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Lofting, Hugh: Doctor Dolittle's Return Gold, Penny Schine: Making the Bible Modern: Children's Bibles and Jewish Education in Twentieth-Century America Cullen, Cheryl Dangel: Large Graphics: Design Innovation for Oversized Spaces
Shelley, Donald A: The Fraktur-Writings or Illuminated Manuscripts of the Pennsylvania Germans McPherson, James M. (ed.): 'We Cannot Escape History': Lincoln and the Last Best Hope of Earth Masayuki Hara & Alexandra R. Murpjy: Masayuki Hara
Braithwaite E.R: A Kind of Homecoming A. E. (George Russell): The House of Titans and Other Poems English Scenery: One Hundred and Twenty Chromo Views
Van Haaften, Julia: Berenice Abbott, Photographer: A Modern Vision - A Selection of Photographs and Essays McPhee, John: The Crofter and the Laird Lauder, Maria Elise T.T: Legends and Tales of the Harz Mountains, North Germany
Woollcott, Alexander: The Story of Irving Berlin Bayley, Francis: The Bailleuls of Flanders and the Bayleys of Willow Hall Steiner, David M: Rethinking Democratic Education: The Politics of Reform
Khan, Hazrat Inayat: The Art of Being and Becoming Kao Yu-Chen: Significant Useful Chinese Technology - Carving Lanchester, H.V: Fisher von Erlach
Farina, Rachele et al: Duecento anni alla Scala, 1778 1998: Mostra a Palazzo Reale, Milano 1978 Zobell, Albert L., Jr: Sentinel in the East: A Biography of Thomas L. Kane Cannon, Frank J. & George L. Knapp: Brigham Young and His Mormon Empire
Stories of the Hudson Sandeman, Fraser: By Hook and By Crook Medwin, Thomas: The Angler in Wales, or Days and Nights of Sportsmen (2 Volumes)
Lee, Spike as Told to Kaleem Aftab: That's My Story and I'm Sticking to It Gretzky, Walter & Jim Taylor: Gretzky: From the Back Yard Rink to the Stanley Cup Schulzinger, Robert D: A Time for War: The United States and Vietnam, 1941-1975
Kold, Anders; Andrew Wilson, Lars Morell & Hanne Lundgren Nielsen: Gilbert and George: New Democratic Pictures Borja-Villel, Manuel J: Antoni Tapies: A Summers Work de Crespigny, R. R. C: China this Century
Guidoni, Enrico & Roberto Magni: Monuments of Civilization: The Andes Schiffer, Herbert F. & Peter B. Schiffer: Miniature Antique Furniture Schipsi, Laureen; Mary Dallao & Susan Redford (eds.): The Visual Poetry of Mirella Bentivoglio
McClane, Kenneth A: Walls: Essays, 1985-1990 Massey, James C. & Shirley Maxwell: House Styles in America: The Old-House Journal Guide to the Architecture of American Homes Thurston, Harry: The World of the Hummingbird
Benzon, William L: Beethoven's Anvil: Music in Mind and Culture Gloag, John: Victorian Comfort: A Social History of Design from 1830-1900 Tanigawa, Masami; edited & photographed by Yukio Futagawa: Global Architecture 15: Frank Lloyd Wright: Taliesin East, Spring Green, WI, 1925 - Taliesin West, Paradise Valley, AZ, 1938
Blenkinsopp, Joseph: Ezekiel Sotheby's: Magnificent Automobiles, Automobilia and Automobile Art From the Estate of Rick Carroll Timmerman, John H: Jane Kenyon: A Literary Life
Bly, Robert: Holes the Crickets Have Eaten in Blankets. A Sequence of Poems Lawler, Peter Augustine: Stuck with Virtue: The American Individual and Our Biotechnological Future McInerny, Ralph (ed.): Modernity and Religion
Gavoty, Bernard: Frederic Chopin McGill, Forrest, & M.L. Pattaratorn Chirapravati (eds.): The Kingdom of Siam: The Art of Central Thailand, 1350-1800 Kirkpatrick, Frank G: A Moral Ontology for a Theistic Ethic: Gathering the Nations in Love and Justice
Clark, Francis: Godfaring: On Reason, Faith, and Sacred Being Braybrooke, David: Natural Law Modernized Martin, Philip: Mad Women in Romantic Writing
Hudson, W.H: Letters on the Ornithology of Buenos Ayres De Breffny, Brian (ed.): The Irish World: The Art and Culture of the Irish People Khayyam, Omar: Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Fay, Laurel E: Shostakovich: A Life Zeqo, Moikom: I Don't Believe in Ghosts Romero, Francisco: Theory of Man
Wells, G.A: What's in a Name?: Reflections on Language, Magic, and Religion MacKenzie, Donald A: Myths & Legends of India Verissimo, Luis Fernando: The Club of Angels
White, G. Edward: Alger Hiss's Looking-Glass Wars: The Covert Life of a Soviet Spy Emerson, Giles: City of Sin: London in Pursuit of Pleasure Craddock, John: First Shot: The Untold Story of the Japanese Minisubs That Attacked Pearl Harbor
Starr, Jason: Lights Out Harvey, Chas. (ed.): Jazz Parody (Anthology of Jazz Fiction) Gurganus, Allan: Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All
Beahan, Larry: Allegany Hellbender Tales Smith, Patricia R: Modern Collector's Dolls (Identification & Value Guide Sixth Series) Bauer, Hans et al. (eds.): Heiningen: Geschichte und Gegenwart
Shelley, Percy Bysshe: The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley France, Anatole: The Well of Saint Clare France, Anatole: Penguin Island
Schwartz, Stephen Jay: Boulevard McLarty, Ron: The Memory of Running Rhoades, J. D: The Devil's Right Hand
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