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QUICK, Robert Herbert: Essays on Educational Reformers
ALLEN, Vivien: Lady Trader
WHITE, Paul: Jungle Doctor Panorama
PLOWES, D.C.H. & DRUMMOND, R.B: Wild Flowers of Rhodesia: A Guide to Some of the Common Wild Flowers of Rhodesia
GOLDSMITH, John A: Autosegmental & Metrical Phonology
DURBIN, Elizabeth: New Jerusalems. The Labour Party and the Economics of Democratic Socialism
NAPIER, Diana: A Difficult Sountry. TRhe Napiers in Scotland
DUNLOP, John: The Pleasant Town of Sevenoaks. A History
HOGE, James O.(Edited by): Lady Tennyson's Journals
RAWNSLEY, H.D: Memories of the Tennysons
CARSTASIRS, G,M, & KAPUR, R.L: The Great Universe of Kota. Stress, Change and Mental Disorder in an Indian Village
WIESE, Heinrich: Auf Schweren Posten Im Zululande. Lebenserfahrungen Des Missionars F. Volker Nach Aufzeignungen Seine Gattin
BODENSTEIN, Wilhelm: 25 Jahre Arbeit Der Hermannsburger Deutsch-Evangelisch-Lutherishen Synode in Sud Afrika
SCHROEDER, Friedel: Eine Chrnik Unserer Vorfahren
HEYNEKE, Thekla: Bilder Aus Der Vergangenheit Der Familien Volker Lutz Ebert
SANDS, P.C: The Client Princes of the Roman Empire Under the Republic
WEBSTER, David: Bodybuilding. An Illustrated History
LABAND, J.P.C. & THOMPSON, P.S: A Field Guide to the War in Zululand 1879
TANN, Jennifer (Edited by): The Selected Papers of Bpilton and Watt Volume 1: The Engine Partnership 1775-1825
UKPONG, Justin S: African Theologies Now. A Profile
O'DONOHUE, John: Spirits and Magic. A Critical Look
OTENE, Matungulu: Celibacy and the African Value of Fecundity
GICHUHU, George N: The Spirituality of Small Christian Communities in Eastern Africa
TESSIER, Roger (Edited by): Young People in African Towns. Their Pastoral Care
BRISLIN, Stephen: The Ministry of Deacons in an African Diocese
HEARNE, Brian (Edited by): An African Christmas?
DOS PASSOS, John: Mid Century
BAUER, Gerhard: Towards a Theology of Development. An Annotated Bibliography
BARTMANN, Bernard: Precis De Theologie Dogmatique
M'NEILE, Alan Hugh: The Gospel According to St. Matthew: The Greek Text, with Introduction, Notes and Indices
THILS, Gustave: La "Theologie Oecumenique", Notion. Formes. Demarches
CERFAUX, L: La Theologie De l'Eglise Suivant Saint Paul
GANOCZY, Alexandre: Calvin Theologien De L'Eglise et Du Ministere
DUQUOC, Ch: Christologie Essai Dogmatique L'Homme Jesus
HENRY, Patrick G. & SWEARER, Donald K: For the Sake of the World. The Spirit of Buddhist and Christian Monasticism
BOUSCAREN, T. Lincoln: The Canon Law Digest. Officially Published Documents Affecting the Code of Canon Law 1917-1933
JOYCE, George Hayward: Christian Marriage. An Historical and Doctrinal Study
BUCHER, Hubert: Youth Work in South Africa: A Challenge for the Church
BYRNES, Heidi (Edited by): Languages for a Multicultural World in Transition
DAVIS, Stuart & NAPOLI, Donna Jo: A Prosodic Template in Historical Change: The Passage of the Latin Second Conjugation Into Romance
TOMASELLI, Keyan G (Edited by): African Cinema (Critical Arts Volume 7 No.1&2 1993)
PRIOR, Andrew (Edited by): Catholics in Apartheid Society
FRANKLIN, Charles: maid For Murder
COX, Harvey: The Feast of Fools. A Theological Essay on Festivity and Fantasy
BERRY, R.J: Inheritance and Natural History
SIMMS, Eric: British Larks, Pipits and Wagtails
HARDY, Alister: The Open Sea II: Fish and Fisheries
EDWARDS, K.C. (assisted By H H Swinnerton & R H Hall): The Peak District
FREEMANTLE, Brian: Little Grey Mice
ELLIS, E.A: The Broads
SUMMERS-SMITH, J.D: The House Sparrow
ARCHANGELI, Diana & LANGENDOEN, D. Terence (Edited by): Optimality Theory
EXLEY,Richard & Helen: The Missionary Myth. An Agnostic View of Contemporary Missionaries
CREASY, John: Strike for Death
DOVE, R: Anglican Pioneers in Lesotho. Some Account of the Diocese of Lesotho
DOUGLAS, W.M: Andrew Murray and His Message. One of God's Choice Saints. Compiled from Materials Supplied By Mrs. Murray from Various Letters and Recollections, and By Miss Mary Murray from Her Large Manuscript
MYERS-SCOTTON, Carol: Social Motivations for Code Switching. Evidence from Africa
LAVER, John: Principles of Phonetics
HUYSMANS, J.-K. (Translated Edward PERCEVAL): The Oblate
CALDWELL, taylor: This Side of Innocence
MONTGOMERY OF ALAMEIN, Field-marshal Viscount: A Concise History of Warfare
SHELDRICK, Daphne: The Tsavo Story
MOSS, Cynthia: Portraits in the Wild.Animal Behaviour in East Africa
SMOUT, T.C: A History of the Scottish People 1560-1830
BLUNT, Wilfrid: The Art of Botanical Illustration
SOUTHERN, John: Thorburn's Landscape. The Natural History Paintings,
SHANK, Gregory (editor) (Contributors Include Albie Sachs, Nicholas Haysom, John Dugard etc): South Africa in Transition (Special Issue of Social Justice. A Journal of Crime, Conflict and World Order Vol.18 Nos.1-2, Spring-Summer 1991)
FRY, Pete: The Yellow Trousers
LEAKEY, L.S.B. & COLE, Sonia: Proceedings of the Pan-African Congress on Prehistory 1947
SPIES, F.J. Du T: Briewe Uit Transvaal Van G.A.A. Middelberg. Voormalige Direkteur Van Die N.Z.A.S.M
GODLONTON, R: Memorials of the British Settlers of South Africa Being the Records of Public Services Held in 1844 in Commemoration of the Landing in Algoa Bay in the Year 1820
BENTLEY, Nicolas: Animal Vegetable and South Kensington. a Book of Drawings
CAMERON, Trewhella: Jan Smuts. An Illustrated Biography
(ANON) (FAMILY HISTORY): A Record of English Families in Sicily
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