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BRETT, Maurice V (Edited by) (ESHER, Reginald): Journals and Letters of Reginald Viscount Esher ROSE, Walter: Snakes Mainly South African COLLECTANEA ADAMANTEA: PAPERS Relating to the First Settlement of New York By the Dutch, Containing a List of the Early Immigrants to Tyhe New Netherlands 1657 - 1664, and the Description and First Settlement of New Netherlands
CLYMER, Floyd: Floyd Clymers Indianapolis 500 Mile Race History HEADY, Earl; JOHNSON, Glenn L.; HARDIN, Lowell S: Resource Productivity, Returns to Scale and Farm Size DORY, John P: The Domestic Diversifying Acquisition Decision
FAST, Norman D: The Rise and Fall of Corporate New Venture Divisions JORISSEN, Theod: De Eerste Coalitie En De Republiek Der Vereenigde Nederlanden DYSERINCK, Joh: Alexander Ver Huell in Zijn Leven En Werken
KOREA. Its Land, People and Culture of All Ages FROST, A.B: Stuff & Nonsense HALL, R.N. & W.G: The Ancient Ruins of Rhodesia (Monomotapae Imperium)
KNAPP. W.H.C: World Dislocation and World Recovery. Agriculture as the Touchstone of the Economic World Events THUCYDIDES (Translated Benjamin JOWETT): Thucydides Translated Into English, to Which is Prefixed an Essay on Inscriptions and a Note on the Geography of Thucydides EURIPIDES (Translated Arthur S WAY): The Tragedies of Euripides in English Verse
NAIDOO, Jay: Tracking Down Historical Myths. Eight South African Cases Motor Racing Magazine ed: Motor Racing Yearbook 1966-67 SMUTS, J.C: Greater South Africa. Plans for a Better World
BLIXEN, Karen: Out of Africa HERODOTUS (Ed J C F BAUER): Herodoti Halicarnassensis Musae. Textum as Gaisfordii Editionem Recognovit Perpetua Tum Fr. CREUZERI, Tum Sua Annotatione Instruxit, Commentationem De Vita et Scriptis Herodoti.... Adiecit J.C.F. BAUER) DUNNETT, Dorothy: Queen's Play
VAN DER POST, Laurens: A Bar of Shadow RAYMOND, Robert: Stirling Moss McCLURE, James: The Artful Egg
MURDOCH, Iris: Sartre Romantic Extraordinary SINGER, I.J: The River Breaks Up NDABA, Sisa (edited by): One Day in June. Poetry and Prose from Troubled Times
Sepamla, Sipho: The Blues is You in Me POSSELT, F.W.T: Autumn Leaves BOLT, Robert: Flowering Cherry
FISSON, Pierre: Speed Triumphant HENLEY, William Ernest: A Book of Verses BELL, Gertrude (Preface By E. Dennison Ross): Persian Pictures
JAKOBSON, Roman (intro and Ed.): Structure of Language and Its Mathematical Aspects (Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics ) LUFFMANN, C. Bogue: The Harvest of Japan. A Book of Travel with Some Account of the Trees, Gardens, Agriculture, Peasantry and Rural Requirements of Japan HOLLINGS, Mary Allbright (Edited by): The Life of Sir Colin C. Scott-Moncrieff
MACLEAN, Fitzroy: To the Back of Beyond STRAUS, Ralph (Edited by): Tricks of the Town, Being Reprints of Three Eighteenth Century Tracts, with Introduction and Eight Illustrations HAGGARD, H.Rider (Translated Johan VILJOEN): Kleopatra En Antonius
WHATMOUGH, Joshua: Poetic, Scientific and Other Forms of Discourse. A New Approach to Greek and Latin Literature LUCAS, C.P: Greater Rome and Greater Britain CALHOUN, George M: The Business Life of Ancient Athens
FRANK, Tenney: Roman Imperialism LE CARRE, John: Spioen Uit Die Koue (The Spy Who Came in From the Cold) CONLEY, Austen, L: Sports Cars Facts and Pictures
ROSE, H.J: A Handbook of Greek Literature from Homer to the Age of Lucian MONTESQUIEU: The Greatness of the Romans and Their Decline NORTH, Helen F: From Myth to Icon. Reflections of Greek Ethical Doctrine in Literature and Art
PERCIVAL, Maciver: The Glass Collector. A Guide to Old English Glass KLAPPER, Charles F: Roads and Rails of London 1900 - 1933 VANDERVEEN, Bart (edited by) (Compiled By the OLYSLAGER ORGANISATION): Buses and Coaches from 1940
FLETCHER, A.F. Rivers: V16: The Story of the BRM Engine VANDERVEEN, Bart (edited by) (Compiled By the OLYSLAGER ORGANISATION): Passenger Vehicles 1893 - 1940 KELLY, Maurice A: The Overtype Steam Road Waggon
GRAY, John A: London's City Buses WOOD, F.A.S.; GAILEY, T.W.H. And Others: The People's Carriage 1874 - 1974. Bristol, The History of Bristol Tramways Co. Ltd, Bristol Tramways & Carriage Co. Ltd; Bristol Omnibus Co. Ltd PAWLIK, Hans Peter & SLEZAK, Josef Otto: Wiener Strassenbahn Panorama. Bilder Aus Der Zeit 1865 Bis 1982
MILLAR, Alan: British Buses of the 1930's WARREN, Philip & LINSKEY, Malcolm: A Photographic History of Taxicabs YEOMANS, J.R: `the Lynton & Barnstaple Railway
STEVENS-STRATTON, S.W: British Lorries 1945 - 1975 BALDWIN, Nick (Compiled by): Vintage Lorry Album ROBERTS, John: British Bus and Trolleybus Systems. Number Four. Brighton Hove & District
HOLMES, Peter: British Bus and Trolleybus Systems. Number Three. Thames Valley OGDEN, Eric: British Bus and Trolleybus Systems. Number Seven. Lancashire United /SLT HESS, Alan: The Inianapolis Records
(BIBLE), Illustrated by Ru Van Rossem: The Song of Songs (BIBLE): The English Version of the Polyglot Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments RHEAD, G. WOOLLISCROFT: Etching (Darton's Manuals for Home Work )
JARVIS, C.S: Arab Command. The Biography of Lieutenant Colonel F.G. Peake Pasha MORRAH, Patrick: Andre Simon. Gourmet and Wine Lover FRANSES, Jack: Tapestries and Their Mythology
SOLLAS, W.J: Ancient Hunters CHITTY, Susan: That Singular Person Called Lear LLOYD, John: The Story of E.R.A
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