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Sanitato, James: Lewis Henry Meakin: Landscapes of Ideas and Emotions Lucien Goldschmidt: Charles Maurin, 1856-1914. A Collection of Prints in Rare or Unique Impressions, Drawings, Pastels and an Oil Painting. Catalogue #48 Wally Findlay Galleries: HENRI MATISSE Important Line and Charcoal Drawings Dating from 1905 to 1952
Harvey, Tim: Henri Matisse: Etchings, Lithographs, Linocuts, Aquatints and Lives Illustrè A Retrospective Exhibition of Original Prints 1900-1952 Baker, Elizabeth C. (ed.): Art in America: Special Edition Matisse: July / August 1975 Ursino, Mario: Carlo Mazzoni: Opere Recenti
Waddington Graphics: Henri Matisse: etchings, aquatints, lithographs, linocuts, monotypes and drawings 1913-51: [catálogo de exposiciones]: London, Waddington Galleries, 3 october-10 november 1984 Matisse, Henri: Henri Matisse: Drawings, Prints and Illustrated Books 1901-1950 Matisse, Henri: Henri Matisse: Fine Prints
Masson, André: André Masson: Works from 1923-1944 Masson, André: André Masson: Second Surrealist Period 1937-43 Masson, André: André Masson: Dessins
Dubuffet, Jean; Trivier, Marc: Jean Dubuffet: Les dernières années. No. 1 Donati, Enrico; Ratcliff, Carter: Enrico Donati: Recent Paintings Dubin, Jorg R: Jorg R. Dubin: Recent Work
d'Olce, Nicolas: Nicolas d'Olce: Métamorphoses Dokoupil, Jiri Georg; Beuth, Reinhard: Jiri Georg Dokoupil de Chirico, Giorgio, Catherine Clark, and Leslie Mehren: Giorgio de Chirico: A Survey of his Graphic Works. No. 19
Denis, Maurice: Maurice Denis (1870 - 1943): Paintings, Drawings and Watercolours de Santis, Amleto: Amleto de Santis: opere dal 1924 al 1951 de Maria, Nicola; Frémon, Jean; Cremin, Ann: Nicola de Maria: Regno Dei Fiori, Universo Senza Bombe, Baciami, Si
Dine, Jim; Paparoni, Demetrio; Kerr, David: Jim Dine Dine, Jim; Ratcliff, Carter: Jim Dine: New Paintings. February 5 - March 5, 1988 Dine, Jim; Zakian, Michael: Jim Dine: Recent Works
Del Riego, Yolanda; Rodríguez-Aguilera, Cesáreo; Santiago, Elena: Yolanda Del Riego: Obia gráfica (1976 - 1986) Del Marle, Félix; Nakov, Andréi B: Félix Del Marle, 1889 - 1952 Delaunay, Marie-Claire; Warnod, Jeanine: Marie-Claire Delaunay
Degas, Edgar; Kendall, Richard: Edgar Degas: 1837 - 1917 de Creeft, José; Duncan, Alastair; Noel, Angela M: José de Creeft: Sculpture & Drawing. 1917 - 1940. Paris * Mallorca * New York Diebenkorn, Richard; Rubin, Lawrence: Richard Diebenkorn
Daumier, Honoré: Lithographs by Honoré Daumier: Deteil Volume 1: 1822 - 1836. Catalogue July 1993 Dali, Salvador; Lucas, Phyllis: Dali. Original Signed Lithographs Dali, Salvador; Lucas, Phyllis: Dali. "Changes in Great Masterpieces."
Dali, Salvador, et al: Salvador Dali. [ephemera file] Interart; Dziamski, Grzegorz; Berdyszak, Jan; Laskowski, Stanislaw; Naganowski, Tomasz: Interart '90 * Pozna * katalog. (International Art Fair.) Galerija Equrna: Equrna 1989
Jean-Louis Picard: Tableaux - Sculptures des XIXe et XXe Siècles. 22 Décembre 1993 Jean-Louis Picard: Tableaux - Sculptures des XIXe et XXe Siècles. 22 mars 1994 Jean-Louis Picard: Tableaux - Sculptures des XIXe et XXe Siècles. 24 novembre 1995
Jean-Louis Picard: Tableaux - Sculptures des XIXe et XXe Siècles. 4 décembre 1995 R. E. Lewis & Daughter: From Aldegrever to Picasso. Catalogue Summer 2005 Galleria d'Arte Moderna Farsetti: Opere d'Arte Contemporanea. Disegni - Gouaches - Dipinti - Sculture. Provenienti Da Raccolte Private In Vendita. 24 Novembre 1990, Ore 11
Die Galerie Offenbach am Main and Fredensreich Hundertwasser: (860) Homo Humus Come Va - 10002 Nights Librairie Loliée; Erwan de Kerangué: Éditions Originales XIXe et XXe Siècle, Illustrés Modernes, Surréalisme Hervé Pulain et Rémy Le Fur: Estampes et Tableaux Modernes Verreries Vénitiennes des années cinquante. Art Nouveau - Art Déco, Céramiques - Verreries - Sculptures - Luminaires - Mobilier. Cabinet d'Expertises Camard. 10 décembre 1993
Kollwitz, Käthe: Käthe Kollwitz. (Portfolio only) Motherwell (Style of): Twin. (Portfolio only) Warren, A. C. and R. Hinshelwood: City of Cleveland from Reservoir Walk
Wellstood, G. W. after D. Johnson: Mouth of the Moodna on the Hudson Perkins, Granville; engraved by R. Hinshelwood: Harper's Ferry by Moonlight Perata, Don; CA Senate: State of California: Senate Certificate of Recognition
Dean, Shirley; City of Berkely: City of Berkeley Proclamation on Cody's Books 40th Anniversary Dean, Shirley; City of Berkely: City of Berkeley Proclamation in Recognition of Poetry Flash Cody's Books: Invitation to Thirtieth Anniversary Party of Cody's Books & Grand Opening of the Fred Cody Building & Cody's Cafe
Glines, Paul; SF Examiner: Photograph of Andy Ross East Bay Express: "Best of the East Bay" Best Bookstore Award, 1994 East Bay Express: "Best of the East Bay" Best Bookstore Award, 1999
East Bay Express: "Best of the East Bay" Best Bookstore Award, 2002 East Bay Express: "Best of the East Bay" Best Bookstore Award, 2003 East Bay Express: "Best of the East Bay" Best Bookstore Award, 2006
East Bay Express: "Best of the East Bay" Best Bookstore Award, 2007 j. Jewish Weekly: j. Reader's Choice Awards Best Bookstore Award, 2006 San Francisco Chronicle: The Chronicle's Readers' Choice First Place award for Best Bookstore: East Bay, 1999
The Daily Californian: Best of Berkeley 2006 Award Daniela Laube Fine Art: Catalogue 2. Old Master Prints, Modern Master Prints, Rare Books (Alte Meistergrafik, Modern Meistergrafik, Alte Drucke) CCA Galleries: Modern Masters VI
Galerie Royale; Partlow, Marianne Fairbank: The Friends of Gertrude Stein Galerie Royale; Partlow, Marianne Fairbank: 19th & 20th Century American Paintings. Recent Acquisitions. Fall 1989 The Exhumation: Affichal Business. Catalog 6. The Exhumation
Nichols, Tucker; Thorpe, Scott: something along these lines Faber, Kerstin: Europe Riding Bull ("Europa Lounge" Logo) Leiris, Michel & Dupin, Jacques: Joan Miró. 90ª Anniversaire. Reperes: Cahiers d'art contemporain no 5
Noël, Bernard: Jim Dine: monotypes et gravures. Repères: Cahiers d'art contemporain no 4 Forrester, Viviane: Ed Kienholz, Nancy Reddin-Kienholz: The Kienholz Women. Repères: Cahiers d'art contemporain no 3 Russel, Vera: Henry Moore. Repères: Cahiers d'art contemporain no 2
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