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TABORI, Paul & RAPHAEL, Phyllis: Beyond the Senses. A Report on Psychical Research and Occult phenomena in the Sixties EPSTEIN, Gerald: Studies in Non Deterministic Psychology BEARD, Charles R: Lucks and Talismans. A Chapter of Popular Superstition
CAMPBELL, John: The Hittites. Their Inscriptions and Their History BAIKIE, James: A Century of Excavation in the Land of the Pharoahs BUDGE, E.A.Wallis (BRITISH MUSEUM): A Guide to the Egyptian Collections in the British Museum
FRANCIS, Rene: Egyptian Aesthetics KRAPPE, Alexander Hagerty: The Science of Folklore CAULFIELD, S.F.A: House Mottoes and Inscriptions: Old and New
LORIMER, Norma, Illustrated by Benton Fletcher: By the Waters of Egypt PEETERS, Denijs: Hubert De Vries GRAVES, Robert: Poems and Satires 1951
TORCHIA, Joseph: The Kryptonite Kid CARTWRIGHT, Justin: Freedom for the Wolves GREEN, Lawrence G: Lords of the Last Frontier. The Story of South West Africa and Its People of All Races
DUFF, Douglas V: Palestine Unveiled RADO, Sandor: Codename Dora: The Memoirs of a Russian Spy WODEHOUSE, P.G: Aunt Aren't Gentlemen
DISHER, M.Willson: Pharoah's Fool. The Story of Giovanni Belzoni BARRETT, E.C: Climatology from Satellites MAVOR, James W., Jr: Voyage to Atlantis
BAIKIE, James: Egyptian Antiquities in the Nile Valley, A Descriptive Handbook WODEHOUSE, P.G: Pearls, Girls and Monty Bodkin SIM, Katherine: Desert Traveller. The Life of Jean Louis Burkhardt
SCHILDT, Goran: The Sun Boat. A Voyage of Discovery WEIGALL, Arthur E.P.B: The Treasury of Ancient Egypt. Miscellaneous Chapters on Ancient Egyptian History and Archaeology SMYTH, Piazzi: Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid
GARNIER, J: The Great Pyramid. Its Builder and Its Prophecy, with a Review of the Corresponding Prophecies of Scripture Relating to Coming Events and the Approaching End of the Age GOSSE, A.Bothwell: The Civilization of the Ancient Egyptians WODEHOUSE, P.G: Ice in the Beadroom
ERMAN, Adolf: The Literature of the Ancient Egyptians. Poems, Narratives and Manuals of Instruction from the Third and Second Millennia B.C DUNCAN, J.Garrowe: The Exploration of Egypt and the Old Testament. A Summary of Results Obtained By Exploration in Egypt Up to the Present Time, with a Fuller Account of Those Bearing on the Old Testament MANNIN, Ethel: Aspects of Egypt. Some Travels in the United Arab Republic
WEIGALL, Arthur E.P: Travels in the Upper Egyptian Deserts WILSON, Colin: The Age of Defeat TOWN AND COUNTRY MAGAZINE 1788: Boxing, Illiustrated with a Whole length Figure of Humphreys, In a Boxing Attitude
O'CONNOR, Daniel, Illustrated by Alice Woodward: The Story of Peter Pan Retold from Sir J.M.Barrie's Play SABINE, Walter Clement: Collected Papers on Acoustics HANEKOM, T.N: Helperus Ritzema Van Lier. Die Lewensbild Van 'n Kaapse Predikant Uit Die 18de Eeu
IMMELMAN & QUINN, G.D: The Preservation and Restoration of Historic Buildings in South Africa CRAVEN, D.H: Rugby Handbook DELANGE, Jacqueline: The Art and Peoples of Black Africa
GRABURN, Nelson H. Ed: Ethnic and Tourist Arts. Cultural Expressions from the Fourth World NAISH, G.P.B. Ed: Nelson's Letters to His Wife and Other Documents 1785 - 1831 WILLIAMSON, James A: The Age of Drake
BEVAN, Bryan: The Great Seamen of Elizabeth I SELLWOOD, A.V: Dynamite for Hire. The Story of Hein Fehler ALEXANDER, Roy: The Cruise of the Raider 'Wolf"
EARLE, Peter: Monmouth's Rebels. The Road to Sedgemoor 1685 PARKER, A.C: The Lion Tamers COE, Michael D: Mexico (Ancient Peoples and Places)
EDWARDS, Chilperic: The Hammurabi Code and the Sinaitic Legislation SHERRARD, O.A: Freedom from Fear. The Slave and His Emancipation GRACE, John: Domestic Slavery in West Africa, with Particular Reference to the Sierra Leone Protectorate 1896 - 1927
ANON: The King's Pilgrimage UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT: Biennial Report of the Chief of Staff of the United States Army July 1, 1943 to June 30 1945 to the Secretary of War CRAVEN, D.H: Handleiding van Rugby
ROBERTS, Lord: Lord Roberts' Campaign Speeches. A Continuation of the Message to the Nation LLOYD, Lord: The British Case FIELDING, Sean: They Sought Out Rommel. A Diary of the Libyan Campaign. From November 16th to December 31st 1941
RAINBOW, Bernarr: The Choral Revival in the Anglican Church 1839 -1872 HUTCHINGS, Arthur: Church Music in the Nineteenth Century YOUNG, Percy M: The Choral Tradition. An Historical and Analytical Survey from the Sixteenth Century to the Present Day
YOUNG, Percy M: Choral Music of the World PHILLIPS, William J: Carols. Their Origin, Music, and Connection with Mystery Plays THOMAS, J.B.G: The Greatest Lions
MONAHAN, Valerie: Collecting Picture Postcards in Colour 1914 - 1930 KIMBALL, Irmgard Groth: Mayan Terracottas NETTLEINGHAM, F.T: Tommy's Tunes. A Comprehensive Collection of Soldiers' Songs , Marching Melodies, Rude Rhymes and Popular Parodies, Composed, Collected and Arranged on Active Service with the B.E.F
GROSZ, Georg: Drawings. With an Introduction By the Artist LAIDLAW, Chris: Mud in Your Eye ORMAN, P: Handloom Weaving
HARTUNG, Rolf: Colour and Texture in Creastive Textile Craft CHRISTOPHER, Catherine: The Complete Book of Embroidery and Embroidery Stitches HOLT, J.M: The ABC of Needlework
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