerusalem, Correspondant de l\'Institut, membre de la Societe de Geographie, associe de l\'Academie de Marseille et de la Societe des Arts de Geneve
Van de Velde; Augustus Petermann: Dutch Possessions in South America and the West Indies / Curacao Muller: Canada halt in sich: 1. Neu-Britannien / Estoci-Landoder Terra de Labrador und de Cortreal. 2. Die Provinz Saguenay. 3. Die Provinz Canada. 4. Accadia. 5. Neu-Engelland. 6. Neu-Niederland / oder Neu-York. 7. New-Schweden. 8. Verschiedene Voelcker. Und denn 9. Lovisiana Guillaume Dubufe: Musique Profane
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