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Graves, Shirrell Watson: Camellias in a bowl Hertz: Floral Still Life.III Redouté, Pierre-Joseph: Mycrophylla. (Rose)
Lambotte, P. and Grobon, F: Begonia Ricinifolia from Les Promenades de Paris Le Grand, S. F: Fleurs cultivées Blampied, Edmund: "For She's spoken lightly of another lady's name." (Courtroom scene)
Charlick, Jennie Lee: Floral Still LIfe League to Enforce Peace: Collection of Documents of the League to Enforce Peace. American Branch American Commission to Negotiate Peace: American Commission to Negotiate Peace Paris. War Damages in Allied Countries
Mount Washington Cemetery: Mount Washington Cemetery. Kansas City The Wentworth: The Wentworth. New Castle, New Hampshire Beckett, Samuel: Molloy. Malone Dies, The Unnamable. A Trilogy
Mount Washington House: Mount Washington House. Bethlehem, New Hampshire Smiley, Alfred: Minnewaska Mountain Houses. Ulster County, New York Springfield Board of Trade: Springfield Massachusetts
Undercliff: Undercliff on Lake Placid. Essex County. The Adirondaks Canadian Pacific Railway: Quebec. Summer and Winter Richmond Chamber of Commerce: Richmond Virginia. 1907
Britton and Rey: Decorative Invoice for Woodin and Little, San Francisco Town School: Diploma Potter School: Diploma
Pacific Heights Grammar School: Diploma California, State of: Certified Shorthand Reporter United States Marine Corps: Honorable Discharge
Price and Lee: New Map of Stamford, Darien and New Canaan, Conn Davis (Family): Archive relative to the Davis Family, former Governor of Massachusetts Spreckels, Alma de Bretteville: San Francisco Maritime Museum. Archive
Sons of the American Revolution: Certificate. California Society Warren, Earl: Signed Military Commission San Rafael Military Academy: Diploma
Roodhouse Cemetery: Cemetery Deed. State of Illinois Boy Scouts of America: Photo "Get out and vote." Pichwai artist: Lovers and two attendants
Grandville, Isidore: Les Métamorphoses du Jour. No. 25. ah! t'as beau grogner Grandville, Isidore: Les Métamorphoses du Jour. Pl. 22. L'Ecolier Grandville, Isidore: Les Métamorphoses du Jour. Pl. 4. Pardon Monsieur
Grandville, Isidore: Les Métamorphoses du Jour. Pl. 7. Madame est sortie Grandville, Isidore: Les Métamorphoses du Jour. No. 9. Je n'y suis pour personne Grandville, Isidore: Les Métamorphoses du Jour. No. 13. Un Enlèvement
Grandville, Isidore: Les Métamorphoses du Jour. No. 14. Misère.. Grandville, Isidore: Les Métamorphoses du Jour. No. 20 Comment ses gens . . Grandville, Isidore: Les Métamorphoses du Jour. No. 21. Amateurs
Grandville, Isidore: Les Métamorphoses du Jour. Pl 3. Le lièvre pris au gîte Boilly, Louis: Les Moustaches Boilly, Louis: Les suites du jeu
Boilly, Louis: L'Avarice Boilly, Louis: Finissez donc Boilly, Louis: La Colère
Hunt, D. C., et al: Karl Bodmer's America Hamaguchi, Yozo: Yozo Hamaguchi Ting, Walasse: My Shit And My Love 10 Poems
Morison, Stanley: German Incunabula in the British Museum. One Hundred and Fifty-Two Facsimile Plates of Fine Book-Pages from Presses of Germany, German-Switzerland and Austria-Hungary Printed in the Fifteenth Century in Gothic Letter and Derived Founts Hawkins, Sheila: Appleby John. The Miller's Lad Ting, Walasse: Chinese Moonlight
Kelsey, Mavis: Winslow Homer Graphics Mozzi, Carlota Mapelli & Teresa Castello Yturbide: El Traje Indigena en Mexico. Indian Dress in Mexico. Tomo II Schmitt, Paul Anton: California Skiers
John J. Bagley & Company: Bagley's Sweet Tips. Smoking Wert: Covered Bridges Gale Research: Currier and Ives: A Catalogue Raisonné. A Comprehensive Catalogue of the Lithographs of Nathaniel Currier, James Merritt Ives and Charles Currier, including Ephemera Associated with the Firm, 1834-1907
Eyre, Katherine: Lottie's Valentine Grohmann, Will: Kandinsky Mourlot, Fernand and Georges Simenon: Bernard Buffet: OEuvre gravé. Lithographies, 1952-1966
Chappuis, Adrien: The Drawings of Paul Cézanne: A Catalogue Raisonné North, Gary, ed: Successful Rare Coin Investing Christie's (New York): Magnificent Jewels: Christie's East, Tuesday, April 11, 1989
Cramer: Cramer: Paintings by Old Masters. Catalogue XVIII, 1970-1971 LeFrak Collection: Masters of the Modern Tradition Buten, David: 18th-Century Wedgewood: A Guide for Collectors & Connoisseurs
Frick Collection: Paintings: The Frick Collection, New York Cafritz, Robert C., et al: Places of Delight: The Pastoral Landscape Petit Palais: Trois millénaires d'art et de marine
Turner, Gerard L'E: Collecting Microscopes Narbeth, Colin; Hendy, Robin; Stocker, Christopher: Collecting Paper Money and Bonds Christie's International: Magnificent Jewels from Various Sources
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